Discover The 5 Things Couples Always Forget To Include In Their Wedding Budget

Two polished wedding rings

Only those who organize a wedding know the amount of things that appear along the way and that you didn’t even imagine existed. 

Those who have never taken the risk of this adventure may think that all you have to do is book a space, hire a band, choose the drinks, buy the bride and groom’s outfits and everything is ready.

But there are some elements that are fundamental and that are usually forgotten by the bride and groom during the preparation of the wedding. 

Read also: Best Ways To Prepare For Your Wedding –  Checklist For The Wedding (Don’t Forget This!)

We spoke to planning experts, advisors and ceremonialists, and they listed the most “forgotten” items here, as well as some golden tips on how to keep expenses within plan.

1. Staff food

This was unanimous among the advisors we interviewed. “Your marriage professionals also require food to eat. 

They are at the event many hours before it starts, dedicating themselves to making sure everything is perfect. 

It’s okay to have positive thoughts about the staff’s food”, says Jessica Fisher, the owner of Event Tourist Garden. 

Many companies today provide food for their teams as part of the contract, so it’s important not to forget this detail.

2. Overtime

You want your wedding party to be the liveliest of all and your guests to have fun until they drop?

So it’s prudent to set aside part of the budget for an extra hour or two of the event. 

Jessica Fisher from Tourist Garden Event states that “the bride and groom without experienced planning do not take into account that their successful wedding parties can exceed the contracted time. The end of an excellent party requires great engineering to be successfully accomplished. In general, party closures turn out to be cold and sudden precisely because overtime is not provided”.

3. The officiating minister 

Well, the officiating minister is the most important part of the wedding. 

He is the one who formalizes and legitimizes the couple’s union and love. 

Then, it becomes obvious that the officiating minister is an important figure and cannot be forgotten, nor chosen without attention. 

Angelina Cornil, from New Love Events, says that “ the bride and the groom mostly forget the officiating minister in the various weddings we have organised in the past, the bride and groom sometimes remember them only at the last minute”.

The officiating minister is very important, and he is the one that made the wedding formal.

Read also: How Do You Politely Ask The Wedding Guest If They Are Coming

4. The ring holder

We can say that the wedding ring is one of the most important things during a wedding, right?

When your head is full of things, meetings, payments, it is almost impossible to remember an item like the ring holder. 

But, imagine if you forget! 

Wedding rings, which are normally carried by children, run a serious risk of getting lost along the way if they are not in an appropriate and safe place. 

And nowadays there are so many types of ring holders that are beautiful and original. 

Make sure you get one to safeguard your wedding rings. 

You can get a personalised wedding ring holder, it could be something that reflects your personality and reminds you of the journey you’re embarking on. 

5. The stationery

For obvious reasons, the invitation is never forgotten, right? 

But when it comes to wedding stationery, there are a multitude of items such as table menus, well-married tags, or souvenirs, candy identification plates, bathroom kit and all the other personalized things we always see at weddings. 

Then it is up to the bride and groom to choose what to do. What you can’t forget is all of them.

For the wedding day to be perfect, you need to take care of many preparations with all the dedication in the world! 

But the truth is that incidents and unforeseen events happen and it is necessary to have a prepared, agile and creative team to think of immediate solutions. 

And also take necessary precautions so that no one gets hurt.

Read also: How Many People Say No To Wedding Invites

Survival kit

Imagine if, in the middle of the party, the bride’s dress rips.

Or if one of the groomsmen spills wine on his shirt, or if a godmother’s hairstyle is not tight enough and needs fixing.

Or if a guest is dying of a headache, or if a child falls and is hurt.

Unforeseen events, as the name says, are not things we can predict , that’s why you should provide survival kit with Needle, thread, scissors, pins, analgesic, absorbent, bandage, antiseptic, brush, clip, dryer, makeup and whatever else you think is necessary!

Plan B

Unfortunately, not everything can be solved with small items that fit in a toiletry bag. 

An approaching storm makes it necessary to move the ceremony to a closed area (indoor), a best man or godmother informs you on the wedding day that they will not be able to be present, the officiating minister informs that he needs to leave due to the bride’s delay… 

Always have a plan B  for different situations: a couple of backup groomsmen, a guest who can take over the ceremony in case of any incident and a competent team to help you solve other problems without you having to ruin your makeup.

How to Calculate Wedding Drinks

Red Wine: 1 bottle for every 4 guests.

Whiskey: 1 bottle for every 12 guests.

Sparkling wine: 1 bottle for every 2 guests.

Beer: 1 bottle for every 4 guests.

According to experts, the number of hours the party lasts is a fundamental factor to be taken into account when calculating drinks, as well as food.

Non-alcoholic drinks

Experts suggests:

Water: 500 ml per guest.

Juices: 500 ml per guest.

Soda: 500 ml per guest.

If you are still doubting the number of guests, because you think there is a possibility of greater consumption, it is possible to use the drinks consignment system offered by large distributors specializing in events, in which extra drinks are taken that can be returned if the seal has not been removed, violated or have not been chilled.

Read also: How To Make A Guest List For A Wedding (9 Simple Steps To Follow)

Factors to consider when calculating the number of drinks:

Factors such as season of the year, wedding time, guest profile, style and duration of the party interfere with this calculation. 

And don’t forget to consider the tastes and preferences of the bride and groom, after all, they own the party!

Cold or heat?

The time of year and, consequently, the temperature directly influences the types of drinks that should be served at your party. 

Spring and summer call for lighter and more refreshing drinks, while in autumn and winter we should keep guests warm, by offering drinks that are fuller. 

Who’s going to the party?

In addition to the number of guests, it is important to assess their profile and age. 

Weddings with many children need to have more non-alcoholic drinks. 

The ideal is to analyze the profile of the couple and their guests to get as close as possible to the needs of the event before calculating the drinks.

Wedding time and place

Daytime weddings tend to have shorter receptions compared to evening weddings. 

The location should also be considered when choosing the types of drinks to be served, because at beach weddings, it is not common to serve robust wines, but rather drinks such as white wine, rose and sparkling wine. 

“The calculation of drinks has everything to do with the style of the wedding. Weddings that tend to stay overnight will always consume more than daytime weddings”, says Jessica Fisher 

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Wedding planning is very difficult and tiring. You can forget many things during the preparation.

Make sure that you get a journal where you will write all the important things so that you won’t forget. This will help you to have a happy and peaceful wedding celebration.