Easiest Ways To Heal After Breakup (And 7 Things You Shouldn’t Do)

Easiest Ways To Heal After Breakup (And 7 Things You Shouldn't Do)

Do you want to know the easiest way to heal after break up?

Breakups are not easy to deal with. I have been there before. I broke up with my ex girlfriend who’s a doctor after one year of dating.

The reason I broke up with her was that we are not compatible, and she boldly told me that she won’t marry me.

So I have no option than to let things be. The break up wasn’t easy for me. It made me to lose appetite for food, I can’t even sleep well.

My heart was so heavy and I felt completely empty. I tried to move on with my life but the thought about her keeps coming back to my mind and it hurts me.

Let me share with you the things that I did that helped me to heal fast and forget my ex within few weeks. 

Read also: 10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner (This Changed My Life)

Let’s have this discussion now.

Easiest Ways To Heal After Breakup 

1. I deleted all her pictures from my phone: I did this so that I can forget her easily. This helped to forget those sweet moments we shared together.

2. I unfriend her across all social media: Since we have broken up, there is no need to be her friends again on social media. I don’t want to see her posts any more.

3. I gave away the gifts she bought for me: I gave some of my friends those gifts she bought for me. I don’t want to keep anything from her again. 

4. I told her friends about the break up: I knew some of her friends who also knew that we were dating. So when we broke up, I told them about it. I did this over text. 

5. I spent like six months before going into another relationship: It is not good to go into another relationship immediately after a break up.

Giving space before going into another relationship will help you to heal.

6. Never try to beg your ex to accept you back: I avoided this mistake. It will make you appear desperate if you start begging them to accept you back.

Don’t try to convince them to continue with you. If they accept your back, they’ll surely break up with you again in the future. 

7. Don’t call or text them again: Never you try to call or text your partner after a breakup.

If you do this it will be difficult for you to heal. Delete their contact from your phone. 

These are the important things that I did that helped me to get over her quickly.

You might feel like crying after a breakup. I cried also. Just go inside your room, close the door and cry. You’ll be fine.

How do you know that your boyfriend/girlfriend is about to break up with you?

When a breakup is coming there are signs you should look out for. Just pay attention and you’ll notice those signs.

Read also: How To Break Up With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend (10 Unbelievable Strategies)

Here Are Things You’ll Notice When Your Partner Wants To Break Up With You. 

1. Less communication: whenever your partner stops calling or texting you frequently like before then, know that breakup might be coming. 

2. When they start giving excuses any time you plan going on a date:

when they start telling you that they won’t go on a date with you because of one reason or the other then, they might be planning a breakup. 

3. When they stopped giving your gifts: If they no longer give you gifts then something is wrong. 

4. When they stop giving your attention: If your partner don’t care about you again it mean he/she have lost interest in the relationship and they want to break up. 

5. When they start ignoring your calls: If you call them on the phone they’ll not answer, and will not even bother to call back.

When you notice these signs your partner is likely to break up with you.

The only thing you can do is just ask them why their behaviour has changed.

Never Do These After Breakup

1. Don’t rush into another relationship: Wait for at least six months before going into another relationship.

You must heal from heartbreak first before starting another relationship 

2. Don’t go back to your ex:  Your ex might come back and start begging for forgiveness, you can forgive him or her but don’t get into a relationship with them again. 

3. Don’t ask them to give you back the gifts you gave them in the past: Some people do tell their ex to give them back all the gifts they gave them on their special occasions like, birthdays and other celebrations.

It is not wise to request for your gifts, remember that you gave it out of love.

4. Don’t tell anyone their secrets: When you were dating your ex, he or she might have told you about their secrets.

Keep it to yourself. Remember that you have your own secrets which they might also know. 

5. Don’t blackmail them: There’s no need to blackmail your ex. 

6. Don’t fight them: When your partner breaks up with you, don’t try to go and fight or prevent him or from entering into another relationship. 

7. Don’t date any of your ex’s friends: Dating your ex’s friend mean that your ex is still part of your life because, that their friend you are dating will tell he/her everything about you. 

Read also: 12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You (Real Life experience)


You need patience and time to go through it break up. Just follow the points listed above and take things gradually, you’ll be fine.

Take note of the things you learnt from the previous relationship and improve on your weaknesses.

No relationship is perfect, there’s always up and down. So before you enter another relationship make sure you have healed from the last breakup.