How Do You Get an Older Man Interested in You (8 Easy Ways Forward)

How Do You Get an Older Man Interested in You

If you want to get an older man interested in you, you have to make yourself available and noticeable. 

Older men can only notice you when they see you around. 

They can’t notice you if you are always indoors.

Be active around him. If possible, help him do small things like adjusting his tie.

In this article, I will share with you how to get an older man interested in you. 

Read also; How to Date a Senior Guy (in 8 Ways)

Let’s go now!

1. Make eye contact

Instead of trying to have a staring contest with him, just look into his eyes when you talk to him. 

This will show that you’re confident and interested in him.

2. Touch your hair and neck

The neck and hair are private areas. 

Even close friends usually don’t touch them. 

Only romantic partners should do that. 

Make him notice them so he knows what you think.

3. Dress according to your age

Your young body is a big plus when trying to catch the eye of an older man. 

Use it to your advantage! 

Dress in stylish outfits that make you stand out from older women but avoid looking like a teenager. 

Aim for clothing that suits someone in their 20s or 30s, which might not work as well for someone in their 40s.

For older men, the appealing thing about young women is that they’re already at the right age. 

You don’t need to try to appear older or younger; you’re already in the perfect age group!

4. Respect his opinions

Younger folks can sometimes annoy adults by acting like they know everything. 

While you don’t need to agree with everything he says, try not to constantly argue with him. 

Some people worry about feeling disconnected from current ideas as they get older. 

You want him to feel experienced but not old.

When you disagree, approach it as a chance to learn. 

Instead of focusing on differences, ask him why he thinks that way. 

Listen carefully and openly. You don’t have to change your mind, but it shows respect and a desire to understand.

But if he has offensive views, it’s okay to stand up for your principles and walk away. 

Never compromise your morals in the name of a romance.

5. Let him decide if he wants to talk about his work

Men handle talking about their finances differently. 

Let him decide how much he wants to share about his job.

If you bring up work too much, he might think you’re only interested in his money. 

But sometimes, he might want to impress you with his job. 

Let him do that as a way to flirt, just like you use your youth as an attractive feature.

6. Address the age difference if the topic comes up

Make sure he feels relaxed and comfortable with you. 

Let him choose the topics. If he doesn’t mention the age difference, it’s okay. 

Discussing other things shows you like him for who he is.

But if he brings up the age gap, don’t avoid it. 

Once he knows you’re interested in him as a person, you can talk about why you prefer older men.

Don’t dwell on past relationships. Instead, talk generally about what older men bring to a relationship, like emotional stability and a different perspective. 

Don’t make finances the main focus; consider other qualities like their maturity and lifestyle.

7. Make your lips noticeable

Nibble on your bottom lip, cover your lips when you are not talking, or apply a nice shiny lip balm. 

Make him think about kissing you.

8. Don’t be too shy to touch him

Rest your hand on his hand when you laugh at something he says or place your hand on his shoulder when you lean in to share something private.

Don’t cross your arms. This will make you appear distant.

Read also: 9 Qualities Every Man Want In His Dream Woman (The Gentleman’s Desire)

How to Get an Older Man to Ask You Out

Here are how to get an older man to ask you out:

1. Get his attention. Getting an older man’s attention can be tricky. 

Depending on where you are, you need to make him notice you. 

Be confident but subtle. The first step is to introduce yourself casually.

Approach him where he is, give a friendly smile, and maybe compliment his outfit or something related to his work or school if you share that context. 

Say something like, “That shirt looks great, or did you get new glasses?”

or “I liked your class presentation!”

2. Go for a more mature look. To appear more mature, you don’t need to look old. 

Your youth is attractive. What you should do is pick a hairstyle that suits you (not too wild) and wear more sophisticated clothing. 

Being well-groomed is the key to attracting an older man.

3. Act with confidence. Nothing is as attractive as confidence. 

This means paying attention to your posture (sit up straight!). 

It also means looking him in the eyes while you talk to him. 

Try to be calm so that your words come out strong and sure, and not fast and confusing.

Also, don’t forget to smile. 

A smile will light up your face and show that you are having a good time. 

4. Show that you like being involved in family activities and relationships. In other words, get along well with your family.

By being on good terms with your family, you’ve shown that you can maintain long-term relationships, even when things get a little difficult. 

If he discovers that you’re not on good terms with your family, he’ll back off.

5. Don’t play games. No matter the age of the man, don’t manipulate him. No one likes manipulation. 

Don’t try to make an older man jealous to get his attention or play psychological games to make him ask you out. 

One of the reasons an older man may be hesitant to date a younger woman is the fear of being played with. 

Approach an older man with confidence and be direct. If you like him, tell him. 

Read also: How To Find Love Again After Breakup (Where To Find Love)

Red Flags When Dating an Older Man

Here are the red flags when dating an older man:

1. If he talks too much about his ex.  If you find out that he talks frequently about his ex don’t date him. 

This is because he is not ready for another relationship. 

I say this because I was in love with my ex for a long time.

2. If he checks your phone without permission. That is a big red flag for me.

3. pay attention to how he treats waitresses. The way he treats waitresses today is how he will treat you in 6 months.

4. If he refuses to admit the possibility of being wrong. I have seen many men become very frustrated and aggressive at the idea of ​​being wrong about something.

5. If he is cheating on someone else with you, he will cheat on you too.

6. If he blames others a lot for his misfortune. A man who blames others for his problems, his lack of work, lack of friends, money, etc.

Someone who is not willing to take personal responsibility for improving his situation is not going to have a good relationship either.

7. If he doesn’t say sorry when he is at fault. The inability to ask for forgiveness when he does something wrong.

8. He neglects your well-being. If he doesn’t try hard to make you happy.

9. If he’s a bad person to everyone but you, it doesn’t mean he thinks you’re special. 

It means he’s a bad person, but he knows how to hide it to get you to sleep with him.

Consequences of Dating an Older Man

Here are the consequences of dating an older man:

1. They are more possessive

Older men may be more concerned about possible betrayal, especially if you go out a lot and go to parties or clubs with other young people. 

If he is a jealous person, his possessive nature could become a problem in your relationship. 

Jealousy can arise at any time in life, and if your partner controls every step, every exit, and every person you talk to, the relationship is not healthy and the best option may be to end it.

2. There is a risk that he won’t want to go out much

The vast majority of mature people have already left their partying days behind. 

Do you like going clubbing and only leaving when the sun comes up? If so, get ready to be alone often and face disagreements with him. 

The older man will give up plans or say he prefers to relax at home watching sports or the news.

3. Bad experience

An older man who has already been married will have at least one ex-wife, and probably children, all around him. 

At events and parties, you may meet his ex-wife and children when it is his turn to take care of the children. 

He will pay child support or share custody if he is a father. 

These are just some aspects to consider when thinking about having something more serious with an older man.

Furthermore, there may be a disagreement about which places they like to go to. 

This can become a problem if you prefer bars and nightclubs, and your partner enjoys quiet, romantic candlelit dinners.

4. Criticism from family and friends

You will almost certainly encounter resistance from family and friends. 

If you have already started introducing your man to close acquaintances, be prepared to defend yourself against various attacks, especially regarding the age difference. 

Even if well-intentioned, people view a relationship where there is a difference of 20, 15, or even 10 years in age with suspicion, especially if you are just leaving your teens.

5. You may not have much in common

The age difference may be accompanied by a distinction in interests. 

The man, for example, may like classic films from the 70s more, and you, reality shows. 

Relationships are built on mutual interests, so there need to be activities that you enjoy doing together. 

Of course, this isn’t so bad; It is possible to see it as an opportunity to teach each other new experiences.

6. It is possible that your life goals are different

Many young people dream of advancing their careers and traveling the world; older men, on the other hand, may just want to move to the interior of the state and live in a quiet neighborhood, or even in the middle of the woods. 

So your relationship will be problematic. 

It is important to talk about long-term goals to ensure they are in harmony. 

Likewise, the man may be ready to settle down and have children, unlike you, who doesn’t want to live in the same house, be a mother, and miss parties or nights out.


As you have learned how to make an older man interested in you, ensure you always follow the rules stated in this article. 

They are going to help you have a successful relationship with your older boyfriend. Bravo!!!

Read also: How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy (10 Easy Ways)