How Do You Politely Ask The Wedding Guest If They Are Coming

Wedding guests with bride and groom

Do you want to know how you can politely ask the wedding guest if they are coming?

Few weeks before our wedding, we sent out emails to our guests to confirm if they are coming for the wedding. 

We got many positive responses from our guests. This helped us to know the number of people that are coming for the wedding.

In this article, I will share with you how you can politely ask your guests if they are coming for the wedding. 

Read also: How Many People Say No To Wedding Invites

Let’s go on now. 

This is the sample of what we sent to our guests to ask them if they are coming for the wedding:

Dear [Guest Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on your RSVP for [wedding couple’s names] wedding. 

We are finalizing our guest count and would greatly appreciate it if you could confirm your attendance by [date].

Thank you for taking the time to respond. 

Anticipating the pleasure of your company as we celebrate.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

This is the polite way you can ask your guests if they are coming for your wedding. 

How to tell someone they can’t bring a guest to your wedding

You can communicate to them through email, sending physical letters or cards.

You can still call them on the phone depending on your relationship with them.

I prefer to do this through email because it is more polite, easy and fast.

This is how to tell someone that they can’t bring a guest to your wedding. 

Dear [Name],

I am so excited that you will be joining us for our wedding celebration. 

However, I wanted to clarify that our invitation was only extended to you and we are unable to accommodate any additional guests.

We hope you understand and look forward to celebrating with you on our special day.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Don’t be afraid to tell them not to bring other guests to your wedding. 

Remember that you have a budget for the number of people that you want.

How many guests are allowed at a wedding

The number of guests allowed at a wedding ranges from 15 to 200.

The number of guests to invite to your wedding depends on your budget, your location, capacity of the venue and your personal preference. 

You can choose to have a small, medium or large wedding. 

When you have 15 to 50 guests, it is regarded as a small wedding. 

When you have 50 to 100 guests, it is regarded as a medium wedding. 

When you have 100 guests and above, it is regarded as a large wedding. 

The number of the guests you have won’t determine the success of your marriage. 

I had a small wedding with my wife ten years ago, and we are still happily together till this day.

Read also: How To Make A Guest List For A Wedding (9 Simple Steps To Follow)

How do you ask how many guests will attend the wedding

You can ask the couple directly by saying something like, “I’m so excited for your wedding! What is the number of guests you intend to invite?” or “I was just wondering, how many people are you expecting to attend your wedding?”

Ask them this politely and with respect. 

The couple may choose to keep the number of the guests secrets without telling anyone. 

But if you want to give them financial assistance, you have the right to ask them the number of guests they are expecting.

On the other hand, if you are part of the wedding planner, you need to know the expected number of guests. 

There is nothing wrong if you ask the couple the number of guests that will be allowed in their wedding. 

But if you are a random person, they may not tell you and nothing is wrong with that.

What are the rules for plus ones at weddings

The rules for plus ones at weddings is that the guests should not bring additional guests to the wedding venue. 

The rules for plus ones at weddings vary depending on the couple’s preferences and budget. 

Some couples may choose to only invite guests with a spouse, while others may allow single guests to bring a plus one. 

It’s important to check the invitation or ask the couple directly if you are unsure about whether or not you can bring a guest. 

If you are allowed to bring a plus one, make sure to RSVP with their name so the couple can plan accordingly. 

You should respect the couple’s wishes and not bring an uninvited guest.

Read also: How To Organize A Wedding On The Beach: Steps, Tips and Places

What to do if you didn’t get a plus one to a wedding

If you did not receive a plus one to a wedding, it is best to politely accept the invitation as it was given and attend the wedding alone.

The couple may not have enough money to take on surplus guests. So keep to the rules.

And another thing is, the wedding venue may be small. It is embarrassing to come with uninvited guests to a wedding. 

The couple may have security at the entrance, and they may send the uninvited guests back. 

Is it rude to ask if you can bring a guest to a wedding

It depends on the circumstances and the couple’s preferences. 

If the invitation clearly states that it is for one person only, it may be considered rude to ask to bring a guest. 

If the invitation does not specify and you have a valid reason for wanting to bring a guest, it may be appropriate to politely ask the couple if it would be possible to bring someone with you.

It is up to the couple to decide if they are able to accommodate your request.

Do wedding guests need a plus one

No, wedding guests don’t necessarily need a plus one.

There is nothing wrong with going to a wedding alone. 

Surely you will meet friends or family there. 

If not, take a walk when you arrive at the event and look at the groups of people who are waiting for the couple. 

Approach someone who you trust and seems nice, and introduce yourself. 

If you have been invited to the wedding, it is very likely that other friends or relatives of the bride and groom have heard of you. 

Start the conversation by explaining your relationship with the spouses. 

A good way to encourage conversation is by asking the other guests how they met the couple, which will help you “break the ice”. 

You can also see if there are other guests who are alone and approach them, explaining that you are in the same situation.

If despite everything, you can’t find anyone to talk to, stay calm. 

If the spouses have opted for a “traditional” banquet, you will have been assigned a seat at a table with other diners. 

Surely the couple will have chosen for you a place where you can feel comfortable with other guests with whom you share the same interests, so that will be the best time to start a conversation. 

You will end up making friends with your tablemates! And who knows, they say that ‘from one wedding comes another wedding’.

Read also: 6 Rules For Seating Your Guests At The Wedding: Prioritize Their Comfort

What happens if an uninvited guest shows up at a wedding

Here are what happens if uninvited guests shows up at a wedding:

1. The security personnel at the entrance may send the guest back

2. The couple may not recognise the uninvited guests

3. The uninvited guests won’t get any gift from the couple 

4. Uninvited guests may not get any share in banquet 

Do these when the guest shows up with a companion unannounced on your wedding day

That day, do not get angry with the guest who has shown up unexpectedly or who has brought that surprise companion, if you get angry it will ruin the happy day for you. 

Enjoy the company of all the guests. 

There will be time to have a conversation with that disrespectful person later. Or even let it go.  

♥ I recommend that you notify your wedding planner or the caterer directly, so that they can take care of adding one more place setting as quickly as possible, rearranging the tables. 

♥ Ask the unexpected guest if they have any food allergies or intolerances, or if they require a special diet. 

This way you can communicate it to the person in charge of the catering so that he/she can serve the uninvited guest the appropriate food for his/her needs. 

♥ It would also be recommended that you try to make the uninvited guests feel welcome, so greet them kindly and thank them for their attendance. 

The fact of welcoming these unexpected guests with warmth will make the discomfort of the situation disappear as if by magic. 

Read also: What Is The Number One Rule As A Wedding Guest


Asking wedding guests if they are coming can be a delicate task. 

However, with the right approach and the use of polite language, you can ensure that your guests feel valued and respected. 

Remember to give them enough time to respond and be understanding if they cannot attend.