How Family Can Influence You (5 Unbelievable Ways)

How Family Can Influence You (5 Unbelievable Ways)

Do you want to know how family can influence you? Family can influence you in many ways. 

I learnt how to cook from my family. This is a positive influence. 

And also there are negative influences too. I am shy and hate speaking in public. 

This is a negative influence from my family. 

In this article, I will share with you many ways in which family can influence you.

Let’s go on now. 

Read also: How Do You Know When Someone In Your Family Loves You

Here are how family can influence you:

1. Learning new skills: You can learn new skills from your family, just like I learnt cooking from my family. 

2. Boldness: Your family can influence the level of your boldness. 

When parents start very early to engage their kids in public speaking, it will help them to be bold when they become adults. 

3. Finance and wealth: Your family can influence you financially by giving you assets and financial knowledge. 

If you come from a family that doesn’t have assets, it will be difficult for you to achieve financial freedom. 

4. Forgiveness: If parents teach their kids how to forgive, they will grow up with that as a virtue. 

5. Having a successful marriage and relationships: Children from divorce families find it difficult to have a successful marriage and relationships. 

What Is Considered An Unstable Family

An unstable family is a family that doesn’t have a set rules or standard. 

In an unstable family, anyone can do anyhow and anything at any time and get away with it.

Unstable family doesn’t have a particular time for eating, no particular time for laundry and other housework. 

Unstable families are lazy because there are no rules guiding the family. 

Dishes are not washed, toilets are not clean, no one cooks food and the family members eat out. 

Children from unstable families may find it difficult to succeed academically and financially.

Unstable families don’t play games together, therefore they don’t build good relationships.

You can fix an unstable family by setting down rules and regulations that will be guiding the family. 

Any family member that goes against the rules will be punished. 

The kitchen, bedrooms, living room and toilet should be in order.

It is very easy for outsiders to influence an unstable family. 

Read also: How To Build A Successful Family (The Only Way Forward)

What Causes Unstable Family

Here are what causes unstable family:

1. Lack of organisations: If there is no order, there will be no organizations in the family. 

2. Conflicts: If there are quarrels and fights, the family will be unstable.

3. Divorce: When the couple get divorced, it brings instability in the family. 

4. Lack of finance: If there is no money or valuable assets in the family, it causes instability. 

5. Lack of knowledge: If the parents don’t have the knowledge about building a successful family, their family will be unstable. 

6. Lack of respect: If the family members disrespect one another, the family can never be stable. 

7. Not having family meetings: If the family doesn’t have time for meetings and get together, they will find it difficult to maintain stability in the family. 

8. Lack of fun activities: Fun activities help many families to achieve success and stability. 

Does Living Close To Family Make You Happier

Yes, living close to family makes you happier. 

This is because the family members can visit you at any time and help you do some house work.

You can easily join them for fun activities and family exercise. 

You also join the family for dinner since you are living close. You won’t feel lonely. 

On your birthday, your family members organise a surprise birthday party for you. 

You enjoy every moment with them and still go back to your apartment the same day.

You will spend less on transportation since you are living close to your family. 

Your family will motivate and push you for success. 

If you start living a reckless life, they can easily notice and caution you.

Read also: What Are Three Most Important Family Values

What Type Of Family Is The Happiest

Families with four or more kids are the happiest.

The more the family members, the merrier: that’s really how it works according to recent research. 

This shows that families with four or more children are the happiest.

A large family entails more arrangements and hassle, you would say. 

And if something doesn’t make you happy, it’s stress. 

Yet the opposite is true, according to research by Dr. Harman of Australia’s Edith Cowan University. 

She came to a remarkable conclusion: the larger the family, the happier parents are!

Harman followed families of various sizes for five years, talking to about a hundred parents about self-confidence, resilience, their social safety net and overall life satisfaction. 

It turns out that people with four or more children scored the highest in terms of satisfaction.

It is true that a larger family entails more pressure and expense than a small household, but that is more than offset by the happiness that each child contributes. 

Children from larger families are also independent at a younger age and they always have someone to play with.

How Family Is Important

Family is important in the following ways:

1. Help to save more money: Family helps us to save money. 

Living with family is cheaper than living alone. Living with family helps in cutting down the cost of food and rent.

2. Help to stay away from bad habits: Family members will caution you when you start forming bad habits. 

3. Help to stay motivated: Family will help you to achieve more success and overcome challenges that you wouldn’t have overcome if you were living without them.

4. Help to make the right choice: Family will help you to choose the right spouse, make good investments and start profitable business. 

5. Help financially and acquire wealth: You can inherit wealth from your family. 

Family members can also help you financially when you need financial help. 

6. Help to keep fit: Many families have regular exercise activities each week. This act can help you keep fit and healthy. 

Read also: 7 Tips To Keep Your Relationship Healthy When You Have Small Children

How Family Is Important In Our Life

Family is important because it gives you so much love and help. 

Being with your family helps build values ​​and improves your mental health in general. 

On the other hand, spending time together is important for the growth of your family. 

This makes everyone flexible and strong. 

In addition, you and your family can teach each other important lessons about life’s ups and downs. 

So spend more time together. You can talk to each other over dinner at the garden table to discuss important things.

The importance of the family lies in the fact that it is the first group to which an individual belongs, therefore it is the first group where rules, thoughts, customs and reactions are learned.

The family is an institution where values, behaviors and a basic education are learned, such as the one routinely given by the family nucleus.

How Do Family Trees Work

The family tree is represented as an upside-down tree. 

That is to say, it begins with the leaves, passes through a trunk and branches, then it ends with the roots. 

The leaves represent the parents or the ancestors. 

The branches and the trunk represent the children. 

Roots refer to later generations, including grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 

If it is an extended family, the family tree will also highlight aunts, uncles, cousins.

Why make a family tree?

If you have any interest in your ancestry and want to know more about your origins and identity, creating a family tree is a good place to start.

Here are some of the many benefits of the family tree:

1. It reinforces your sense of belonging to your family.

2. It can help you identify certain genetic characteristics and health problems unique to your family.

3. It allows you to connect with your family’s past and historical events.

4. It can arouse your children’s interest and encourage them to learn about their ancestors to perpetuate their family history.

How Family Leave Works

Leave for family events can be granted in different ways depending on the regulations applicable within the company. 

Here are the official documents that can be used to justify a request for leave for family reasons:

Read also: Leave Arrangements For Parents: Everything You Want To Know

1. A medical certificate: You can accompany your leave request with a medical certificate attesting that a member of your family (parent or child) requires medical care or has been admitted to hospital.

2. A death certificate: Request a death certificate from the competent authorities in the event of the death of a close relative.

3. An official summons: You can use this document as proof of absence in the event that you have to appear before a court or a government institution.

4. Proof of family responsibilities: your employer may ask you for legal documents attesting to your role as guardian or family manager to validate your leave request.

What are the reasons for family leave?

1. Maternity or paternity: The employee (male or female) can benefit from paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child. 

This is called maternity or paternity leave.

2. Postnatal care at home: Leave is generally granted to the parent who wishes to take care of their child for a certain period after the birth or adoption.

3. Illnesses: To take care of a close member of the family (parent, spouse, child) who is seriously ill, you can obtain paid leave.

4. Deaths: The death of a close member of the family is a valid reason for benefiting from paid leave.

5. Wedding or other family event: You can request a temporary work stoppage to attend important family events such as weddings, baptisms or communions.

Read also: How Do You Stay Strong In A Toxic Family (3 Sure Ways)


Family can influence you positively or negatively. Negative influence can still be corrected. 

Family counsellor can help in correcting negative influences.