How Many People Say No To Wedding Invites

Wedding invitation decorated with flowers

Do you want to know how many people say no to wedding invites? 11% of those you invite to your wedding will say no.

For example, if you invite 80 people, 9 will say no.

In this article, I will share with you why some people say no to wedding invites. 

Read also: How To Make A Guest List For A Wedding (9 Simple Steps To Follow)

Let’s go on now. 

Reasons why some people say no to wedding invites:

1. If they have not been in contact with you in the past year

2. If they live abroad 

3. If they are going through financial difficulties 

4. If they just got divorced 

5. If they dislike you or your partner 

Is a 100 person wedding small?

A 100 person wedding is not small. A 100 person wedding can be regarded as a medium wedding. 

A wedding with 100 guests could be quite expensive.

It can be less expensive depending on the type of venue and the additional services contracted by the couple. 

Most weddings take about 20% – 30% of the budget for the venue and related services like catering or bartending. 

Therefore, the average price for a wedding with 100 guests will be between $15,000 – $20,000.

Read also: How Much Can You Spend On A Simple Wedding (Realistic Budgets)

How do you avoid unwanted guests at a wedding?

There are several ways to avoid unwanted guests at a wedding:

1. Be clear about who is invited: Make sure that your invitations are clear about who is invited. 

If you only want adults, then don’t include “and family” on the invitation. 

If you only want close friends and family, then don’t invite distant relatives or acquaintances.

2. Use RSVPs: Include an RSVP card with your invitation and make it clear that you need a response by a certain date. 

This will help you get an accurate headcount and avoid any surprises on the day of the wedding.

3. Have a seating chart: A seating chart can help you control who sits where and ensure that everyone is seated with people they know and get along with.

4. Hire security: If you’re concerned about unwanted guests showing up, consider hiring security to check invitations at the door.

5. Be confident: If someone shows up who wasn’t invited, be confident but polite in turning them away. 

It’s your special day, and you have the right to celebrate it with the people you want there.

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What is an average wedding gift?

On average a guest spends between $50 and $150 on wedding gifts, which is already considered a good gift. 

However, you can find cheaper gifts for the couple who is getting married. 

What to do if you arrive at the wedding without a gift

Don’t panic, there are always ways to fix these problems. 

The first thing would be to go to the gift table and check if it is still open, in this case, you can select any of the gifts that are remaining on the list and buy them as soon as possible; Better late than never.

If you can’t find the gift table, don’t worry. 

There will always be a honeymoon to save you; investigate where the honeymoon will be and organize something for the couple.

You can call the hotel and buy a bottle of wine to be kept in the newlyweds room the day they will arrive.

You can reserve surprise massages for them, or perhaps pay for their dinner. 

In this way they will understand perfectly why they did not see your gift before the wedding.

Read also: What Games To Play At Weddings (Best Wedding Games Ever)

What do wedding guests pay?

Wedding guests don’t pay for anything. The guests only give the newlyweds gifts or cash gifts.

However, guests can choose to support the newlyweds in whichever way they can. This is done voluntarily. 

What is the golden rule for weddings?

The golden rule for weddings is to treat others how you would like to be treated. 

This means being respectful, considerate, and kind to everyone involved in the wedding planning process and the actual wedding day. 

It also means being mindful of others’ feelings, needs, and preferences, and doing your best to accommodate them as much as possible. 

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What is considered disrespectful at a wedding?

Taking photos and videos during the wedding  ceremony is disrespectful. 

Technology has put within our reach devices that can take photos and record videos very easily and with great quality. 

But, we are not wedding photographers. 

It is one thing to take a photo or record a short piece of video and another to act as the wedding photographer moving throughout the church during the wedding ceremony. 

This bothers the rest of the guests, the professional who takes the photos and recordings, and even bothering the couple themselves.

What is the no kids at the wedding rule?

No kids at the wedding rule means that children are not allowed to participate in the wedding ceremony. 

Weddings without children are becoming more common, but keep in mind that some of your guests with children will probably decide not to attend and even feel offended for not inviting their children. 

Do not worry too much, these are things that you cannot control. 

Try to be polite when telling your guests that the wedding is without children

The bride and groom always have the last word, the wedding is yours and no one else’s. 

Read also: Can The Bride And Groom Sleep Together The Night Before The Wedding

What is the plus one rule?

The plus one rule during a wedding is when a guest is allowed to bring a date or a companion to the wedding. 

This is typically indicated on the wedding invitation, where it will say “plus one” or “and guest” next to the name of the invited guest. 

The plus one rule is a common courtesy extended by the bride and groom to their guests, allowing them to bring someone along to share in the celebration. 

It is important for guests to respect the plus one rule and only bring someone who has been explicitly invited, as it can cause logistical issues and strain relationships if uninvited guests show up.

Read also: How Wedding Rings Or Bands Work


While it can be disappointing to receive declines to wedding invitations, it is important to remember that there are many factors that go into a guest’s decision to attend or not. 

It is also important for the bride and groom to understand and respect their guests’ decisions and make necessary adjustments.