How To Break Up With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend (10 Unbelievable Strategies)

How To Break Up With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend (10 Unbelievable Strategies)

Are you planning to break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend? 

It wasn’t easy for me when I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. I cried over it, I lost sleep and felt unwanted. 

She wasn’t giving me the attention that I needed and I wasn’t happy in the relationship. 

There is no need to continue, so I arranged for a breakup meeting and told her that I wasn’t interested any longer.

 I felt the pain but I have to do it and move on with another girl.

In this article, I am going to share with you 10 effective steps that I took to break up with my girlfriend politely.

Read also: Easiest Ways To Heal After Breakup (And 7 Things You Shouldn’t Do)

Let’s go on. 

How To Break Up With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend

1. Do it in their presence: It is not wise to send a break up message to your boyfriend/girlfriend through text. 

If you really want to break up with them, do it when they are around. 

You can invite them over for a lunch and tell them whatever you want to say in their presence. 

2. Don’t use harsh words: Don’t disrespect them by using bad words.

 Say everything without hurting them further, because telling them that you want to end the relationship is enough pain to them.

3. Plan Before hand: Plan what to say, where to meet them and the right time to meet with them.

Without planning ahead for the break up, you may miss your words. 

4. Do it at their happy moment: Telling someone that you want to break up with them is a sad news. 

Make sure that they are at their happy moment before you can open up to tell them what you want to say. 

Some people don’t know how to handle bad news. They might even break down in tears. 

5. Look them straight in the eye: Look straight into their eyes when telling them that you are no longer interested in the relationship. 

This will let them know that you really mean what you are saying. 

Don’t look elsewhere. Keep your phone down to avoid any distraction.

6. Be confident: Be confident in what you are saying. Don’t make it look as if you are joking.

7. Don’t give them a leaning shoulder: Some people are very emotional. 

Don’t allow them to cry on your shoulder. If you allow them to lean on you and cry, you may change your mind out of pity. And it is wrong to date someone out of pity.

8. Thank them for their time with you: I guess you had a great time together. 

Appreciate them for those wonderful memories you shared together. 

But make sure you said this at the beginning before telling them that you want to end things with them.

9. Don’t give them any gifts: Some people usually buy breakup gifts for their boyfriend or girlfriend.

 It is not wise to give them something that will still remind them about the relationship. 

10. Make it short: There is no need for long talk. Keep everything short and simple. 

Read also: 12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You (Real Life experience)

What Are The Consequences Of Break Up 

After breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend it may be difficult for you to move on.

 But this doesn’t mean you should stay in an abusive relationship or in a relationship that is not working. 

Here are the consequences or what to expect after breakup:

1. You will feel lonely: Since you are no more with your boyfriend/girlfriend you will be lonely. 

And it may take you time to find another lover. 

2. Nobody to cares for your you again: After a breakup, there may be no one in your life to care for how you feel.

3. You will miss them: No matter the cause of the breakup, you will miss your partner. 

You will still remember those sweet moments you shared together.

4. You will feel incomplete: There will be an empty space left in your life that was occupied by your ex.

 You will feel that empty and unhappy after a breakup. 

5. You may want to go back to the relationship: You may desire to go back and continue the relationship again. 

You are just passing through the normal phase of breakup. 

6. You may lose sleep or appetite to eat: Sometimes you may not sleep because of the thoughts about your ex. 

Eating may be difficult for you. 

7. You may cry over it: Don’t withhold the tears, go indoors and cry over it. 

This is going to help you to heal and forget about them fast.

All these consequences are the normal things that happen after a breakup. 

It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend if there is need for that.

 And don’t be tempted to call or text them at this moment. Everyone passes through this phase.

Note that break up is not easy. Before you break up with your partner you must get prepared for the consequences. 

It is something you must be aware of from the beginning. 

You can end things peacefully without hurting each other. I encourage you to do it politely, don’t do any bad thing to them. 

Read also: How To Check Sexual Compatibility With Your Partner Without Having Sex Before Marriage (The Proven Strategy)


Relationship is not a do or die affair. I broke up with my ex-girlfriend when I found out that things are not going as they supposed to be. 

I told her that I don’t  want the relationship again. 

I was hurt and I was even tempted to go back and ask for reconciliation but it wasn’t necessary. 

I healed over time and I am fine and happy that I ended the relationship.