How To Build A Successful Family (The Only Way Forward)

Do you want to know how build a successful family? Building a successful family is vey achievable.

I watched my dad lead our family successfully. Our family is one of the best in the neighbourhood.

My mom is happy and we (the children) are very happy also. My dad told me when I married my wife, that we can build a successful family too if we know and understand our different roles.

His guidance helped me and my wife to replicate what he did in our family.

In this article, I am going to share with you what I learnt from my dad over the years.

Read also: What Are Three Most Important Family Values

To build a successful family, the man and the woman must know their roles and responsibilities. Being irresponsible is the major problem in many families. 

Let’s see how a successful family is built.

Roles Of A Father Or Dad In A Family 

1. Ability to teach: As a leader you must know how to teach the people you’re leading so that the family will be organised.

Teach your wife about your visions and goals in life, by doing this your wife will know exactly how to help you. 

2. Leadership: This is the first role of every father or husband. Leadership in this aspect is your ability as a man to carry everybody in your family along.

Don’t be authoritative, you have to lead your family with love.

3. Financial responsibilities: Financial burden in a family lies mainly on the shoulder of the man. He is the one that should provides money for 80% of the family needs.

Then the wife will support. But it can still be 50:50 If the partners agree to share the responsibilities equally. Apart from that, men have to provide 80% of the family financial needs.

4. Loving his wife: It is the duty of the man to love his wife. She only owes him respect and support.

5. Spiritual guidance: It is the duty of the man to guide his wife and children spiritually if he is a believer.

6. Sexual satisfaction to his wife: Women love good sex. The man in her life needs to learn how to satisfy her so that she will be happy and submissive to him.

Many families are shying away from talking about sex. Find out what your wife loves during love making. 

7. Security: Your household is under your protection as a man. You must protect your wife and children. Protect them from any form of abuse and intruders .

These are the major roles in a family for a father or dad. It is not easy to play the role of a father in a family, it is tasking. It needs a lot of wisdom to do this well.

The Role Of A Woman Or Mom In A Family. 

1. Giving birth to kids and taking care of them: Nature made it possible for women to have the ability for giving birth. And they can take care of kids more than men. 

2. Support their husband and the family: Women are helpers. Men need their support to be able to have a successful family. It could be financial support and good advice.

3. Cooking and keeping the house clean: It is the duty of the woman to cook the family’s favourite meals and keeping the house clean, like mopping and laundry.

4. Respect the husband: As a wife you have to respect your husband or the man in your life. Without this the family cannot be successful. 

5. Organising the family: It is the duty of the woman to keep the family in order. She is the one that arranges everything in the way it is supposed to be. 

6. Encouraging the husband: Men love to be praised by the women. If the husband or father is not productive at work or business, it is the duty of the woman to encourage him. 

Men and women have different responsibilities in the family. If the woman is playing the role of a man or if the man is playing the role of a woman in the family, the family will never move forward.

Men are the primary provider while the women are helpers. Nobody’s role is more important than the other. 

Read also: Best Conversation Strategies For Couples 

The Qualities That Will Help A Man And A Woman Build A Strong Family. 

Before building a successful family the man and the woman should build some certain qualities within themselves. 

Here are the qualities

1. Unity: Any family that is not united can never prosper. The husband and wife must build unity for the family’s growth and welfare. 

2. Patience: Building a successful family doesn’t happen overnight. When you encounter any challenges in the process of building a successful family, you should remain positive.

I watched my mom and dad overcame many challenges to make sure that our family is one of the best. Today they’re reaping the fruit of their labour. 

3. Forgiveness: Your kids are going to offend you, and your partner too will surely offend you. You too will offend them.

We are humans and nobody is perfect. So you must learn to forgive offences to have a great family. 

4. Leisure time: Set time aside to bond with your family. Play games with your kids and partner. Any family that spends fun times together always ends up happy. 

5. Family to-do list: Create lists of activities and events for your family. From daily activities to weekly, and even monthly activities are good for you and your family.

This can includes cooking time, meditation time, game time, prayer time and other activities that’ll help your family bonds more

6. Love: This is the greatest of all. If there’s no love You won’t have the motivation to do other things that will help your family grow.

Love is the foundation of a successful family. Without love no family can exist in the first place.

7. Understanding: Understanding your partner and kids will help you to tolerate them when they misbehave. Without understanding there will be fights in the family. 

8. Gratitude: Show appreciation to your partner and kids whenever they do something good. 

9. Travel/vacation: Travelling is a great way to relax with your family. Plan ahead for great vacations together. Seeing new places will create lasting memories for your family.

10. Keeping family secrets: Don’t expose your family secrets to an outsider. They may use it against you and pull your family down. 

Here Are The Qualities In Percentage Chart





Family to-do list…….……5%

Leisure time…………..……5%

Forgiveness …….…….…..20%



Keeping family secrets…5%


Family is made up of a man, woman and children. In a family, the man is the leader. Woman is the helper.

To build a successful family, the man must be mentally sound, emotionally sound and with at least a source of income. 

If you don’t have any of these, your family won’t succeed. A woman starts building from what the man has. That’s why it is not good for a man to start a family without having any vision. 

Building a successful family is not easy but it is achievable if you put in the work. It is hard work but you’ll reap the fruit of your labour later. Don’t give up on building a great family, it’s worth it.