How To Catch A Cheating Partner (My wife’s experience)

How To Catch A Cheating Partner

Is your partner cheating on you? It is heartbreaking to live with a cheating partner. 

You will catch your partner after reading this article. 

My wife told me about her ex-boyfriend who she dated for two years before we met. 

The guy is average in height and handsome. He was living in Wisconsin then. 

He was cheating on her secretly for almost eight months without her finding out. 

My wife said that she started seeing some changes in her boyfriend’s attitude. 

She asked him many times about it but he denied. 

She later caught him with a girl one late evening in a nearby guest house. 

And my wife broke up with him the next day. It was a sad moment for her.

In this article, I will share with you how to catch a cheating partner fast.

Read also: How To Live With A Partner Who Doesn’t Love You (8 Things You Are Missing)

Let’s go on now. 

Here Are How She Found Out That Her Boyfriend Was Cheating On Her

1. His smell changed: She noticed that her boyfriend suddenly changed his perfume. 

Be observant to find out when your partner’s smell changed. 

Some people normally change their perfume when they find a new partner. 

This is easy to find out, you can embrace them and use your nose very well.

2. If they start hiding their phone from you: They will stop allowing you to access their phone. 

They do this to hide their chats and messages with their secret lover from you. 

But some people are smart, they will delete their conversations with their secret lover immediately. 

My wife said that her ex-boyfriend stopped giving her his phone to play Puzzle game, which was unusual. 

3. They will be more concerned about their appearance: If your partner starts paying more attention to their look, they may be cheating on you. 

They do this to impress their new lover. 

Paying this extra attention may include: changing hairstyle or haircut, changing new clothes and shoes. 

4. When they start giving excuses when it comes to sex: This is because they are getting it outside with their secret lover. 

If they start denying you sex without any explanation they might be cheating on you. 

5. Place your ear on their chest: 

When they are lying on the bed or couch, lie on top of them and let your ear be on their chest (this is to let you hear their heartbeat) ask them in a soft tone if they are cheating on you. 

Pay attention to their heartbeat now, if it starts beating faster than usual they are likely cheating on you. 

My wife said that  this worked very well for her when she was dating her ex boyfriend.  

6. Look straight into their eyes: Do this when you are sitting opposite each other. 

Look straight into their eyes and ask them if they are cheating on you. 

If they change their gaze or look elsewhere there is a high possibility they are cheating on you. 

Even a shy person won’t look away if you ask this kind of question. 

7. People are telling you about it: Your friends, colleagues or family members may be telling  you that they are seeing your partner with someone else. 

If more than one person has told you this then it may be true. Confirm this before confronting your partner. 

These points above were validated by my wife, she said that her ex boyfriend failed in all the seven steps we discussed above. 

These points and steps are for both genders. It is not about a particular gender.

What To Do If You Find Out That Your Partner Is Cheating On You

• If you are still dating you can break up with them. 

• Show them your bitterness. Let them see that you are very unhappy with what they are doing.

• Don’t have sex without protection. Before you have unprotected sex with them, make sure that they are not infected. 

• Give them space. Give them space to show them that you are heart broken. 

• Avoid their calls or texts within that period. 

If you start answering their calls or replying to their texts immediately, they may think that you are not hurt by their actions. 

• Don’t cheat back. Some people normally do this as a revenge to what their partner has done, but it is wrong. 

Don’t disrespect yourself by cheating back.

• Don’t fight them. Fighting is very dangerous, it may lead to death. Staying away from them is better. 

• Don’t attack the person they are having this affair with.

It may not be their fault that your partner is cheating with them.

• Meet with a marriage counsellor if you are married. A marriage counsellor may help sort this out.

• Don’t try to follow them around. Since you have found out that they are cheating on you, don’t follow them to any location for your own safety. 

• You may be tempted to quarrel with them over this issue but calm your temper. 

You won’t achieve any positive result if you start quarreling with them.

Can A Cheating Partner Change And Stop Cheating? 

Yes, a cheating partner can change and stop cheating on you if;

• They want to change. They can decide to stop cheating only if they want to.

• You have to be patient. If you are dating, I recommend you break up immediately. 

But if you are married you can be patient and try to see if you can help them to change. 

• Stop any bad attitude you have. 

In some cases, you may be the cause. 

If there is anything that you are doing that may have led them into cheating, stop it and work on yourself.  

• You tell them how bad you felt about their behaviour. Express your disappointment on them and this will make them stop cheating on you.


Cheating is bad and difficult to deal with. 

If you follow the steps you can figure out easily if your partner is cheating on you or not. 

Remember to be calm and ask them about it politely. 

You will surely find out the truth if you are diligent in following the seven steps we discussed in this article.