How to Date a Girl Who Has a Boyfriend (4 Unbelievable Tricks)

Pretty lady lying on a couch with her red hand bag

Wondering how to date a girl who has a boyfriend? Yes, you can date a girl who has a boyfriend. 

My wife was dating a doctor when I met her. We became so close, and she enjoyed my company more. So she broke up with the doctor. 

If you see a girl that you like and she already has a boyfriend, I can guarantee you that you can date her. 

She may even leave her boyfriend to date you only if you can prove to her that you are better than her boyfriend. 

In this article, I will share with you how to date a girl who has a boyfriend. 

Read also: How To Date a Girl on WhatsApp (15 Proven Ways)

Let’s go now!

1. Praise her current boyfriend: If you speak badly about her current boyfriend, she will not trust you and the only thing you will do is push her away. 

So if you want to win her over, you must swallow your pride and praise her relationship with her current boyfriend.

Tell her how good they look as a couple and that her boyfriend is lucky to have such a pretty girl. 

Praising her will make her think more about you than her boyfriend.

2. Analyze her relationship and current status: Try and find out how her boyfriend is treating her. 

This will help you to know what she needs. For her to be yours you have to be better than her boyfriend.

Discovering what her relationship is like will be something that will benefit you a lot since you will be able to see what she doesn’t like. 

If you notice that she doesn’t feel comfortable or is bored, this will tell you a lot about the state of her relationship with her boyfriend.

3. Have interest in what she loves: Be interested in everything she likes. Ask about what bothers her and how you can help.

This will show her that you care so much about her. 

How to make a woman with a boyfriend fall in love with you should start by being attentive and listening to what she has to say. 

It will make her feel comfortable and relaxed around you.

4. Show yourself to be very versatile: If you want to know how to make a woman with a boyfriend fall in love with you, you must be different from her partner. 

Show her the new things she doesn’t know, like a new genre of music or places she hasn’t visited yet.

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What to Do If The Girl I Like Has a Boyfriend

If the girl you like has a boyfriend, try and find out if she is interested in you. 

Find out if she is interested in you romantically. 

Does she go out of her way to talk to you? Does her face light up when you walk into the room where she is? 

Does she make excuses to always be by your side? Does she flirt with you a little? If so, then there is a good chance that she may be in love with you. 

If she is interested in you, it means that she may not be happy with her current boyfriend and things may work out between both of you. 

How to Win a Girl Who is Dating Someone Else

The easiest way to win a girl who is dating someone else is to help her (That’s an act of service). 

You can help her in different ways such as; cooking something for her and picking her up from somewhere. 

People often need help, so doing favors for her won’t be too difficult.

Remember that actions say more than words. You can tell her that she’s great, but you have to prove that you’re there for her. 

These acts of service help solidify your trustworthiness as a friend.

Another way to win a girl who is dating someone else is by praising her.

Women like to be appreciated for what they do or what they are, not for how they look. 

If you hear her speak in public and you enjoy it, tell her. 

Talk specifically about something positive you have observed about her character.

A compliment must be, above all, sincere. Don’t copy something from a movie or a website. 

Notice something you admire about her and share this admiration.

Women like compliments, but you should respect their personal space. 

Don’t go overboard with the praise, it may seem desperate or a lie.

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Can a Girl Love You Even if She Has a Boyfriend

Yes, a girl can love you even if she has a boyfriend. 

This is how you can know if a girl loves you even if she has a boyfriend:

▪ Watch her body language. If she gives you space when she talks to you, she may not like you. 

If she turns her body towards you and points her feet in your direction, she might be interested in you. 

Some women get nervous around the guy they like. 

If she touches her hair and neck, it is a sign that she is nervous around you and may be interested in you. 

▪ Pay attention to her eye contact. Some women frequently look at the guy they like. 

If she likes you, she won’t be able to help but look into your eyes whenever she’s with you. 

If you notice that she makes a lot of eye contact with you when you talk to her, she may be interested in you. 

If you know that she is the type of girl who gets shy and nervous, she may do the opposite and not look at you at all. 

This also means that she likes you. 

▪ Pay attention when she talks to you. If she goes out of her way and pays attention to you, she might like you. 

Does she quicken her pace to approach you and talk to you, or does she only talk to you when you are close to each other? 

If she seems to go out of her way to talk to you and show you attention, she may like you. 

Should You Chase a Girl Who Has a Boyfriend

No, it’s not appropriate to chase a girl who is already in a committed relationship. 

You should try and respect her choices and boundaries. 

If the girl becomes available in the future and you’re still interested, then you can consider expressing your feelings, but for now, it’s best to focus on building meaningful connections with others who are available.

Should I Propose to a Girl Who Has a Boyfriend

No, you shouldn’t propose to a girl who has a boyfriend. 

It is not right to manipulate someone to marry you. 

This is because they will dislike you in the future when all the emotions are gone.

If you like a girl and she has a boyfriend currently, it is wise to leave her and find another person. 

This is going to save you from emotional stress in the future. 

If the girl says that she likes you and wants to marry you, find out the reason why she is saying so.

Don’t be so fast, take your time and find out who to propose to.

Read also: 10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

What to Say to a Girl if She Says She Has a Boyfriend

Here are what to say to a girl if she says she has a boyfriend:

1. Acknowledge her statement: Begin by acknowledging her honesty and her relationship status.

For instance: “Thank you for sharing that with me, you’re indeed honest.”

2. Show respect: Show respect for her commitment and relationship.

Example: “I respect that you have a boyfriend.”

3. Maintain the conversation: Keep the conversation light and friendly. 

You can shift the topic to common interests or hobbies.

Example: “That’s great to hear. By the way, have you been to that new coffee shop downtown? I heard they have amazing pastries.”

4. Listen and engage: Listen to what she has to say and engage in a meaningful conversation without any romantic intentions.

Example: “Interestingly, you’re into hiking. I enjoy the outdoors too. Do you have any favorite hiking spots around here?”

5. Be a friend: Approach the conversation as an opportunity to get to know her better as a friend, not as someone pursuing a romantic relationship.

For instance: “It’s great to meet new friends who share the same interests and vision.”

Should I Wait For Her to Leave Her Boyfriend

No, you should not wait for her to leave her boyfriend. 

Here are the reasons why you might consider not waiting for her to leave her boyfriend:

1. Uncertainty: There’s no guarantee that she will end her current relationship, and waiting in uncertainty can be emotionally taxing. 

You may invest time and emotions into a situation that may not yield the desired outcome.

2. Missed Opportunities: While waiting, you could miss out on other potential relationships or experiences that could bring happiness and fulfillment into your life. 

Being available for new opportunities is better.

3. Emotional Toll: Waiting for someone in a committed relationship to leave their partner can lead to emotional stress, anxiety, and frustration. 

You should put your emotional and mental well-being first.

4. Respect for Her Choices: Pushing someone to leave their current partner can be perceived as disrespectful and invasive. 

It’s important to respect her autonomy and decisions in her relationship.

5. Focus on Self-Growth: Instead of waiting, you can use this time to focus on personal growth, self-improvement, and pursuing your own goals and interests. 

Investing in yourself can lead to increased confidence and overall life satisfaction.

Read also: 3 Most Important Things To Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage 

How Do You Tell If a Girl Is Into You

Here are the signs that indicate a girl is into you, along with examples:

1. Increased Communication: She initiates conversations, texts, or calls you frequently. 

For instance, she might send you messages like, “Hey, how’s your day going?” or “I thought of you when I saw this.”

2. Active Listening: She pays close attention when you talk, remembers details about your life, and asks follow-up questions. 

For example, if you mention an upcoming event, she might ask, “How did the event go?”

3. Physical Touch: She initiates physical contact or responds positively to your touches. 

This can range from light touches on the arm, hugs, or playful nudges.

4. Engages in Personal Conversations: She opens up about her thoughts, feelings, and personal life with you. 

For instance, she might share stories about her family, goals, or dreams.

5. Plans to Spend Time Together: She suggests or agrees to hang out one-on-one with you. 

This could be going for coffee, watching a movie, or any other activity you both enjoy.

6. Compliments: She gives you compliments or notices and appreciates your efforts. 

For example, she might say, “You look great today” or “You’re good at [your hobby].”

7. Laughs at Your Jokes: She genuinely finds your humor amusing and often laughs at your jokes, even if they’re not that funny to others.

8. Jealousy: She may show signs of mild jealousy when you mention spending time with other people, particularly other girls.

9. Initiates Future Plans: She talks about doing things together in the future, like attending an upcoming event or going on a trip.

10. She Teases or Flirts: Playful teasing or flirting is a common sign of interest. 

For example, she might tease you about your favorite sports team or make lighthearted jokes.

How to Win a Girl Over Another Guy

If you want to win a girl over another guy you must take care of your body. 

Whether we like it or not, physical attraction is entirely about appearance. 

If you want to look good for the girl you’re trying to impress, you’ll have to put in some effort to eat healthy, exercise, and take care of your body. 

Start by doing some simple exercises throughout the week, and choose healthier, nutritious options instead of junk food. 

You’ll begin to appear and feel improved, and your diligent efforts won’t be overlooked.

Basic exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and squats can help you build muscle mass; and can be performed conveniently, as they do not require training equipment. 

You can also jog or swim for some distance a couple of times a week to stay slim and in good shape.

Reduce the consumption of pizza, French fries, and soda; and eat more natural foods that contain a proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat.

Read also: How To Talk To Any Girl And Win Her Over Even If You Lack Confidence (My Strategy)

What is it Called When a Girl Has Two Boyfriends?

When a girl has two boyfriends simultaneously, it is often referred to as “polyamory” or being in a “polyamorous relationship,” which means having consensual romantic or emotional connections with multiple partners at the same time.

It’s important for all individuals involved to communicate openly and honestly in such relationships.

Why is She Flirting With Me When She Has a Boyfriend

If she has a boyfriend and still flirts with you, it shows that she likes you.

Flirting can have various motivations, and it’s important not to jump to conclusions. 

People might flirt for harmless fun, attention, or even without realizing they’re doing it.

If you’re uncomfortable with the situation, it’s best to communicate your boundaries and express your feelings honestly to clarify her intentions and avoid any misunderstandings. 


Now you have learned how to date a girl who has a boyfriend, ensure that you don’t force her to leave her current relationship. 

Let things flow naturally.

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