How to Date a Girl With Trust Issues (6 Proven Ways)

A girl with trust issues checking her phone

Wondering how to date a girl with trust issues? Yes, you can date a girl with trust issues simply by proving to her that you’re different from other men she has met.

Once a girl’s trust is betrayed, it will take time and effort to get them to trust again.

There are no magic words that will make a girl trust you. 

Instead, you will have to show her through your actions that she can trust you.

In this article, I will share with you how to date a girl with trust issues. 

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Mommy Issues (5 Ways Forward)

Let’s go now!

1. Be Consistent and Reliable: Consistency builds trust. 

Example: If you promise to call at a certain time, make it a habit. 

If you can’t, let her know in advance and reschedule.

2. Listen without focusing on yourself: Communication is super important in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean you talk a lot. 

Focus on what she is saying, wait a moment to process it, and then respond. 

If you want her to trust you, slow down and listen actively to show that you’re worth being open with.

3. Don’t assume that you know how to best help her: People need different types of support. 

When she’s going through a tough time, does she have someone to vent to? 

Someone to help find a solution? Someone to talk to quietly? 

Or does she just want to be left alone for a while? 

The best way to show that you are trustworthy is to ask how you can help her.

Respect her answer, and provide the kind of help she is looking for.

4. Show that you trust her with your problems: If you are going through a difficult time, tell her about your fear or pain. 

And if a problem arises in your relationship, don’t be afraid to bring it up and try to work on it together.

5. Don’t criticize her: Avoid criticizing her or her actions as this will make two of you fight each other. 

Trust comes from cooperation, not fighting.

6. Talk when both of you are calm: Trust issues can make arguments overwhelming and cause her to walk away or abandon the conversation. 

If this is a problem, talk to her while you are both calm.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Daddy Issues (4 Simple Things to Do)

What to Do When a Girl Doesn’t Trust You

Here are what to do when a girl doesn’t trust you:

1. Apologize and Make Amends: If you’ve done something to break her trust, apologize sincerely and take steps to make amends.

2. Show Consistency: Demonstrate through your actions over time that you are trustworthy and dependable.

3. Give It Time: Rebuilding trust can take time, so be patient and understanding.

4. Give Space: Sometimes, giving her space and time to heal and rebuild her sense of trust can be necessary. 

Pushing too hard or too fast to regain trust can backfire.

5. Seek Professional Help: If trust issues persist and are causing significant problems in the relationship, consider seeking the help of a couples therapist or counselor. 

They can provide guidance and strategies for rebuilding trust effectively.

How Do I Remove Trust Issues From My Girlfriend

Here’s how you can remove trust issues from your girlfriend:

1. Don’t defend yourself: You absolutely shouldn’t do this. 

This is the time to repent and be compassionate, honest, and emotionally available.

Don’t say anything that makes it seem like everything is her fault. 

2. Identify the Root Cause: Try to identify the specific events or reasons that led to the trust issues. 

Understanding the root cause can help both of you address the underlying issues.

3. Involve someone that she listens to: Find anyone that she respects and talk to them about her trust issues. 

They’ll help talk to her and she will become better in the future. 

4. Don’t get angry over it: Her trust issues may make you angry, but control your anger and follow things gradually. 

5. Don’t compare her to others: Don’t compare to other girls who don’t have trust issues.  

Doing this will make the situation worse. Encourage her and remain positive. 

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Strict Parents (11 Things to Do)

How Do You Know If a Girl With Trust Issues Likes You

Here are how you can know if a girl with trust issues likes you:

1. Body Language: Does she maintain eye contact, engage in physical touch (like hugs), or exhibit other signs of affection?

If she does any of these then, she likes you.

2. Initiates Contact: If she often initiates contact with you, whether through calls, texts, or social media messages, it may indicate her interest in staying connected.

3. Jealousy or Protectiveness: She might exhibit signs of jealousy or protectiveness when other girls show interest in you. 

This shows that she likes you and wants to date you.

4. Acts Nervous Around You: Some people become nervous or anxious around someone they like. 

If she seems a bit jittery or self-conscious when you’re together, it might be a sign of attraction.

5. Includes You in Future Plans: If she talks about plans and includes you in them, like mentioning events or trips she’d like to go on with you, it suggests she envisions a future together.

How Do You Gain a Girl’s Trust

Here’s how you gain a girl’s trust:

1. Introduce her to your family and friends:

If you are serious with a girl and want her to feel safe, introduce her to your family and friends. 

In this way, she would feel important to you and she would know that you do not hide anything or anyone from her.

2. Be consistent with the way you treat her:

Men are good at making girls feel special during the early dating stage, but once they stabilize or after a year of being together, their treatment of them becomes sour. 

When a girl realizes that her boyfriend has changed towards her, she can’t help but think that he has found someone else. 

Therefore, make sure that you are sweet and loving towards her throughout the relationship.

3. Don’t break promises: Don’t make a promise you can’t keep. 

Once you have broken a promise, she will be disappointed and she will think that you are a liar. 

It will be difficult for her to trust you again, so think before promising to do something for her.

4. Never lie and get caught: There is no “white lie.” 

All lies, even the smallest ones, are still lies and can break a girl’s trust in you. 

Women are good detectives, so don’t you dare try to avoid a problem by lying, you can make it worse. 

5. Be the first to let them know: If you’re stuck in a situation that you know would make your girl mad, like you bumped into your ex in the elevator and got stuck for an hour, don’t try to hide what happened. 

Instead, tell her immediately before anyone else does. 

If he knew from another source, he would feel like you were hiding something from her.

6. Show that you trust her: Trust breeds trust. 

You can’t demand trust from a woman if you don’t trust her yourself. 

Therefore, make her feel that you trust her completely. 

Don’t look at her phone every time you see her, or get jealous of her friends easily.

7. Trust yourself: How can you earn the trust of another person if you can’t even earn the trust of yourself? 

It is difficult to gain the trust of a girl if you don’t trust yourself. 

If you want to be trustworthy in the eyes of a girl, learn to trust yourself and don’t give up on winning her mind and heart.

Read also: How to Date a Girl Who Has Never Dated Before (13 Easy Ways)

What Makes a Girl Lose Trust In a Guy

A girl can lose trust in a guy due to actions or behaviors such as:

1. Dishonesty: Repeated lying, hiding information, or being untruthful can quickly erode trust.

2. Infidelity: Cheating or having romantic or sexual involvement with someone else while in a committed relationship can be a significant breach of trust.

3. Broken Promises: Failing to follow through on commitments or promises can lead to a loss of trust.

4. Betrayal: Sharing confidential information or secrets without consent or betraying her trust in a critical situation.

5. Lack of Communication: Poor communication or avoiding important conversations can make a girl feel like she can’t rely on you.

6. Disrespect: Treating a girl poorly, being rude, or showing a lack of consideration for her feelings and needs can damage trust.

7. Inconsistency: Acting one way at one moment and differently at another can create uncertainty and erode trust.

8. Violating Boundaries: Ignoring personal boundaries or crossing them without consent can lead to a loss of trust.

Is Having Trust Issues a Red Flag

Having trust issues is a red flag, but it’s important to understand the context and reasons behind these trust issues. 

Trust issues can arise for various reasons, and not all of them necessarily indicate a problem in a person or a relationship. 

Here are some factors to consider:

1. Past Trauma: If someone has experienced betrayal, abuse, or other traumatic events in the past, they may struggle with trust issues as a result. 

In this case, it’s not necessarily a red flag but a sign that they may need support and understanding.

2. Communication Problems: Sometimes, trust issues can stem from poor communication or misunderstandings within a relationship. 

In such cases, addressing communication issues can help rebuild trust.

3. Consistent Distrust: If someone consistently and unreasonably mistrusts others without a valid basis, it is a red flag. 

It may indicate underlying insecurities, controlling behavior, or an inability to trust others even when they’ve given no reason to doubt them.

4. Refusal to Address Trust Issues: If someone acknowledges their trust issues but refuses to work on them or seek help, it becomes a red flag. 

Trust issues should be actively addressed for the sake of healthy relationships.

Read also: How to Date a Girl Who Has a Boyfriend (4 Unbelievable Tricks)

What Destroys Trust In a Relationship

Here is what destroys trust in a relationship:

1. Lack of interest: When your partner loses interest in the relationship and doesn’t put in effort, it makes you lose trust because it feels like you’re the only one trying.

2. Lack of communication: When your partner stops talking to you, it can create doubt. 

You might wonder if they still love you or if they’re hiding something. 

Talking is the best way to stop this distrust.

3. Lies: People sometimes lie, not just about cheating but also about important and small things because they’re afraid of how their partner will react. 

This doesn’t build trust.

4. Always canceling plans: It’s okay to change plans sometimes, but if someone constantly cancels at the last minute without explanation, it’s hard to trust if they’ll follow through on anything.

What Causes a Girl to Have Trust Issues

Here are what causes a girl to have trust issues:

1. Past heartbreaks from relationships with men: Repeated experiences of heartbreak and betrayal in romantic relationships lead to trust issues in a girl.

2. Daddy issues: Difficult or strained relationships with her father or absent father figure can impact a girl’s ability to trust men.

3. Broken promises from men: When a girl consistently experiences promises being broken by men, it can erode her trust in others’ commitments.

4. Low self-esteem: Girls with low self-esteem struggle to trust others because they doubt their worthiness of trust and love.

5. Unresolved personal issues: Unaddressed emotional or psychological issues from the past can make it challenging for a girl to trust men, as these issues can affect her ability to connect and build trust in relationships.

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How Lack of Trust Destroys a Relationship

Here is how a lack of trust destroys a relationship:

1. Frequent quarrels: A lack of trust can lead to constant arguments and disagreements as suspicions and doubts erode the harmony in the relationship.

2. Cheating: Trust issues can make one or both partners more susceptible to cheating, further damaging the foundation of the relationship.

3. Not having plans together: When trust is lacking, partners may struggle to envision a shared future, as doubts about commitment can prevent long-term planning and goal-setting.

4. Lack of interest in each other’s well-being: Trust is closely linked to emotional support and care. 

Without trust, partners become indifferent to each other’s needs and feelings.

5. Unhappiness: Ultimately, a lack of trust can result in overall unhappiness in the relationship, as the emotional connection deteriorates, leaving both partners dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

Can You Love Someone But Not Trust Them

Yes, it is possible to love someone but not fully trust them. 

Love and trust are separate but interconnected aspects of a relationship. 

Loving someone means you have strong feelings of affection and care for them, but trust is about having confidence in their honesty, reliability, and intentions. 

It’s not uncommon for people to have moments of doubt or mistrust in a relationship, even when they love their partner. 

Trust can be fragile and may be influenced by past experiences or present behaviors. 

However, it’s important to work on building and maintaining trust in a healthy relationship, as a lack of trust can strain the bond over time. 

Communication and addressing trust issues help strengthen the overall bond between two people who love each other.

Should You Stay In a Relationship Without Trust

No, you shouldn’t stay in a relationship without trust.

In some cases, trust can be reestablished through sincere communication, therapy, and efforts from both partners. 

It’s important to assess the situation carefully and consider the following:

1. Communication: Can you and your partner openly discuss the trust issues and work on resolving them together?

2. Willingness to change: Is your partner willing to change behaviors that led to the lack of trust, and are you willing to forgive and move forward?

3. Patterns of behavior: Is the lack of trust a one-time issue or a recurring pattern? 

Repeated breaches of trust can be more challenging to overcome.

4. Your well-being: Is staying in the relationship causing you significant emotional pain and stress? 

Your well-being and happiness should also be a priority.

5. Professional help: Consider seeking the guidance of a therapist who will provide support and help in rebuilding trust.

In some cases, despite efforts, trust may never be fully restored, and it might be in the best interest of both partners to separate and seek healthier relationships. 


As you have learned how to date a girl with trust issues, try and be patient with her.

You can help her work on the problem.

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