How to Date a Senior Guy (in 8 Ways)

How to Date a Senior Guy

In most cases, you cannot choose who you fall in love with and what characteristics that person has. 

Why do you fall in love with men older than you? What is it about mature men that you like so much? 

A senior guy usually has that point of maturity that can attract women a lot, they have more experience and stability, both economically and emotionally (at least, at first glance).

If you are starting a relationship with a man 10, 15, or 20 years older than you, you need to learn a series of tricks to be able to have a good relationship.

In this article, I will share with you how to date a senior guy.

Read also: How To Find Love Again After Breakup (Where To Find Love)

Let’s go now!

1. Avoid power roles

Sometimes, without even realizing it, men and women often fall into certain roles in relationships. 

For example, senior guys might act like they’re in charge or superior. 

If you’re dating a senior guy, it’s important to avoid these roles and have a more equal and respectful relationship.

2. Help him get out of his comfort zone

It’s also important that your partner doesn’t always act like the “wise elder” in the relationship, as it can affect his motivation. 

Encourage him to take risks and provide a fresh perspective when needed.

3. Show him what you like

A relationship of this type is a wonderful opportunity to share your motivations with the person you love. 

That is why you can reserve a day to share one of your favorite hobbies with him.

4. Tell him what you want

Determine what you both need from a relationship. 

Things might not work out if you want to have children, because he already has them and he doesn’t plan on having more. 

If he’s been divorced before, he might just want to have a casual fling while you might be looking for someone to marry.

After one or two dates, start a conversation about where you see the relationship going in the long term.

Consciously consider whether his needs are compatible with yours.

5. Remind him that you want him

Everyone is afraid of getting old. 

For men, the thought of losing their physical manhood can be terrifying.  

Even if he doesn’t show it, he will be a little worried that he will no longer be attractive to you because of his age. 

Reassure him that you are still attracted to him and don’t remind him of his age. 

From time to time, praise him for his looks, strength, or any attribute that makes him feel younger and more youthful. 

Tell him things like:

“Your arms are so strong. Your hugs make me feel secure.”

“You look so handsome today. I like your style so much.”

You can make fun of his age if he’s into that, but be sure to check. 

Some men may welcome some teasing about being in a relationship where there is a significant age difference, but they may feel sad if they are called “old men.”

6. Wait for the judgment of those you love 

Some people find the idea of ​​a senior guy dating a younger woman disturbing. 

They might worry that the senior guy will take advantage of the younger woman or that she will feel pressure to commit to someone who is in a different stage of life. 

Reassure those people that you have a connection with him and that you wouldn’t be with someone who treats you like an object. 

Tell your parents about your relationship in a calm and composed manner. 

Allow them some time to adjust. They will want to protect you and will agree when they see that your relationship is loving and equal.

If you have a brother or trusted family friend who can act as a mediator, make sure he or she also knows your boyfriend and let your parents know that he likes you.

7. Maintain an equal relationship

Make sure you both have an equal role in the relationship. 

Just because he’s older than you doesn’t mean he should have the final say in every decision. 

He is your partner, not your father. 

If the relationship is serious, be sure to discuss every problem that arises together before deciding what to do.

You should feel comfortable expressing your opinions to him, even if they are not the same as his. 

Know your worth. Completely reject being in a relationship with someone who wants to control you.

8. Maintain your own life 

Remember that having a little space can be healthy for a relationship. 

You don’t want to lose your independence. 

Make sure you spend some time outside of your relationship and encourage him to do the same. 

You might start to make each other uncomfortable if you try to be together all the time. 

Read also: How To Know That You Are In A Fake Relationship (8 Sure Signs)

Where is The Best Place to Meet Senior Men

Here are the best places to meet a senior man:

1. Visit places where older men hang out 

Mature men don’t necessarily spend time in the same places as younger guys. 

They are more likely not to go to parties, so you won’t find them in loud, crowded bars downtown. 

They are more likely to prefer more discreet environments. 

Some great places where you can meet older men are: 

• Nice restaurants and bars

• Golf courses

• Coffee shops

• Book presentations and poetry readings

• Exhibition openings 

2. Friendship events

If you want to go on a friendly outing without any romantic intentions, consider joining your good friend at events like company picnics, neighborhood parties, or even distant relatives’ weddings. 

This way, you can meet older men in a social setting, and it’ll also make the event more enjoyable for your friend.

3. Browse online 

Older men are online just like everyone else. 

Join online dating sites and customize your age preferences. 

You will find men you like and they can find you too. 

You can explore websites for relationships between people with a big age gap, but be cautious. 

Some of these sites focus more on financial interests rather than genuine romance, so it’s important to research and choose wisely.

Questions to Ask When Dating an Older Man

Here are the questions to ask when dating an older man:

1. Do you tend to seek revenge or hold grudges against others?

Although resentment and revenge are not the same, they are related. 

Vengeful and spiteful people have a series of characteristics. 

The answer to this question can provide you with very valuable information.

2. Have you ever been emotionally hurt?

We’ve all gone through tough times because of someone else at some point in our lives. 

When someone honestly shares their experiences with you, it can boost your self-confidence.

3. What do you think of your ex-partners?

About the previous question, if he has a positive attitude towards his past partners, it’s a good sign that he has come to terms with the breakups. 

But if he’s filled with hate, it might indicate otherwise.

4. Do you regret anything in this life?

We have all gone through good and bad times in this life. 

After all, they are experiences that make us grow.

5. What makes you most proud?

We all remember some moment in our lives that made us feel proud. 

If you want to know him in depth, it is good that he tells you.

6. What are you afraid of?

The older man you are dating may have some kind of fear. 

Whether it is the fear of uncertainty, success, or some phobia.

7. How do you feel towards smokers?

Smoking is a bad habit but, unfortunately, many people smoke. 

If you smoke, you may want to ask him this question.

8. Do you hate anyone?

Just like feeling resentful toward someone, hate is a negative emotion that does us no good. 

It is always better to focus on yourself and think only of those who care about you.

9. Has it ever made you cry to watch a movie?

If you want to know if the man you intend to date is sensitive, you can ask him this question and see what he answers.

10. What is your biggest sexual fantasy?

If you want to have something with him sexually, ask him this question. 

This question can provide important information in case you ever have an intimate encounter.

11. What is your favorite movie?

If you want to know his film tastes, this question is a good alternative.

12. What is the most important thing to you about friendship?

This question is important whether what you want is to have a friendship with him or a relationship.

13. Where would you like to live?

With his response, he provides information about his tastes when it comes to residing in a place and, in addition, what he is like.

14. What is your favorite musical group?

It’s good to know if the man you want to date shares your musical tastes.

15. What does freedom mean to you?

This topic can be considered abstract, so it will allow you to observe how the man you are interested in knowing reflects and delves into philosophical topics.

16. What do you enjoy doing the most?

We all have our tastes and concerns. 

This question will allow you to know if his tastes match yours.

17. Do you think you can always be faithful?

This will help you find out what his concept is about fidelity in relationships.

18. Are you more productive in the morning, afternoon, or evening?

There are people who, either due to their habits or other reasons, are more productive at certain times of the day. 

It’s good to know if he’s like you.

19. Do you have pets?

If you are an animal lover, you will like the answer to this question to be yes.

20. Would you forgive deception?

Some people are incapable of forgiving. 

Forgiveness is not only good for the person you forgive but also for you.

21. Would you go back to the past? Because?

There are things we can be happy about or hate about our past. 

When a situation is not accepted, we may want to go back to the past.

22. What is the aspect about yourself that you like the most?

It is a way to know how he values ​​himself and whether he pays attention to his physical appearance.

23. Do you often think about what happens to you and what you feel?

Some people are very thoughtful and others are not at all. 

Additionally, overly reflective people can magnify problems.

24. What three things do you appreciate most in a partner?

If you are interested in this man for something serious, you will surely like to know the answer to this question.

25. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

We’ve all done strange things, especially in our youth.

Read also: 9 Qualities Every Man Want In His Dream Woman (The Gentleman’s Desire)

Signs an Older Man Is Falling in Love With You

Here are the signs that an older man is falling in love with you:

1. Make arrangements to meet you again 

An older man in love will always be trying to make the next meeting with you happen. 

Whether he tells you directly that he wants to go on a date with you, whether he always makes plans that involve you, or whether he doesn’t tell you anything but by “chance” you are always running into him everywhere and you notice that on all those occasions he looks for an approach with you. 

It could also be that you already have a relationship and that he tries to see you as often as he can since he loves being by your side.

2. He does crazy things for you

This depends on the context in which he finds himself and the “crazy things” he can do for you can be more or less intense depending on the situation. 

These can range from skipping a class to see you, traveling all day just to be with you for a few hours and even going to live in another country to be by your side.

3. He admires you

He talks wonderful things about you all the time with his friends and family or he also tells you directly everything he admires about you. 

He feels that you are the perfect person and that he could not meet someone more perfect than you.

4. He is always looking out for you

He keeps calling you, asking you how you are, if he invites you somewhere for example he always tries to make sure you are having a good time, if you are sick he offers to come take care of you, among other things.

5. You become his priority

When an older man is in love, you will become his priority before everything and even everyone. 

As a result, you’ll see that he always prefers to make arrangements with you rather than anybody else, and if he doesn’t, he’ll strive to engage you so that you will participate.

6. He thinks about you almost all-day

You can tell this because he calls you very often, asks the people closest to you about you, is very detailed with you, etc.

7. He is passionate

An older man in love feels passion towards the person he loves, the clearest signs are how a man in love looks at you, how a man in love hugs you or kisses you.

8. He cares about your well-being

Another thing an older man in love does is pay attention to your emotional state, ask questions, and want to help you.

9. Feel afraid of possible loss

An older man in love is afraid of losing the person he loves when an argument or problem arises in the relationship. 

Falling in love is very intense and it is perceived as very difficult to accept a breakup in this state.

10. He gets nervous 

One of the signs of an older man in love is that he blushes or has shy behaviors. 

He may also touch his hair or clothes a lot when he is with you.

11. He doesn’t stop looking at you

For him you are the most attractive woman, so he feels an enormous attraction towards you and this means that even unconsciously he cannot stop seeing you.

12. He wants to spend more time with you  

When an older man is in love, he needs to be with the person he wants.

13. He smiles when he’s with you

When an older man is in love with you, he will smile frequently when you are together. 

The body language of an older man in love is very clear.

How to Dress When Dating an Older Man

Here is how to dress when dating an older woman:

1. Dress Confidently: Wear outfits that make you feel confident and comfortable. 

Confidence is attractive at any age.

2. Dress Appropriately for the Occasion: Consider where you’re going for your date. 

If it’s a fancy restaurant, a nice dress or smart casual attire is suitable. 

For more casual outings, jeans and a stylish top can work.

3. Keep It Classy: Older men often appreciate a more classic and timeless style. 

Opt for clothing that’s well-fitted and avoids overly revealing or trendy pieces.

4. Pay Attention to Grooming: Good personal hygiene and grooming are important. 

Make sure your hair, makeup, and nails are well-maintained.

5. Consider His Taste: If you know his style preferences, try to incorporate elements of that into your outfit. 

It shows thoughtfulness.

6. Accessorize Thoughtfully: Accessories can elevate your look. 

A nice pair of earrings, a watch, or a tasteful necklace can add a touch of elegance.

7. Comfort Matters: Ensure that whatever you wear allows you to feel comfortable and be yourself during the date.

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between dressing well and feeling authentic. 

Read also: 12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You (Real Life experience)


You have learned how to date a senior guy in this article, ensure you observe all the courtesy we discussed. 

Remember, don’t change because you want to please him, your personal choice and boundaries shouldn’t be tampered with.