How To Find Love Again After Breakup (Where To Find Love)

How To Find Love Again After Breakup

Do you want to know how to find love again after a breakup?

It took me about twelve months before I met my wife after my last breakup. 

I was patient enough to meet the right person who is going to love me. 

You can still find love again after a breakup if you can work on your mind. 

Don’t rush the process. There are always mistakes for decisions made in a hurry.

In this article, I am going to share with you the sure ways to find love again after a breakup. 

Read also: 5 Common Mistakes New Divorcees Make (Dangerous Things To Avoid) 

Let’s have this discussion now.

How To Find Love Again After Breakup

1. Have an abundant mentality: Don’t think you can’t find another amazing partner after a breakup. 

There are many great people who you can date or marry. 

Having an abundant mentality means that you believe that you can find someone that can love you again. 

After breaking up with my last girlfriend, I knew within myself that I can find love again. 

I didn’t give up on love, I kept on believing and searching for the right person. 

2. Don’t look depressed: Look cheerful and happy. Nobody wants to date a depressed person. 

Smile when you see people. This will brighten your face and make you look more attractive. 

3. Don’t look desperate: People can easily notice a desperate person. Desperation can not be hidden. 

You will choose the wrong person if you are desperate to date or marry. Take your time to find the right person. 

4. Improve your physical look: Take good care of your physical appearance. This will attract your partner easily. 

Dress appropriately and wear clothes that fit any event that you will be attending. 

5. Be bold: Be confident in yourself. Timidity is never an attractive quality. 

Walk and talk with confidence. Look at people directly in the eyes when conversing with them.

6. Find the circle that you love: If you want to date a doctor, make friends with a lot of medical practitioners. 

You may see someone you like, or they will refer you to their friends and tell them about you.

You can also attend events where you can find the kind of people that you want to date.

7. Date yourself: After breakup, you need to stay a minimum of six months to heal. 

Show yourself more love and care before finding another person to date. 

Jumping into another relationship immediately will lead to another breakup.

8. Be open to love again: Don’t hate men or women because of the experience you had with them in the past. 

That you broke up with your ex doesn’t mean that all the men or women are bad. 

It is about the person you dated and not about everyone else. 

9. Know what you want: After breaking up with my last girlfriend, I wrote five things I wanted in a woman. 

This helped me not to date any available woman who is not going to fit into my life. 

I suggest you do the same. Write everything you desire in a man or a woman. Your own list may be more than five or less.

10. Don’t stay indoors: You may not find someone when you stay indoors throughout the whole day. 

Go out to popular places like, football stadium, cinema and shopping centres. 

You can make friends with anyone who has interest in you, if you go to these popular places.

You have to put in the effort in finding the right person. 

Don’t think that because someone broke your heart you won’t have a good relationship again. 

Where To Find A Partner

There are different places where you can find a good partner who will love you. Let’s discuss about them below:

• At your workplace: Don’t isolate yourself from your colleagues, you sweetheart may be among them.

• At the church: You will find many people at the church. 

Don’t be rude if any of your church members approach you for help or advice. 

• On social media spaces: You can find a partner online. But be careful here so that you will not be scammed. 

• At game centres: Go and watch games. It can be any game or sports that you love. 

You will meet people that may want to be your friend. 

• At the library: Go to the library and read any book of your choice. 

Other people are there reading too, and your sweetheart may be one of them.

• Go to gym: Gym attracts a lot of people, you can register with a nearby gym. 

Exercise is good for your health and personal development, your lover may be there gyming as well.

• Shopping centre: You mustn’t buy everything online. 

Sometimes visit the shopping centre and get things for yourself. You may come back with the love of your life. 

• Restaurants: Try and go out alone to any restaurant of your choice,  and enjoy your favourite meals. 

You can do this at lunch time or during the weekend. I prefer weekends because many people will be around. 

Don’t  Do These If You Meet The Right Person

• Don’t tell them what happened in your previous relationship. 

• Don’t compare him/her with your ex. This kind of comparison is not necessary. 

• Don’t bring up any discussion about your ex.

• Don’t expect your new partner to be perfect. There is no perfect partner anywhere. 

• Don’t ask them anything about their exes. 

• Don’t trust them easily. Allow them to prove themselves 

• Don’t judge quickly. Give them time to see who they really are. 

I have seen many people rush into another relationship immediately after a breakup. 

It is very wrong and it will affect your mental health. Relationship is a marathon. Relax and be calm. 

Most people that rushed into a new relationship after a breakup usually end up heartbroken. 

I guess you don’t want to be heart broken, relax and heal from the previous hurt before going into another relationship. 


Finding love again after a breakup is not easy. 

Breakups can hurt, I have been there before. Give yourself some time to heal and you are good to go. 

Love is sweet with the right person. People in businesses fail and continue struggling till they become successful, so is the relationship. 

Don’t give up, remember that you can still find love again.