How To Identify A Cheating Partner (The Proven Strategy)

How To Identify A Cheating Partner (The Proven Strategy)

Do you want to know how to identify a cheating partner?

I had a girlfriend when I was living in Georgia. She cheated on me many times.

I was heart broken when I discovered that she was cheating on me. I was almost depressed and cried day and night because I loved her so much.

I want to share with you the signs that I saw when she started cheating on me.

When your partner starts cheating on you, their attitude must definitely change.

Read also: 7 Reasons Why People Cheat In Relationship

So how can you find out that your partner is really cheating on you?

Let’s figure this out.

How To Know That Your Partner Is Cheating 

1. They’ll start hiding their phone from you: They’ll password their phone so that no one can have access to it, including you.

They’ll never let you see their call logs, chats and emails.

2. He or she will start keeping late at night: When your partner starts cheating on you he or she will likely start to come home late.

3. They’ll start giving excuses whenever you want to make love to them: This is because your partner might have slept with the person they’re cheating with.

4. When your partner starts nagging unnecessarily: When your partner start finding fault in anything you do.

They don’t appreciate your efforts again, this means he or she might be cheating on you. 

5. When your partner stops trying to please you: They will stop doing things that you love.

6. When your partner is no longer interested in your hobby: This might not be seen as part of it but it is a great sign that your partner has lost interest in you.

7. When your partner neglects their responsibilities: When your partner stop doing what he/she suppose to do in the relationship.

8. Communication dropped: This is the easiest thing to notice when your partner starts cheating on you.

Communication will be less frequent because their attention is divided. 

9. When they start complaining that you’re no more attractive: This is tricky because you may think that they are honest, without you knowing that they have started seeing another person outside. 

10. When you notice they suddenly change their perfume: They will change their regular perfume. They do this to attract their secret lover. 

You’ve to be very attentive to find out when your partner start cheating on you. Just be on the lookout and you’ll notice these signs.

Read also: How To Catch A Cheating Partner (My wife’s experience)

Don’t Do These When You Notice That Your Partner Is Cheating On You

1. Don’t cheat back: Sometimes you might be so angry over your partner’s attitude and you’ll start finding a way to cheat back.

Don’t do that, you’ll create a bigger problem for yourself if you do.

2. Don’t confront them immediately: Be sure that they’re really cheating on you before you conclude.

Don’t just rush and start confronting your partner if you do not have any evidence. 

3. Stop asking too much questions about their whereabout: Be patient and not be in a hurry to ask them their whereabouts.

4. Don’t tell any third-party: Communicate with your partner first before you involve an outsider. 

5. Don’t file for divorce immediately: Be patient and see how things work. 

Most of the time you might be tempted to rush through things but patience is the key in this kind of situation.

Men Vs Women – Who Cheat More 

This argument has been going on for many years and up till today it is still on. Who do you think cheats more in relationships/marriages?

There’s no straight forward answer to this question. Men cheat. Women cheat. Who cheated more is unknown.

If you said that men cheat more, who do they cheat with? Is it not with women?

If you said that women cheat more, who exactly do they cheat with? Is it not with men? 

The answer to this question is unknown. Instead of saying that a particular gender cheats more  than the other, we can say they all cheat equally. Yes, it is 50:50 instead

A woman can cheat and keep it secret for a long time, maybe because society frowns more at them when they cheat.

But when a man cheats, he can discuss it freely with his friends. So this makes it look as if men cheat more than women, but in reality it is 50:50. 

Read also: 10 Best Tips For Maintaining Faithfulness In Your Relationship 


If you’re suspecting your partner for cheating, make sure you are patient enough to confirm if he or she is really cheating on you.

If you accuse them wrongly, you’ll create more problems.

But if you pay close attention and follow the signs listed above in this article, you’ll surely confirm if they’re cheating or not.

Remember the “Don’ts”, never cheat because your partner is cheating. 

There’s nothing good about cheating. People who cheat don’t have inner peace, they won’t tell you this.

So if your partner is cheating on you, remain positive and patient, things might work out well.