How to Keep an Older Woman Interested (8 Easy Ways)

How to Keep an Older Woman Interested in a relationship

If you want to date or are already dating an older woman, you need to do things right to keep her interested in the relationship. 

If you are not bringing anything to the table, she will lose interest and leave you for another guy.

I know you don’t want that my friend. 

You will enjoy a relationship with an older woman if you can make her think about you always. 

So in this article, I will share with you how to keep an older woman interested.

Read also: How Do You Win The Heart of an Older Woman And Conquer Her? (16 Steps to Follow)

Let’s go now!

1. Maintain good hygiene

Take a good shower, apply perfume, and put on new clothes. 

Showing up with your shirt all folded up or your hair messy will only give the impression that you’re not taking the meeting very seriously. 

Don’t overdo it with perfume or cologne; one or two sprays on each side of the neck are enough for the fragrance to be pleasant throughout the entire date. 

Otherwise, the strong smell, although pleasant, could end up being nauseating.

2. Make eye contact when talking to her

Don’t look down or look somewhere else when talking with an older woman. 

If you do, she will notice that you are not confident and will leave you eventually. 

However, don’t look her in the eye and maintain eye contact for too long or you will only scare her. 

Hold your gaze for just a few seconds and then look away.

To send even more flirting signals, look at her, smile, and glance at her lips for a moment.

3. Invite her to fun shows

Just because a woman is older doesn’t mean she won’t have the same passion as you. 

When an older woman chooses to date a younger man, it’s often because she wants the energy and excitement that she might not find in older men. 

To keep her interested, you should invite her to do fun things like going out, dancing, traveling, and trying new adventures together. 

Don’t wait for her to ask; take the initiative and suggest these activities to keep the romance alive.

4. Keep your promises 

One key to maintaining her interest is to be reliable and trustworthy. 

If you make commitments or promises, whether it’s about plans for a date, being there for her, or anything else, make sure you follow through. 

Consistency and reliability can go a long way in building trust and keeping her engaged in the relationship.

5. Boost her self-confidence

An older woman can sometimes be insecure about her age or appearance. 

Your job is to boost her self-confidence and show her that she is beautiful. 

Compliment her sincerely and focus not only on her appearance but also on her inner beauty and personality. 

This will make her feel appreciated and boost her self-confidence.

6. Don’t change things about yourself for her

You may think that you need to change your entire personality to be able to have a successful relationship with an older woman. 

But if you change too much, she will lose interest in you because you are no longer the guy she fell in love with. 

Of course! It’s okay to grow and mature in a relationship, but you shouldn’t change so much that your older girlfriend can hardly recognize you from when you first started dating. 

It’s important to remain true to yourself and not lose your identity in the process of trying to be more experienced or mature.

You should aim for your older girlfriend to like you for who you truly are, not some artificial or polished version of yourself. 

If you ever feel like you’re not being genuine or you’ve lost your true self in the relationship, it might be better to consider leaving it.

If you genuinely want a meaningful relationship with an older woman, there’s no need to hide your true self or pretend to be someone you’re not just to seem more mature. 

Be authentic and show her your real personality and interests.

7. Be courteous

If you want to succeed in dating an older woman, you should be a respectful and considerate person. 

You don’t want her to think you’re rude or don’t know how to treat a woman well. 

Some women may not like traditional gestures like holding the door or pulling out a chair, so pay attention to what she prefer. 

However, it’s always a good idea to be polite and avoid discussing impolite topics. 

Most importantly, show respect for the woman you’re dating.

Also, when you have a date, make sure to be on time and occasionally surprise her with a thoughtful gift. 

These actions show your appreciation and make you a gentleman in her eyes.

8. Don’t worry about not being very experienced yet

Absolutely! Your older girlfriend likely has more life experience and relationship history than you, but it doesn’t mean you should constantly talk about it or feel inadequate. 

If she’s more experienced in certain aspects, like in the bedroom, it can be a positive learning experience. 

Instead of dwelling on the past, focus on enjoying the present with her.

To be a great boyfriend to an older woman, avoid saying you lack experience, as it might make her overly conscious of her own experience or make you seem insecure. 

If you’re intimate, don’t worry too much about your level of experience, because if you focus on it too much, you will enjoy it less.

Read also: 22 Signs an Older Woman Wants You Physically

How to Show an Older Woman You’re Interested

Here is how to show an older woman that you are interested:

1. Don’t be afraid to ask her out: If you want to show her that you’re more mature than you might seem and increase your chances of dating her then do these:

Ask for her phone number: So you can stay in touch.

Ask her out in person: Don’t use text or calls. Older women appreciate confidence.

Set a specific date and time: This is to avoid confusion. 

For instance, you can say, “Hi ( Sandra, if that’s her name), I was thinking of going out to dinner on Friday night with you. Would you like to go with me?” 

This method exhibits maturity and a desire to spend time with one another.

2. Move slowly toward physical contact: First dates are never the right time to talk about sex.

Instead, you can show your interest by holding her hand during dinner or while walking her home. 

An older woman might make the first move herself, but you still need to show her that you feel confident. 

Once you arrive at her house, take her to her door. 

Kiss her on the lips and wish her good night. As you kiss her, place your hand behind her head.

A kiss in front of her door should not last more than five to six seconds. 

You don’t want the situation to become awkward or make her feel like you want more.

Don’t give her a quick kiss on the lips or cheeks either. 

Work your tongue a little and show her that you feel something for her. 

She will want more and she will accept other dates in the future.

3. Get gifts for her: Keep buying her flowers, bringing her chocolates, and giving her greeting cards. 

This might sound a bit cliché, but it works. 

Any day you spend apart, tell her you love her, you can do this through text or call.

4. send a photo of yourself: Just because she’s older than you doesn’t mean she won’t be interested in your sexy photos. 

Send her a nice snapshot of your cute face and you might receive one from her in return. 

If you’re very comfortable with her and have been chatting for a while, go ahead and send her a more suggestive photo of yourself.

Add a caption like “Like what you see?” or “How am I?” 

If you’re just starting to chat with her, avoid fully nude shots until you’ve gotten to know her and established that she’s open to it.

Read also: How to Find a Girlfriend at 55 (4 Simple Steps)

What to Do When an Older Woman Likes You

Here is what to do when an older woman likes you:

1. Assess Your Feelings: First, take some time to reflect on your feelings. 

Do you genuinely have an interest in her? Are you comfortable with the age difference?

If you answered ‘yes’ to the above questions, go ahead and date her.

2. Embrace the Relationship: If you both share a genuine connection and are comfortable with the age difference, embrace the relationship and enjoy your time with her.

3. Get to Know Each Other: Spend time together to build a deeper connection. 

Share your interests, experiences, and life goals to see if you have common ground. 

If your interests are different, you can leave the relationship.

4. Be prepared for societal perceptions: Understand that society will have certain stereotypes or judgments about age-gap relationships. 

Be ready to handle any external scrutiny with confidence and resilience.

5. Appreciate her confidence: Older women who pursue younger partners often possess confidence and self-assuredness. 

Acknowledge and appreciate these qualities, as they are attractive traits.

6. Communicate about plans: Discuss your long-term goals and plans to ensure you’re on the same page when it comes to the direction of the relationship.

What Are The Benefits of Dating an Older Woman?

Here are the benefits of dating an older woman:

1. Lack of pressure

Dating a young woman is exciting until she’s 24! Something strange happens to women when they reach this age.

The cool girl you once knew turns into a stranger overnight. 

A girl who used to party from Monday to Friday suddenly withdraws.

She takes her career seriously, becomes religious, or develops a strong affinity for babies when just months before, she couldn’t bear any.

Anyway, all of a sudden, she wants the ring on her finger. 

Falling in love with an older woman saves you from this type of situation. 

Indeed, often she has already been married and is in no hurry (at all) to do it again. 

2. Lifestyle

When dating an older woman, it’s important to keep in mind that you may be at very different stages in your life.

You may still be establishing your career, living with roommates, or saving up to go on a trip. 

She, on the other hand, may already be settled, financially comfortable, and perhaps even a mother.

This doesn’t apply to everyone, of course. 

But if you have a different lifestyle than the person you’re dating, it could lead to conflict.

Try to establish what you both want from your relationship early on, so you can be sure you want the same things.

The biggest advantage is the fact that you are not responsible for it. 

She is fully capable of taking care of herself and living on her own. 

So all you have to do is think about establishing your life.

3. Strength

An older woman will probably have had a few relationships under her belt and will therefore have a good idea of ​​what she wants and doesn’t want from a new relationship – and won’t be afraid to say it.

You’ll always know where you stand and you can forget about the games. 

An older woman is stronger, independent, and self-confident. 

So you can count on her to be your partner.

An older woman has also learned from her experience and is wise. Her advice is worth gold!

4. The sexual aspect

Women reach their sexual peak later in life than men, so an older woman and a younger man may find that they are perfectly in sync sexually.

Older women know what they want, so be prepared for them to teach you – give up control and let it go.

Read also: How Do Narcissists Act When Dating (10 Things Narcissists Do When Dating)


As you have learned how to keep an older woman interested, don’t judge her or be rude.

Be polite and respect her boundaries. You will enjoy her company and learn a lot from her.