How To  Know That Your Child Is Being Sexually Abused – My Personal Story 

To Know that your child is being sexually abused is very important.

I grew up in a poor family. My dad was a petty trader together with my mom.

They struggled to feed and train us in school. 

I normally stay with my cousin sister who was eighteen years old then, and was six years old.

When everyone leaves the house in the morning, my cousin’s sister will force me to finger her.

She taught me how to finger her. I didn’t know what I was doing because I was only six years old. 

She threatened to kill me if I tell dad or mom. I was so afraid and I didn’t tell anyone. 

My parents didn’t know what was going on because they were always busy with their small business.

I started masturbating when she left.

My parents never knew all these. 

In this article, I am going to share with you how to know that your child is being sexually abused. 

Read also: The Right Age To Start Teaching Your Kids Sex Education (With Practical Examples)

Let’s go on. 

How To Know That Your Child Is Being Sexually Abused

1.Pay attention to your child: Be observant when you’re have discussions with your kid.

Make your child your best friend. This will help the child to open up and tell if someone touching his or her private part.

If your kids dislikes any adult or teen, especially someone that is closer to them, then something is wrong. 

2.When they start masturbating: Most people that were sexually abused start masturbating early.

Sometimes enter your kids room without knocking, to find out what they are doing when they are alone.

If they spend more time in the toilet or bathroom, it is possible they are masturbating. 

And they likely learn the act from someone who abuses them sexually. 

That was how I started masturbation at an early age.

3.If they dislike the opposite gender: Most kids that were abused sexually hate the opposite gender.

This is no way a child will just hate the opposite gender for nothing. Check well something bad might have happened. 

4.If the child keeps complaining about a particular person: 

Those people that abuse kids sexually normally threaten to kill them if they tell anyone. 

Your child may not have the courage to tell you what he/she is passing through. 

If your kid is complaining bitterly about a particular person, it is a clear sign of sexual abuse.

5.Someone that normally buy them gifts: They buy gifts for them so that they will not tell their dad or mom. 

They also pamper them and show extra care towards the child. It happened in my own to me.

6.Listen to the words they use: Sometimes those abusers will teach them bad language during the act. 

If any of your kid use any words or slang that they aren’t supposed to use, it is a sign of sexual abuse.

7.If the child tell you that their private part is hurting them: This normally happens to girls. 

When those abusers finish fondling their private parts, it will start paining them because their body is still young and tender.

8.When the child is always unhappy: Because of what the child is passing through, he/she won’t be happy and very active like the other kids.

Because, this will make them to withdraw from people. 

Read also: Which Parenting Style Is Most Encouraged In Modern America Where Parents Are Frequently Warm But Also Firm With Their Kids

How To Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse

1.Teach them sex education early: Don’t wait till your kids have grown or closer to teen age before you start teaching them about sex. 

2.Always buy gifts for your child: Buy gifts for them regularly so that those abusers won’t entice them with gifts. 

3.Show them more love and care: Kids naturally get attached to anyone that shows them more love.

 It is your duty as a dad or mom to show them the love they need at that tender age. 

Don’t allow an outsider to love your kids more than you.

4.Be their best friend: By being their best friend, they will tell you everything that is going on in their lives.

 Don’t make your kids afraid of you. If you do, they won’t be telling you everything. 

5.Encourage them to report anybody that touche their private parts: Remember that they are still young and need motivation to tell you who is molesting them.

6.Don’t trust anyone with your child: Most parents make this mistake. 

I can’t even trust my brothers or sister with my child, because the person that my parents trusted was the one who abused me sexually.

Abusing kids sexually is very bad and a painful experience to kids. 

Pay close attention to your kids because they are your responsibility. 

You must create time from your busy schedule to stay and talk with them. 

What To Do If You Find Someone That Is Abusing Your Child Sexually

1.Report them to appropriate authority: Don’t hesitate to call appropriate authority who will handle this problem. 

2.Take them to a counsellor: Sexual abuse affect the kid’s mental health. 

So take them to a good counsellor for help .

3.Disassociate your child from the person or people that abused him/her: 

Don’t allow them to be in that environment so that those bad memories will not continue to harm the child.

4.Take the child to a doctor: Let the doctor examine the child and see if he/she has any internal injury and probably give the child some medical attention. 

5.Buy stress relieving books for the child: Stress relieving books like coloring books and picture books are going to help the child to recover from the trauma. 


Bringing up a child is tedious work. Especially when they are under ten. 

You have to know where your kids are, who they are staying with, and their challenges.

 If a child grows up with the trauma of sexual abuse, it will affect his/her life negatively in the future especially during dating or in marriage. 

So pay close attention to them at this tender age and protect them from sexual abuse.