How To Live With A Broke Husband (You Must Know This)

How To Live With A Broke Husband

Do you want to know how to live with him until he gets back on his feet?

I was jobless for six months and my wife was the one who catered for the family during those periods. 

I wasn’t happy that my wife was the one feeding me. I wasn’t staying idle either. 

I was going about seeking a new job opportunity. 

This time was so difficult for her, and I saw the frustration written all over her. 

In this article, I  am going to share with you what she did during these periods when I was out of job. 

Read also: 7 Mistakes New Couples Make In Their Marriage (The Best Way Forward)

Let’s go on now. 

How To Live With A Broke Husband (You Must Know This)

As a woman here are what you should do when your husband is broke (These are exactly what my wife did)

1. Don’t compare him with others: This is the worst thing to do when your husband is broke. 

Remember that this time is the most difficult time in his life. 

No man is happy when he is broke. 

During my own time, I nearly lost my confidence as a man but my wife is a  great woman. 

She didn’t allow me to be depressed. 

2. Encourage him: The primary responsibility of a wife is to encourage her husband. 

The only thing he needs to overcome these challenges is motivate him. 

Tell him stories of great men that rose from poverty to great wealth. 

Tell him that he is going to achieve greater success. 

Remember that most successful men were pushed to the top by the words of motivation from the women around them. 

Women are so powerful in motivating men to succeed in anything they are doing. 

Find some motivational quotes online, write them out, and paste it in his room. 

So that he will look at it at night before going to bed and in the morning when he wakes up.

3. Be on the lookout for a job/ business opportunity: Help him to find another job. 

You can do this online and at different establishments where his skill is needed. 

You can also encourage him to learn new skills like graphic design, web development, social media content creation and other skills he has interest in. 

There are many opportunities online to look out for. 

4. Be patient: Things cannot turnaround overnight. 

You need to be patient and help him to pass through this time. 

My friend’s wife left her husband when he lost his job in 2019. She didn’t give him any support and motivation. 

She left and followed another man and started bearing kids with him. 

Two years later in 2021, my friend got a big contract with a big construction company in New Zealand, that was worth about $60,000. 

This contract was for six months. 

This was how he began to get other contracts because the company he worked with loved his zeal, and they referred to other companies. 

He called me three months ago and told me that he is getting married to another woman. 

One of the greatest virtues you should have is patience. Because marriage comes with many challenges, it is up and down.

5. Get  financial resources for him: Buy him books that teach financial knowledge. 

My wife bought this book for me, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. 

This Book taught me about creating many sources of income. 

It made me understand that depending on a job alone is not going to give me financial security. 

This is true because I was laid off by my previous employer because the company was having financial problems and had many debts to pay. 

Today, I have more than three sources of income. 

My wife did a great job here and as a woman,  you should also do the same for your husband. 

Even if he is not broke now, give him books and audio clips about financial knowledge as gifts. He will be so glad.

6. Play games with him: Find any game that both of you love and play the game with him at least twice a week. 

I love card games. I played this game with my wife when we were dating. We still play this game till this day. 

Playing any game that both of you love will help him stay motivated and worry less about his financial difficulties. 

Don’t allow him to worry too much.

7. Support him: If you are earning money during this time, you can help him get some small things that he may need. 

If you support your husband when he is financially down, he will never forget your kindness and he will love you more for that.

It is not easy to follow all the 7 points listed above but I guess you want your husband to bounce back from being broke. 

Here Are The Home Based Businesses You Can Do Together With Your Partner

Yes there are many businesses you can do with your partner from home. 

Remember this saying, “Two good heads are better than one”. 

Running a business together as a couple is a rewarding venture. 

Even if you have an active job now, you shouldn’t depend on the job. 

Start another business on the side with your partner. 

Here are some business you can start together as a couple:

1. YouTube: You can start a YouTube channel and start sharing your journey as a couple, the challenges, how you overcome and what you love  doing together. 

It is very easy to start a YouTube channel. You only need your Gmail address, camera – it can be your phone camera. 

If you get to monetization, YouTube will start paying you. This is a good passive income opportunity. 

2. You can start writing and publishing your books on Amazon: I am doing this, and it fetches me good money monthly. 

You can pay someone to write and format the book for you. This is another good source of income. 

3. Start blogging: If you don’t like making videos on YouTube with your partner, you can start writing articles on blog. 

Google will monetize your blog and you will start making money together with your spouse. 

4. You can also start affiliate marketing: This is sending traffic to other people’s products and services. 

You will earn commission by doing this.

There are other ways both of you can start making money together from home. 

But I listed only four because they are the ones I and my partner do. 

You can choose any other one that is comfortable for both of you, or you can research and find other ways online. 

Have it in mind that living with a broke husband is not easy. 

Because it is the duty of a man to provide for the family while the woman supports him. 

Remember that you got married to him because you love him. 

This is the time he needed you most in his life. This period is short, it won’t last.


Don’t leave your husband because he is broke. Help him to get back on his feet. 

Remember that you will enjoy it with him when things start moving well again. 

A broke husband can be a wealthy man tomorrow. 

Yes, it is not easy but persevere. Success is assured for both of you. Good luck to you.