How To Live With A Partner Who Doesn’t Love You (8 Things You Are Missing)

How To Live With A Partner Who Doesn't Love You

Are you frustrated because your partner doesn’t love you any more? 

Is the love between you and your partner growing cold?

Josh was my neighbour who got married out of wedlock. 

This means that he impregnated his wife before marrying her. 

Her wife’s parents were Christians, so Josh got married to their daughter when she was only two months pregnant. 

He said that he did this so that it won’t bring shame to his wife’s parents who were very active in their parish.

After three years into the marriage, his wife started complaining that Josh didn’t love her again. 

This was true because we noticed that too. My mother called Josh’s wife then, and gave her some secrets. 

She told Josh’s wife what to start doing so that she can regain her husband’s love again. 

In this article, I will share with you the secrets on how to live with a partner who doesn’t love you. 

Read also: 12 Sure Signs That Shows That Your Marriage Is Great (Jack’s 15 Years Experience)

Let’s go on now. 

How To Live With A Partner Who Doesn’t Love You 

1. Find their love language: I believe that you must have heard of the five love languages by Gary Chapman.

They are;

Physical touch. If your partner mostly wants to be touched.

Words of affirmation. If your partner mostly wants to be praised by word of mouth.

Receiving gifts. If your partner loves gifts a lot.

Spending quality time. If your partner mostly wants to spend more time with you.

Act of service. If your partner loves it when you help him/her in doing anything.

You can also figure out your own love language from the lists above. 

You have to learn your own love language so that it will be easy for your partner to love you too. 

So how can you determine your partner’s love language? 

From my experience, the easiest way to figure out your partner’s love language is to note what they mostly complain about. 

Your partner may not even know that there is anything called love language. 

For example, if they always complain that you don’t give them attention, it means that his/her love language is quality time. 

If they always touch you it means that they want you to be touching them also. 

And touching could be; cuddling, spanking and running your fingers over their hair or giving them a smooth body massage. 

This is one of the best ways to live with a partner who doesn’t love you. 

Do what they love consistently. Don’t be discouraged. 

2. Make yourself attractive: Make sure that you are always clean and neat, especially when they are around. 

You can do this by:

• Using a nice perfume that’s peculiar to your gender. 

Don’t use any type of perfume. 

If you are a man, use male perfume, if you are a woman, use female perfume. 

And don’t use the perfume you normally used in the past. Change to another one so that they can perceive the “new you”. 

Josh’s wife later told my mom that this perfume strategy worked for her.

Wash your mouth twice a day. In the morning and at night after your dinner. 

• Get fitting clothes for yourself.  Wear good clothes that will make you look great.

3. Be courageous: Stop begging them to love you. Stop acting as if you can’t live without them.  

Let them see that you are fine and happy. Being timid and moody is not going to help you in any way.

4. Make them jealous: Dress up and go out on a date alone. Don’t go with anyone. 

This will make them feel jealous and they may start looking for your attention again. 

Read also: How To make Your Partner Happy Again (The 10 Best Ways) 

5. Take beautiful pictures of yourself: Make a post on your social media with any of your beautiful pictures. 

Make sure you tag them, if you can’t tag them make sure you post the picture on the social media platforms that they use regularly. 

Just make sure they see those pictures.

6. Keep fit: If you discover that you are gaining weight, start any exercise that will help you burn fat or you can change your diet. 

Work on your body so that they will find you attractive again. 

7. Try to control your temper: It is not bad to get angry, but control your anger. 

Remember that you are on a mission to make your partner love you again, and you shouldn’t allow anything to stop you from achieving your goal.

8. Tell them that you love them: This could be difficult, but try telling them this at least once a day. 

If you can’t say it with your mouth you can text it to them. Don’t worry about their reply. This strategy also helped Josh’s wife.

Why Your Partner May Stop Loving You

There are several reasons why your partner may stop loving you. It may be your fault or it may be theirs.

1. You don’t respect them. If you don’t respect your partner they will find it difficult to love you.

2. You don’t communicate your needs. If you don’t talk with your partner they may stop loving you. 

Express your feelings and let them know that you need them emotionally and otherwise.

3. They may be seeing someone else. If they are cheating on you their love for you will grow cold. 

3. They may need some time alone. Your partner may need space at this time.  

4. They may be passing through some challenges:

They may be having some difficulties in their lives and they don’t want you to know about them. 

5. They may lack the courage to express their feelings. 

Maybe there is something you are doing that they don’t like and they may not have the courage to tell you about it.

6. You are repeating your mistakes. If you do a particular thing that they don’t like repeatedly, they may not love you like before again.

7. If you don’t keep your promises. If you do this, your partner won’t love you any more.

8. If they see you as a burden. If they carry the whole responsibility alone, they won’t be happy and they may not love you again. 

Living with a partner who doesn’t love you is not easy. 

And you can’t force someone to love you. You must be patient and be consistent in putting in the efforts to make things better with them.

Read also: 10 Best Tips For Maintaining Faithfulness In Your Relationship 


It is possible that your partner will start loving you again. 

Ask them to tell you the reason why they stop loving you. 

This will help you to know the next action to take.

 And if you have tried everything and there is no positive change, then you can see a marriage counsellor.