How To Make Your Partner Love You More (I Wish I Know This Earlier)

How To Make Your Partner Love You More (I Wish I Know This Earlier)

Do you want to know how to make your partner love you more? Yes, your partner can love you more if you follow what I will share with you in this article.

My mom’s advice changed my life. She said that if I want to make my partner love more that I should give the love first.

I didn’t believe her earlier until I started treating my wife the way I wanted her to treat me. And this was the turning point of our love life.

In this article, I am going to she with you how to make your partner love you more.

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How To Make Your Partner Love You More (I Wish I Know This Earlier)

Here’s how:

1. Respect your partner: If you don’t respect your partner he or she will never love you. Respecting your partner will earn you their love.

2. Tell your partner about it: Tell your partner that you desire his or her love. If you don’t tell them, they might think you’re ok.

Remember that your partner can’t just know what’s on your mind without you talking about it.

3. Do what they love: Try and find out what your partner cherishes and do that always. 

4. Control your temper: if you get angry easily your partner won’t be happy with that, put your temper under control and they’ll find you attractive. 

5. Make yourself attractive: Everybody admires something that’s good. Practice self care, use good perfumes and be neat always. An attractive partner is irresistible. 

6. Don’t compare your partner with your exes: If you do that he or she will feel bad and won’t love you. 

7. Tell them how you want to be loved: Some people normally love their partner the way they want and not the way their partner wants.

For example, you may like gifts but your partner might not know that you love gifts so much. It is your duty to tell them what you love.  

8. Be innovative: Learn new things that’ll spice up your relationship. Learn a new way to communicate with your partner.

Learn new sex positions. These will make them have stronger love for you.

9. Support your partner: If you support your partner whenever he or she needs you, you will definitely earn his/her love.

10. Be patient: Your partner needs time to learn what you want and how they can love you. Help them to achieve this goal so that both of you will be happy. 

When you do the necessary things your partner will genuinely love you. But if you relax waiting for your partner to love you, it won’t work.

You need to put effort into getting what you want. 

Everything starts by communication, if you don’t talk your partner won’t know what exactly that you want. They can’t read your mind to know what you want. 

I do help my wife to do work at home. I am doing this so that I can earn her love without forcing her to love me.

Love is not something you do with force. It is easier for men to love women than women loving men.

Women are led by their feelings but men are not. To love is a man’s responsibility. If your wife is happy with you she can go any length to show you her love. 

Read also: How To Live With A Partner Who Doesn’t Love You (8 Things You Are Missing)

Men Vs Women When It Comes To Love.

It is a man’s responsibility to love a woman. Yes, it is not a woman’s job to love a man. Women are receivers.

As a man If you love your woman she will surely love you back. But don’t expect her to love you, it is not her primary duty to do that.

Women are like bees; if you treat them well they’ll give you honey, if you treat  them badly they’ll sting you.

Men and women are different when it comes to love. And this is the reason why communication is so important in a relationship.

You have to communicate your needs to your partner. If you keep quiet you’ll miss your partner’s love and care.

Generally, men desire their woman to respect them and women need attention. If you respect a man, you have won half of his heart.

If you give a woman attention you have equally won half of her heart. So this is the simple difference between a man and a woman when it comes to love and what they need.

He needs respect and she needs attention. And it is the man’s responsibility to love a woman then, she can reciprocate by loving him back.

Read also: How To make Your Partner Happy Again (The 10 Best Ways) 

How To Get The Attention Of A Man

It is easier to get a man’s attention than that of a woman.

So how can you achieve this?

1. Men are moved by what they see: As a woman, when you’re alone with him at home, wear short clothes. This will make him see the sensitive part of your body.

No matter how busy he is, he’ll turn and notice you. This has been proven.

2. Words of affirmation: Men love to be encouraged by women. If you encourage him to be a better man or dad he’ll feel confident in himself 

3. Don’t challenge him: Don’t challenge him even if you are angry. Control yourself. Don’t try to correct  a man when he’s talking, you can do that later.

And never correct him in public.

4. Don’t compete with him:  As a woman never you compete with a man. Men dislike competition. 

5. Show interest in what he loves: If he loves football or any other sports show some interest. Even if you dislike the sport, show small interest. 

Now you have seen the little things to do to get the attention of any man. Let’s see how to get that of a woman.

How To Get Attention Of A Woman 

1. Sweet words: Unlike men, women are moved by words. Tell her sweet things continuously, like how beautiful she is, how intelligent she is, and how pretty her eyes are.

This will make her want you around because she loves what you’re telling her. Men that know how to tell women sweet things win their heart easily that a man with money.

2. Show care: Check up on her regularly. Women want men that can care for them.

3. Listen More: Women like talking especially if they like you. Allow her to talk more when you’re together or when you’re talking over the phone with her.

4. Make her laugh: Women love funny men. Men that can easily say something that can make them smile and laugh out loud has already won their heart.

5. Be a leader: Be a man that you are. Women love men who can lead them. A man who’s not emotional like a woman will get whatever he wants from her.

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You can easily win your partner’s love if you diligently follow what we discussed above.

But remember that you won’t achieve this overnight, it requires patience and consistency.

Even if you’re with a difficult partner, he or she will still love and cherish you when you do what you are supposed to do.

Making your partner love you is easy if you know how to play your cards well.