How To Marry Right And Stay Together Forever (My Experience)

How To Marry Right And Stay Together Forever (My Experience)

How to marry right and stay together forever is something you must know about to be successful in marriage.

I made the decision to marry when I was 18. And I knew the person I wanted to marry.

I didn’t have the courage to talk to her then, but I do admire her secretly hoping to tie the knot with her one day. 

She was a good girl, but the decision and the choice I made was wrong, it was not real.

In this article, I am going to share with you from my experience how to marry right and stay together forever.

Read also: How To Make Your Partner Love You More (I Wish I Know This Earlier)

When you are about to choose who to marry or who not to marry, you need to put your feelings aside and focus more on your life’s values and goals.

Marriage is one of the most important decisions to make in life.

Because the person you choose to marry will either help you grow or frustrate your life forever.

Here Are Some Questions To Ask Before Choosing A Life Partner

1. What are my goals? (short and long term goals)

If you don’t know what you want in life, it will be difficult for you to choose the right person.

When I was eighteen, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted in a life partner. And that was the problem I had.

2. Does his or her goals align with my goals?

I don’t want to work for anyone all through my life. I wanted to build my own source of income, this was my goal.

And when I met my wife who also had the same vision, I knew without guessing that she is the right partner for me and we got married.

3. Can I love him or her for long?

Don’t marry someone that you won’t love for long. Marriage is a long term business.

4. What are my strengths and weaknesses?

Know your strength and weaknesses. If you don’t know yourself well, you will find it difficult to live with a partner.

5. Can I tolerate his or her bad side?

Know your partner’s weaknesses too. This will help you to tolerate his or her bad side.

6. Why do I want to get married?

Different people have different reasons for getting married. Find out the exact reason why you want to get married, or the reason why you get married to your partner.

These questions will put you in the right track to make clear choices. You should write them out in your journal together with your answers.

So how can you marry right? You can marry right by following these points below

1. Consider your friends: It is always right to choose your life partner among your friends.

By doing this you can understand each other better than getting married to a complete stranger. 

2. Consider your hobby: Do you have a particular hobby that you love so much? If Yes, choose someone who loves the same hobby.

Going with someone who has a different hobby will make your marriage boring, and there will be no excitement. 

3. Consider the number of kids you want to have: If you want to have 3 kids, marry someone that has the same goal.

I love to have 3 kids, so I found someone that has the same desire.

4. Consider age: Age is very important. So choose within the age range you want.

5. Consider your job: I made up my mind not to marry a nurse because of the time factor.

I always wanted to be with my partner and not someone that’ll get call up for an emergency when we are at home together.

So consider the career/job of any man or woman you want to marry.

Marriage is not an easy adventure, so you need to make sure that you consider everything that’ll make you happy. 

Finding someone that ticks all the boxes is great, staying together is another thing.

Living in the same room and sharing everything together with your partner is not easy.

You need to know how to adjust things to accommodate him or her.

How To Stay Together Forever With Your Partner. 

1. You must be flexible; I don’t like going out on dates regularly, but my my wife does.

Though she wasn’t like this at the initial stage. I have to compromise and start going out with her frequently.

This helped us bond more and our love for each other increased.

2. Playing games together; This is the reason why I said earlier that you should marry someone that loves the game or sports (hobby) that you also love.

This will bring you closer to your partner, and it also helps to reduce stress and depression. 

3. Frequent communication; How do you think you can live happily together without talking frequently with your partner?

Call him or her on the phone when you’re not together. When both of you come back from work, talk about your day.

Ask questions. Asking questions are great way to initiate communication. Just ask about anything, even if it is unrelated. 

4. Help your partner with work at home; You can help your partner do the laundry, wash dishes or clean the house. This is a great way to make your partner happy. 

5. Create memories; Visit new places together with your partner.

Take pictures of yourselves, order for new meals and watch movies together.

These kind of happy moments will leave an everlasting impression in your partner’s heart.

6. Settle any dispute you have with your partner before having sex with them: Some couples make the mistake of settling quarrels with sex.

The implication of settling quarrels with sex is that the problem will repeat itself in the future.

But if you settle quarrels with your partner before sex, it may not be happen again.

7. Celebrate special occasions: Don’t miss celebrating your partner’s birthday day and also your marriage anniversary.

This will make your love stronger.

8. Discover your partner’s love language: Try and find out what your partner love. I love spending quality time with my partner. That’s what I appreciate. 

9. Respect: Everyone like to be respected, so if you disrespect your partner then, your relationship won’t last. Respect is the backbone of a happy and lasting relationship/marriage.

10. Be adventurous: Learn new ways to do things in your relationship. Stop sending him or her the same line of text all time.

Learn a new way to have sex. This will make your partner always want you.

11. Neatness: Cleanliness is attractive. It draws your partner closer to you whenever he or she perceives your freshness. 

Staying together and happy for a long time in marriage is intentional.

It has to be on your to-do list. It takes effort and time to achieve this. It can’t just come to you. Great effort is needed.  


Marrying right does not happen by chance. You have to follow the steps discussed above to achieve this.

Remember that when you marry wrong, life will be more difficult for you. Staying together forever is achievable.

Don’t be afraid. Just follow the steps in this article and you’re good to go. Good luck to you