How To Prepare For Your Wedding Anniversary With Little Budget (8 Easy Ways)

How To Prepare For Your Wedding Anniversary With Little Budget

Do you want to know how to prepare for your wedding anniversary with little budget?

My wife and I celebrated our 10 year marriage anniversary recently in Michigan. 

It was an awesome experience filled with joy and happiness. 

Friends and family members joined us in the small party that we held. 

One of my friends told me that he and his wife have never celebrated an anniversary before. 

They have been married for five years. 

I asked him why, and he told me that it doesn’t matter and that he doesn’t have the money. 

In this article, I will share with you how to celebrate your wedding anniversary with little budget. 

Read also: 12 Sure Signs That Shows That Your Marriage Is Great (Jack’s 15 Years Experience)

Let’s go on now. 

How To Prepare For Marriage Anniversary

1. Make arrangements for cake: Order cakes from confectionery stores, and tell them to customise the cake for you. 

This is how we usually customise our own cake; we tell the confectionery store to write this on top of the cake, “Unending love to us”. 

This is written with golden color and the body of the cake is designed with red and light orange color. 

My wife loves red colors while I love oranges. 

That is why we always have this color on our anniversary cake. 

You can make your own choice or follow what we did.

2. Always do what you can afford: We don’t throw a big party, we only invite a few friends and family members to celebrate with us. 

We don’t even hire a cameraman. I normally give one of our family members my phone to take the pictures. 

This helps us to cut down the costs of the event.

3. Choose a location: You can choose anywhere you want. 

But we prefer to do it in our living room. We don’t hire any hall for this.

4. Get gifts for your partner: It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift. 

For example, you can buy a simple t-shirt for your partner or you can buy them anything they love if you can afford it.

5. Take pictures: Make sure to take pictures together with your spouse. 

This is to keep the memory afresh. The pictures can be taken with your phone if you want.

6. It is not a must to invite family members and friends: We have done this before. 

During the Covid year, we didn’t invite any one and we had our normal celebration. 

You can celebrate alone with your partner if you want.

7. Play some sweet songs: You can also play these songs on your phone without hiring a DJ. 

You are not doing this to impress anyone, just to have fun with your partner. 

8. Prepare light snacks for your guests: You don’t have to prepare an expensive meal. 

You can give them snacks or cookies instead of an expensive meal. 

We prefer to give our guests Scottish biscuits. 

Because it is cheap and easy to bake. 

I know how to prepare the recipes and bake them myself in our small electric oven. 

Here Are The Important Of Celebrating Your Marriage Anniversary With Your Partner

• To renew your marital vow: I and my wife renew our marital vow any day we are celebrating the anniversary. 

This reminds us of the reason why we got married. 

• To reassure your partner that you love them: I felt secure and confident when my wife reassured me of her love. 

I looked my wife in the eyes and told her that I love her and I will Keep loving her forever. 

This helps to strengthen our love for each other.

• To reduce the chance of divorce: 

Since we celebrate our marriage anniversary each year, we always feel as if we just got married and divorce is far from our thoughts. 

• More bonding: This is a great way for us to bond and share our joy with each other.

What is the best time to celebrate a wedding anniversary? 

The best time to celebrate your wedding anniversary is at dinner time. 

By this time, both of you and other people who may join you in the celebration must have done with work and other things. 

You may choose another time that is more convenient for you. Dinner time is best for us.

Wedding anniversary is celebrated on the exact day that you married your spouse or the day you did your wedding. 

But if it falls on the mid week or working day when you are busy, you can shift it to the weekend. 

We normally choose Sunday. Our own anniversary is on the 16th of March. 

So every year we celebrate on the 16th of March. 

But we can shift the celebration to another day if the 16th is not convenient for us. 

We make sure that any day we are shifting to is closer to 16th, and it must be in March unless there is a serious issue. 

Can you celebrate your wedding anniversary when you travel to another location?

Yes, you can still do it anywhere unless you are not with your spouse. 

This happened to us twice. 

In 2016 when my wife travelled to Spain to see her elder brother, something came up and she had to stay two more weeks.

So we shifted our anniversary celebration to another day. And when she came back we celebrated it together as usual. 

In 2019, we travelled together to Poland for a business meeting. 

And it happened that our anniversary was the next day, so we decided to celebrate it over there in Poland. 

It was a happy moment for us with new experiences. 

Don’t let anything stop you from celebrating your marriage anniversary, it is going to help your marriage to grow. 


What makes marriages successful is doing those small things you think that don’t matter. 

Celebrating your marriage anniversary is a great way to build a lasting relationship with your spouse. 

You don’t need to spend much for this celebration, just hosting a small party is okay. 

If both of you are introverts who may not like inviting people for an event, you can still do it alone with your spouse and kids. 

Be happy and enjoy your special day. It is not easy living together as husband and wife.