How To Stop Being A Weak Husband And Lead Your Wife (10 Best Strategies

How To Stop Being A Weak Husband And Lead Your Wife

Do you want to stop being a weak husband and lead your wife?

I nearly lost my leadership abilities when I was financially down.

I was so bothered about my financial status, which made my wife have power over me.

Your wife may not respect you if you are weak as a man. 

Leaders are not meant to be weak, they act with authority and love. 

In this article, I will share with you 10 best strategies that can help you to be strong again and lead your family with authority, even if you are broke.

Read also: How To  Know That Your Child Is Being Sexually Abused – My Personal Story 

Let’s go on now. 

Signs Of A Weak Husband

• He is indecisive: He accepts every advice from people. 

His inability to make good decisions are going to put him and his family into trouble. 

• He has no standard: Every successful marriage, relationship and family has their own unique standards. 

And it is the duty of the man to set out this standard for his family. 

This is going to protect him and his family from the negative side of life.

But a weak man or husband has no standard, he does whatever people say.

• Timidity: He is not bold. If you lack confidence as a man, it will be difficult for you to take care of your family. 

In today’s world, timidity is going to lead you into failure. 

• He is too emotional: Being too emotional will make you behave more like a woman. 

Weak men don’t have strong emotions. 

• Inability to correct his wife: They find it difficult to correct their wife when the wife make mistakes. 

• They are afraid: Weak men are afraid to take risks and do great things that will help his wife and family move to the next level.

• They follow the crowd: They follow the crowd without taking into consideration the effects of their actions on their family. 

• Trying to please others: They prefer to please other people than please their wife or family. 

• They are so conscious of others than themselves: They are more concerned with what others think.

• They are quiet during important meetings: They don’t normally contribute anything during family meetings. 

They do this to avoid offending others.

• They are easily convinced: Anyone can deceive them easily. These kinds of people are easily scammed. 

• They are irresponsible: Weak men are known for their irresponsibilities. 

They can’t take care of their wife and family. The wife does most of the things.

• They give a lot of excuses for everything: Giving excuses for not doing things or being irresponsible shows that a man is weak.

• They are perfectionists: They always try to avoid mistakes at all costs.

How To Stop Being A Weak Husband

1. Re-learn: Some men were trained to be weak by their parents unconsciously. 

Now you have become an adult, you must retrain yourself to stop being weak. 

This is how to do it:

• Find some resources online that teach men to be courageous and strong. 

• Attend seminars that teach men how to be successful in marriage. 

• Start practicing what you have learnt. 

2. Solve difficult puzzles: Solving difficult puzzles is going to teach you how to make important decisions. 

Because you must understand how to play around the puzzles till you get the solutions. 

You can get these puzzle books on the Amazon store.

3. Spend time alone: Spend time alone to meditate and think about your marriage or relationship. 

This is going to help you to figure out what is missing in your life.

4. Know your roles as a husband/man: Some husbands/men are weak because they were not taught the role of a man in a family or relationship. 

Studying your roles will help you to overcome your weaknesses.

Here are some of your roles as a man/husband:

• Leading your wife or woman. It is your responsibility to lead your wife.

• Providing for your wife or the woman in your wife. 

It is your duty to bring money for the progress of the family. Your wife is only there to support you. 

• Set your family standard. Discuss with your wife or woman the basic instructions on how you want the family or the relationship to be.

• Correct your wife or woman with love whenever she makes any mistakes. 

• Trust your decisions. Trust the decisions that you have made in the relationship or family. 

• Protect your family from outsiders: Don’t invite any person to come into your family or relationship unnecessarily. 

• Loving and caring for your wife: It is your duty as a man to make your wife happy. 

It is your responsibility to satisfy her sexually. Praise her and tell her sweet things that will make her happy. 

5. Write down your weaknesses: Get a blank journal and write down all your weaknesses. 

After writing them down completely, turn to a new page and write down all the good qualities that you want to have. 

Make sure to go through them at least once a day.

6. Reduce stress: Sometimes stress may put you under pressure. You mustn’t do everything by yourself, out source if you can. 

7. Have successful married men as friends: Find men who are doing well in their marriage and make them your friends. 

They will help you to build good qualities as a husband/man. 

8. Talk to a marriage counsellor: A marriage counsellor can help you sort things out. 

They are well trained for their job and they know what you may need to be a courageous husband. 

9. Accept that you have these weaknesses: If your wife or woman tells you that you have these weaknesses, believe her. 

Accepting your weaknesses will help your wife find solutions to your problems. 

10. Be consistent and don’t give up: Overcoming these weaknesses can take time. 

You need patience to achieve this, it is never going to be an overnight success. 


You are not alone in this journey, I am still working on myself each day to improve. 

Nobody was born without a weakness, we all have our different weaknesses that are challenging our marriages. 

You can be a strong and courageous husband if you follow what we have discussed in this article. 

You need to put in the efforts to achieve this success and be the head over your family/wife. 

Your wife will not respect you if you are not bold as a man. Work on yourself and man up.