How To Stop Being Nervous Around Women (15 Secrets Revealed By Experts)

How To Stop Being Nervous Around Women

Do you want to know how to stop being nervous around women?

I had an experience while in school. 

I was broke then, but one of the cutest girls on campus sent a love letter to me, telling me that she loves me and wants to date me.  

I was surprised and shocked. We ended up dating. 

And our relationship was successful. 

In this article I will share with you how to stop being nervous around women. 

Read also: How To Love A Single Mom And Make Her Fall In Love With You (5 Untold Truths)

Let’s go on now. 

How To Stop Being Nervous Around Women

1. Be clean: Cleanliness is going to increase your confidence when you are around women. 

Wear clean, neat and fitting clothes that go with your body shape.

2. Gym or exercise: Gyming is going to help you develop a masculine body shape that will make you feel relaxed around women. 

3. Don’t be desperate: Don’t beg any woman to love or accept your proposal. 

If you are desperate to get a woman’s attention, it will make you anxious around her.

4. Don’t pretend: Be yourself whenever you are with any woman. 

Don’t pretend to be another person or claim to have what you don’t have. Most guys do this to impress women. 

5. Practice: Practice how to talk to a woman in front of a mirror. 

This was how I improved my confidence when I was still new in the dating world. 

I bought a wall mirror and hung it in my room. 

I will stand before it and assume that I am talking to a woman. I did this for about six weeks and was good to go.

6. Be ready to accept “no”: Any woman that you want to talk to may tell you “no”. 

Don’t panic or lose yourself when she rejects you. 

Before you even talk to any woman, have it in mind that she may give you “no” as an answer. 

Being conscious of this will help you to keep your confidence high.

7. Don’t talk to her from behind: If you want to talk to any woman, never do that from behind. 

Make sure you are walking next to her, either on the right or left hand side. 

This is going to show her that you are confident. 

Most women will not respond if you are talking to them from behind, and this is a sign of timidity.

8. Sit beside her: If you meet her when she is sitting, sit next to her and not opposite her. 

This will make you closer to her as you talk. 

9. Start from the environment: Start your conversation with her from the environment you meet her. 

For example, if you meet her in a library, start by asking her about her favourite book. 

This is a great way to start a conversation with any woman and it will give you the confidence to lead the conversation. 

10. Don’t call her sweet names: Some guys make the mistake of calling a girl they just met sweet names like; sweetheart, honey, my love, etc. 

It is very wrong. It is better to say; hello, excuse me, Hey girl, etc. 

It is not good to start calling a stranger sweet names. 

Most women will not give you a listening ear if you start like that, and it is going to affect your confidence. 

11. Smell good: Use good men’s perfumes or deodorants. 

Don’t apply the perfumes too much. Smelling good is going to boost your confidence. 

I noticed that I have higher confidence any time I apply my cologne. 

12. Call her out from her friends: If the particular girl you want to talk to is with a group of friends, call her out from the group and talk to her alone. 

Talking to her in the midst of her friends may make you nervous.

13. Look into her eyes when talking: Don’t look down or side ways when you are talking to a woman. 

Look at her eyes or lips when talking. You can also practice this before a mirror. 

Looking into her eyes will make you more confident. 

14. Go straight to the point: Tell her anything you want to tell her without long stories. 

You may miss the right words if you start telling long stories. 

If you want to date or be friends with her, tell her about it straight away. 

15. Collect her contact info: After telling her what you want to tell her, ask her to give you her phone number or email. 

You can continue talking with her over the phone and this will help you to be more relaxed and comfortable.

What To Do If Women Keep Rejecting You

• Be patient with yourself: You don’t have to punish yourself because of the rejections. 

Be patient, maybe you have not met the right person.

• Ask your close friends to help you: If you have any female friend or a sister, tell them to help you check if you have any attitude that makes women keep rejecting you. 

If they are honest they will definitely help you to figure things out.

• Look at your physical appearance: Look at yourself in the mirror and find out if you need to change your hairstyle or haircut.

Also  check your body build and wear fitting clothes that match. 

• Check if you have bad breath: Most women don’t like men with bad breath. 

They may not want to embarrass you by telling you about it.

• Be productive: If you are not busy with your life or pursuing your visions, women won’t stay with you for long. 

Find something productive and get busy with it, it could be a business or a job.

• Stop calling her all the time: Calling her always or being in her DM all the time may make her reject you.

Confidence is the best thing you can have as a man. Without confidence no woman will love you. 

It was widely believed among men folk that money can make a woman to like a man. This is not true.


No matter the part of the world where you live, the easiest way to win a woman’s heart is to stop being anxious around them. 

It is not all about money.  Money doesn’t keep women, confidence does. 

I believe that this article is going to help you to be better and confident when dealing with women.