Is It Good To Check Your Partner’s Phone? (5 Top Secrets Revealed)

Is It Good To Check Your Partner's Phone? (5 Top Secrets Revealed)

Is it good to check your partner’s phone? 

Yes, you can check your partner’s phone.

I had a little problem a few years ago with my wife. 

She took my black Samsung A3 Android smartphone, and started scrolling through my emails. 

She saw one of the mails sent by a female former schoolmate.

The mail was a romantic Valentine’s day wish. 

My wife threw the smartphone on the floor and she started accusing me of cheating.

I wasn’t hiding anything from her. This was so embarrassing and I was not happy with what she did.

In this article, I will share with you the top secrets about checking your partner’s phone. 

Read also: How To Identify A Cheating Partner (The Proven Strategy)

Let’s go on now.

5 Secrets Reasons Why Your Partner Don’t Want You To Check Their Phone 

There are various reasons why your lover may do this. But I want to give you the 5 common reasons.

1. They may be cheating on you: 

When your partner starts hiding his/her phone from you, it means that they may be cheating and don’t want you to find out. 

They don’t want you to see their chats with someone they may be cheating with.

2. They may be hiding their property/money from you: 

They have property elsewhere which they don’t want you to know about.

 Or they don’t want you to know how much money they have. 

So this will make them not give you access to their phone. 

3. They may have divorce in mind: If they are planning divorce they will hide it from you. 

And won’t allow you to check their phone. 

4. They don’t trust you: Your partner may not trust you enough to give you their phone.

Because they may have saved a lot of vital information in their phone. 

So if they don’t trust you they will password their phone and carry it with them always. 

5. They may be into illegal business: 

If they are doing any business that is not lawful they will be keeping their phone away from you. 

Checking your partner’s phone shouldn’t lead to a fight. 

It is something you should do peacefully and have a heart to heart talk with them. 

Read also: How To Identify A Cheating Partner (The Proven Strategy)

What To Do If Your Partner Doesn’t Want You To Check Their Phone

1. Respect their boundaries: Don’t check their phone if they ask you not to.

2. Tell them the reason why you want to check their phone: 

Try to give them a genuine reason why you want to access their phone. 

3. Do it peacefully: Don’t force them to give you access to their phone. 

Don’t quarrel with them if they deny you access. 

4. Be patient: Don’t be in a hurry. 

If they find out that you are so desperate about checking their phone, they will never allow that to happen. 

5. Tell them about it at their good moment: Find out when they are happy and talk to them about it. 

There is a possibility that he/she may agree to your request. 

6. Make it a request: Don’t do it as if it is your right. 

Beg them politely and they may grant you access to their phone. 

Checking your partner’s phone doesn’t mean that you will find out if your partner is cheating or not. 

Some people normally delete their chats and messages from their secret lover. 

And when you check their phone, you won’t find any suspicious text. 

Read also: How To make Your Partner Happy Again (The 10 Best Ways) 

The Consequences Of Checking Your Partner’s Phone

There are negative effects of checking your partner’s phone. 

1. You might see something that may break your heart.

2. You may start fighting your partner when you see something irritating. 

3. You may start being jealous when you discover that they have a secret lover. 

4. Your partner may start irritating you when you find out what they are into.

There shouldn’t be any secrets in any relationship/marriage. 

If you’re not ready to be accountable to someone else, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone. 

It shows that you are not ready. Too much privacy in a relationship or marriage is not good. 

It is suspicious. If your partner is not open to you, you can find out what is wrong and work towards changing things with them.

 But you have to discuss with your partner at the early stage of your relationship about having access to each other’s phone. 

If it is not something they want, you can leave them or choose to be with them like that. 

If they tell you earlier that they don’t want you to be checking their phone and you accept it, make sure you don’t break the rule. 

Because they told you about it earlier. But if you don’t want that you can quit the relationship. 

But what if you are already married and your partner doesn’t give you access to their phone?

Since you didn’t talk about that before getting married, you should adjust and keep the rule to avoid any problem in your marriage. 

Read also: How To Know That You Are In A Fake Relationship (8 Sure Signs)

Why Your Partner Reject And Ignore Your Call

1. If you don’t give them space: 

If you are always calling them without giving them space, they will start rejecting your calls. 

No matter how much you love them, resist calling them too much.

2. If you normally call during working hours: They will reject your call if they are busy with work.

3. If they are no more interested in the relationship: 

They may start ghosting you if they are not interested in the relationship any more.

4. If they have quarrelled with you: If you have a misunderstanding with them they will ignore your calls. 

5. If you don’t fulfil your promise: When you don’t keep any promise you made to them they are likely to ignore your calls. 

6. If they are sick/tired: Your partner may not answer your call when they are sick or tired. 

At this time, they need some rest to get back on their feet again.

Don’t be so worried when your partner is not answering your calls. 

Be patient and find out what made them keep rejecting your calls.

Read also: 10 Best Tips For Maintaining Faithfulness In Your Relationship 


Checking your partner’s phone shouldn’t be your priority. 

Focus more on your partner instead of focusing on their phone. 

Take things gradually and be patient with your partner. 

On the other hand, your partner may need privacy with their phone. 

But if they are so fond of their phone there may be something they are hiding from you. 

There may be other reasons why your partner  will not answer your calls apart from the ones listed above. 

Always ask them why they ignore your calls, don’t act on assumptions.