Is It Rude To Exclude Children From A Wedding

A boy and a girl in a wedding outfits

Wondering if it is rude to exclude children from a wedding? No, it is not rude to exclude children from a wedding. 

This is what Jenny Nives and José Freemann did, who got married in Rockford, Illinois, United States in July 2023.

The couple wanted a perfect wedding and from the beginning, they considered not inviting any children from their families, because when they did accounts, there were around 20 children who would have to be included in the celebration.

Jenny admitted that this was something she had decided from the beginning, but what she was not clear about was how she would do it since she feared a negative reaction from her family.

Jenny says that their wedding venue was not a good environment for children to attend since there was too much alcohol at the party. 

Due to the presence of delicate glass decor and lit candles, it was deemed unsafe to have children present in the room. 

However, Jenny expressed disappointment towards certain family members for their reaction to this decision.

In this article, I will share with you 20 ways to tell your guests that children are not allowed in your wedding. 

Read also: 17 Wedding Games And Entertainment For Children (Fun And Engaging)

Let’s go on now!

20 Phrases to Communicate That Children Are Not Allowed at The Wedding

Among the most difficult things to communicate to guests is the decision not to allow children at the wedding. 

The news is not always well received by those who have small children, so we share some phrases that can help you.

If you are one of the couples who like to get straight to the point, in this list you will find the ideal phrase to add to your wedding invitation and tell your guests that children are not allowed at the wedding.

They can be as short as you want, or you can add a bit of sweetness to the sentence to make it friendlier if you know some of your guests might take offense.  

1. “Please, no children.”

2. “Ceremony and reception: adults only.”

3. “We appreciate your presence without children.”

4. “It is important to us that only adults attend. Thank you!”

5. “For a better experience for everyone present, we have decided to celebrate this moment without children. We still hope that you can attend our wedding.”

6. “On this occasion, our invitation cannot be extended to children. Thanks for your understanding.”

7. “We would like to have your presence even though minors and children will not be allowed entry.”

8. “We want you to enjoy this celebration as much as we do, which is why we have decided not to extend the invitation to children.” 

9. “We like children so much that we don’t want them to stay up late or be cold at this wedding event.”

10. “For security reasons and the logistics of our wedding, minors will not be accepted (specify children under 12 years of age or the chosen age)”

Read also: 8 Ways to RSVP Your Wedding Guests

Messages with specific reasons

If you have decided to tell your guests that children are not allowed but also want to tell them the reasons, here are the phrases that will help you do so. 

Many of your guests can better understand this decision by knowing the reasons. 

And if you are concerned with achieving empathy, you will certainly achieve it with honesty. 

11. “Our celebration will be at night and outdoors, for the same reason, we have decided not to invite children. We hope it is not an impediment for you to attend our wedding.”

12. “We appreciate your child (personalize it if possible). However, this celebration will be for adults only due to the volume of the music and the weather. We know that in the future there will be the opportunity to be with them.” 

13. “We want you to join us in this long-awaited moment in which we will celebrate our union. We will not have any special programs or areas for children, so only adults will be allowed to enter.”

14. “Due to the space of our wedding location, we have places reserved for adults only. We appreciate you confirming your attendance.”

15. “We are short on space, so we expect only adults to attend the reception.”

Phrases with a little humor

And for those couples who are funny and take life with a pinch of humor, some phrases go with their personality and will help them tell their guests that children are not allowed. 

16. “Children are so cute, but sometimes they are cuter asleep, while their parents dance all night. We are expecting you at our wedding!”

17. “How long has it been since you had a night alone? You already have someone to blame: tell your children that we will not let children in.”

18. “Children: good night. Adults: Welcome!”

19. “Don’t deny it, you also like the idea of ​​leaving your children at home. They will have fun like never before!”

20. “If you were looking for an excuse to have a date without your children, we will give it to you in this invitation.”

Read also: How To Make A Guest List For A Wedding (9 Simple Steps To Follow)

Is It Rude to Put No Kids on Wedding Invites?

No, it is not rude to put no kids on wedding invites. 

It is acceptable to specify that the wedding ceremony is an adult-only event on the invitation. 

It is important to communicate this information clearly and respectfully to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings.

Is It Rude to Not Invite Partners to a Wedding?

It is not rude to not invite partners to a wedding. 

But it depends on the circumstances and the relationships the couple has with the partners. 

In some cases, it may be considered rude or disrespectful to not invite partners to a wedding, particularly if they are in a committed relationship or have been together for a significant amount of time. 

However, there may also be valid reasons for not inviting partners, such as limited space or budget constraints. 

Read also: How Do You Politely Ask The Wedding Guest If They Are Coming

Is It Rude to Decline a Wedding Invitation?

It is not rude to decline a wedding invitation, as there may be various reasons why someone cannot attend the wedding. 

It is important to RSVP promptly and to provide a reason for declining if possible. 

It is also considerate to send a congratulatory message or gift to the couple, even if you are unable to attend their wedding.

Is It Rude to Cancel on a Wedding Last Minute?

Yes, it is rude to cancel a wedding at the last minute unless there is a valid and unavoidable reason, such as a sudden illness or emergency. 

Canceling a wedding at the last minute can cause inconvenience and additional expenses for the guests because the guests would have canceled their other appointments because of the wedding. 

And some guests would have bought a wedding gift.

You should communicate any changes in plans as soon as possible and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Is It Rude to Leave a Wedding Without Saying Goodbye?

Yes, it is rude to leave a wedding without saying goodbye to the couple or at least informing them that you are leaving. 

It is a special day for them, and they will be hurt or offended if their guests leave without acknowledging them. 

It is always better to show some courtesy and thank the couple for inviting you before leaving.

Read also: 6 Rules For Seating Your Guests At The Wedding: Prioritize Their Comfort

Is It Rude Not to Respond to a Wedding Invitation?

Yes, it is rude not to respond to a wedding invitation. 

The couple has taken the time and effort to invite you to their special day, and they need to know whether or not you will be attending so they can plan accordingly. 

You should RSVP promptly, whether you can attend or not. 

This helps the couple finalize their guest list and make necessary arrangements for their wedding.

What Is The Rule Of Thumb For Wedding Guest Lists?

The rule of thumb for wedding guest lists is to invite those who are important to the couple and their families, and who they have a personal relationship with. 

The size of the guest list will depend on the couple’s budget and the capacity of the wedding venue. 

You should also consider any cultural or religious traditions that may affect the guest list, as well as any restrictions or guidelines set by the wedding venue or local laws. 

Who Cleans Up at The End of a Wedding?

The wedding venue or catering staff will handle the cleanup at the end of the wedding. 

This includes removing decorations, clearing tables, and disposing of any trash or leftover food. 

However, some venues may require the couple or their designated person to handle some of the cleanup tasks, such as packing up personal items or taking down decorations. 

It is important to clarify with the venue or catering staff what their expectations are for cleanup after the wedding.

Read also: How Much Can You Spend On A Simple Wedding (Realistic Budgets)


Whether or not to invite children to a wedding is a personal decision.

The most important thing is for the couple and their guests to enjoy and celebrate the special day together.