What Do You Say In Wedding Wishes (Best Things To Say)

What Do You Say In Wedding Wishes (Best Things To Say)

Do you want to know what to say in wedding wishes? There are several sweet things to say in wedding wishes. 

Here are they:

1. “Enjoy your life and grow old together!”

2. “Sincere congratulations on your marriage! I hope you will be as rich in life as in love.”

3. “Your special day has finally arrived! So take full advantage of it and have fun like children!”

4. “On this wedding day, I wish you a honeymoon life. Believe me, it will more often be hell than heaven! Congratulations!”

5. “In wealth and poverty, in health and menopause! You make a great couple and you’ll manage to handle it all. I trust you!”

6. “Great! You have found true love! We are still happy for you!”

7. “Long live the newlyweds! We will be able to drink plenty to celebrate this special day! Thanks for inviting us!”

8. “Like the song, we wish you lots of love and happiness, a peaceful life that leads to quiet gardens, but also beautiful adventures!”

9. “We were immensely happy to be there for your big Yes and wish you lots of love and happiness for this new page of your relationship. Reminder: there is no expiry date on the marriage contract!”

Read also: What To Write In A Wedding Card Funny (10 Funniest Phrases)

What To Write In A Wedding Reception Card

Here are what to write in a wedding reception card:

1. “A big congratulations to the bride and groom. The possibilities are endless when you go hand in hand.”

2. “May the love that united you on this day grow stronger with each passing year.”

3. “Warmest congratulations to the wonderful couple!”

4. “May your dreams come true together.”

5. “Congratulations on your big day”

6. “Congratulations to you both on your special day!”

7. “Congratulations on your big day! Your relationship is an inspiration and I wish you a future filled with as much love as you have shown each other.”

8. “Congratulations on your wedding day! I am glad to have met you and look forward to getting to know you better.”

9. “Congratulations on your big day! Although we don’t see each other often, I think of you and wish you all the happiness in the world.”

10. “Congratulations on your wedding day! May your journey together be filled with love, joy and success.

Read also: What To Write In A Wedding Day Card (8 Best Messages)

What To Write In A Wedding Card Nephew

Here are what to write in a wedding card for nephew:

1. “ Great happiness is only made of small happy things, we wish you a lot of small happy things every day.”

2. “Long live the newlyweds! We are happy to have been present during your union and wish you lots of love and happiness for this new page of your life”

3. “We are proud to have accompanied you for your wedding and to have shared this precious and intense moment in your life. We wish you lots of love and happiness, you deserve it!”

4. “May this great day mark the beginning of an uninterrupted series of happy moments that you will both share. Congratulations”

5. “A lot of determination to make every day better than the day before.”

6. “They say marriage is scary. Instead, I see love, I see fights and kisses to make up. Do not be afraid.”

 7. “Add happiness… Subtract disappointments…. Multiply…. …and never divide!”

8. “I wish you a life as beautiful as this wonderful marriage. Good luck!”

What To Write In A Wedding Card Heartfelt

Here are what to write in a wedding card heartfelt:

1. “Congratulations on finding each other! Your greatest adventure has just begun.”

2. “May your wedding be filled with special memories that you will remember forever.”

3. “You two are amazing together. So happy for you both!”

4. “Hearty congratulations!”

5. “Warmest congratulations and love to you both!”

6. “Best wishes to the bride and groom”

7. “Congrats on the wedding day”

8. “All the best in the future”

9. “Hearty congratulations on the wedding day”

10. “The step is taken, the promise is made, joy for the day, happiness for life”

11. “We wish you Love, happiness, harmony in all future days”

12. “Great and wonderful happiness, we wish today’s married couple.”

13. “Take care of each other in everyday life and at parties, share sorrow and joy then life will be the best”

14. “A day you will never forget, we wish you all the happiness in the world.”

15. “When the ring is worn and the curls gray, may your love remain just as beautiful.”

Read also: What To Write In A Wedding Shower Card (Best Words To Use)

What To Write In A Wedding Card From Bridesmaid

Here what to write in a wedding card from bridesmaid:

1. “On this extraordinary day, when you will end your spinster life, love will be shared.”

2. “Marriage is a wonderful thing. You’ve finally found that one person to annoy you for the rest of your life.”

3. “I wish you a magnificent ceremony and a lifetime of wonderful memories! On this auspicious day, my congratulations to both of you for finding your life partners, dear friend.”

4. “Congratulations on this happy day that you have found your life partners.”

5. “Walking down the aisle seemed far away the day you were born. I’m sure you two will take care of each other and make a wonderful family.”

6. “Congratulations on one of your most memorable days! Congratulations on your happy and prosperous marriage with two people who truly deserve each other.”

7. “I wish you the best of luck with your wedding and many years of happiness and joy with your partner.”

8. “To my sister, friend and confidant since childhood. You have grown up and are getting married. Although you will soon get married and start a new life with your husband, you will always be my sister and in my heart. So I wish you a happy wedding day and many years of happiness in your marriage.”

9. “Joining together in hope, united by a promise and united in love. Congratulations on your wedding!”

10. “We were worried about our little girl on your first date. You have grown into a lovely young lady who can take care of herself. It is no longer our responsibility to worry now that you have found a wonderful man. Be kind to each other and remember to do the little things.”

11. “Congratulations to you! May your life together be full of love and happiness.”

12. “I am overjoyed that my best friend has found this special someone. Congratulations on your wedding, and may your marriage be an eternal honeymoon.”

13. “Marriage is more than just a beautiful union. It is a journey that will last until the end of time. Best wishes for the rest of your day!”

What Do You Write In A Short And Simple Wedding Card

Here are what to write in a short and simple wedding card:

1. “Today, tomorrow and always.”

2. “One love, one heart, one destiny.”

3. “Smiling together now and forever.”

4. “With you we share our best moments.”

5. “Two lives, one world.”

6. “As long as your lives last, your love will last too.”

 7. “Walk with love always. Congratulations.”

8. “Always together forever.”

9. “Life gave you the best gift.”

Read also: What To Write In A Wedding Card For A Friend ( 5 Best Messages)

What To Write In A Wedding Renewal Card

1. Dear (……..)

“On our wedding day, we exchanged rings and beautiful moments as a symbol of our endless love. These two rings are a reminder of our wedding vows and our commitment to live in unity, love and happiness. At this time, it is appropriate to reconfirm the meaning of the rings you wear.

Let’s join our left hands together. I wear this ring that you placed on my hand as a symbol of my love and commitment to you.

(You must now reverse your hands and repeat the action for the other spouse)”

2. My love

Many years ago we pledged to care for each other in sickness and health. We may have been unaware of the emotional roller coaster looming on the horizon, but after many nights in hospital away from home, I’ve never been happier to stand before you today. today with new promises to keep for as long as we both live.

I love you”

3. My heart

“It’s been so many years since we first crushes to love and cherish each other forever. And here, today, in front of all our family and loved ones, I would like to say that I am still as much in love as before. I never cease to desire that our union grow in wealth and in poverty, for better and for worse. I promise once again to honor you, to cherish you and to keep you close to me as long as we live.

I love you”

4. My love

“You know me better than anyone in this world, and yet you come to love me. You are my dearest friend and soulmate. Today, a large part of me does not want to believe that there is still a strong bond between us. I’m so lucky to have married a man like you.

I love you”

5. My sweetheart. 

“I adore you with all my soul. Every day I’m so proud to call you my husband/wife. When we’re together, my heart is out of control. I feel like he might explode if I let myself feel how much I love you. The extent of your beauty is overwhelming, inside and out. I couldn’t live without you. I promise to always be there for you and our family, and never let you down. I look forward to growing old with you every day. You are my best friend, and my soulmate, I have loved you since the day I met you, and will continue to do so forever.

I love you.”

6. My heart

“I adore you more than anything. I know you can feel it every day! And the best part of it all is that I feel all your love in return, every day. 25 years ago we started our story forever. Thank you for choosing me to write a new story with you once again.

I love you”

7. My love

“Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream. Every day I look forward to sharing my life with you, to taking care of you, to feeding you, to being there for you. I promise you today, as I did on our wedding day, to love and cherish you, whatever life brings. I love you”

8. “On this beautiful day, I promise to honor you and to love you, to support you for eternity. I swear to take on your burdens as if they were mine, and celebrate every joyful success by your side.

I promise to treat you with kindness, compassion, and patience, and to remain honest and faithful today and every day to come as a life partner. I love you”

Read also: How To Celebrate Your Partner’s Birthday (11 Best Ways And The Best Gifts To Give Them)

What Should You Not Write In A Wedding Card

Here are what you should not write in a wedding card:

1. Negative or Distasteful Jokes: Avoid including jokes or comments that could be perceived as condescending or inappropriate.

2. Personal Conflicts: Don’t write about past disagreements or problems, as a wedding card is a time to celebrate and spread positivity.

3. Too much self-centeredness: Avoid making the message too much about yourself instead of focusing on the bride and groom.

4. Financial matters: It is not appropriate to discuss money, gifts or finances on a wedding card.

5. Negative Predictions: Avoid making negative predictions about the marriage or the future in general.

6. Too long messages: Keep it short and concise instead of writing long and boring messages.

7. Sensitive Content: Avoid bringing up sensitive topics that may make the bride and groom uncomfortable or sad.

8. Unrealistic expectations: Don’t write messages that create high expectations or pressure on the bride and groom.

9. Boring or generic text: Try to avoid boring and clichéd expressions that don’t feel personal or unique.

10. Disengaged or overly formal tone: Find the right balance between being personal and respectful in your message.

Read also: How Many People Should I Invite To My Wedding (My Experience)


You can choose to personalise the wedding wishes based on your relationship with the bride and the groom or how well you know them.

Adding a personal touch to your wedding card can make it extra special. 

Use words and expressions that are typical of you and your relationship with the couple. This shows that you really took the time to write a unique message for them