What Games To Play At Weddings (Best Wedding Games Ever)

What Games To Play At Weddings (Best Wedding Games Ever)

Do you want to know what games to play at weddings? There are several games to play at weddings. 

In this article, I will share with you the games to play at weddings.

Let’s go on now.

Read also: 17 Wedding Games And Entertainment For Children (Fun And Engaging)

Here are the games to play at weddings:

1. The crazy tweezers

For this game we will only need 5 clothespins. It is very simple but at the same time very fun. 

Your guests will laugh and they will be “on alert” throughout the banquet. 

We will take the microphone and explain it to everyone present. 

The game consists of giving 5 guests a clamp each. 

They will be the first to pass on those tweezers, they will have to leave them on another guest’s clothes without them noticing, no one will want the tweezer! 

In this way, the guests carrying the peg, as soon as they realize they are wearing it, will try to hook it on the clothes of another guest, passing the pegs from one to the other throughout the banquet.

They will be able to leave them in the jackets, suits and even in the headdresses of the guests. 

The end, which you will mark either with time or when you deem appropriate, the 5 guests who have a clamp with them will be the nominees for the test, which will be, for example, dancing to a song in the middle of the room. 

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2. Guess his clothes

This game will be aimed at the couple. 

It is about selecting a group of guests, about 10 people, 5 males and 5 females, and exchanging clothes between them. 

In this way, one will wear, for example, another’s tie and we will do so with bow ties, headdresses, shoes, heels and all kinds of accessories for the selected guests. 

Now all you have to do is put on some upbeat music and give the couple 1 minute to return to their guests just as they arrived.

3. Listen to your song

This game will take place between the banquet tables. 

We will leave a record cover with the singer’s photograph for each one, and a different one for each table. 

In this way, each table will have a singer assigned. 

We will only have to compile a song from each singer and provide it to the “DJ” so that he can play them randomly.

Everything prepared to explain to all the guests that, when a song is played, the table with the singer who sings that song must stand up, dance and give it their all. 

The game consists of giving the couple a moment when the singer at your table sings. 

The best table, the one that the couple considers that they did well, will have its great prize . 

4. Wedding Trivia

As its name indicates, it is about doing a contest style with the guests who think they know more about the couple. 

You will be the ones preparing the questions for your guests; The moderator can be someone from your wedding party, a groomsman or bridesmaid, the DJ, or a special entertainer.

The prize, of course, is won by whoever has the most correct answers at the end. 

The dynamic of this game is that it can be done personally or by tables.

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What Games Can Guests Play At Weddings

The games which the guests can play at weddings are:

1. The table that dances the best

For this game, the help of the DJ or the musical group is needed. 

In advance, each of the tables is assigned a song. 

They can be made known by means of a note next to the centerpieces or behind the menu item. 

The funniest thing will be that they are danceable songs, very varied and the occasional funny one.

The fun will come when your music provider plays each of the songs and the members of each table have to get up to display their dancing steps. 

On the track, around their table or that of the couple, they will have to do their best performance, because it will be a healthy competition. 

In the end, the couple will reward the best show.

2. Cinderella’s shoe

Do you know the story of Cinderella? Include this one of the fun games for wedding guests inspired by this story to break the ice, so it is recommended that it be carried out at the beginning of the party. 

It consists of all the unmarried guests putting a shoe in the middle of the floor so that later the unmarried guests go through one and look for “their” Cinderella.

Will they be able to guess it despite the fact that the dresses hide the pair of the “lost” shoe? 

If the quest is successful and ends in success, they will have to dance to at least one song together, so no one will be sitting at the table when the dance floor opens. 

3. Jenga

There are two main types of Jenga games that you can play at your wedding. 

The first is the classic Jenga, the full-size one, which many couples use as an alternative to the signature book. 

The second is a giant Jenga, which can be played during the welcome cocktail, before the banquet, so that your guests begin to interact and demonstrate their skills. 

Surely you already imagine who will be the most meticulous guest and who will be the clumsiest, right?

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What Games Can Couples Play At Weddings

1. Who of the two?

In this game, the players are the bride and groom. 

To do this, we will only have to face two chairs and sit the couple back to back, in such a way that they do not see each other. 

Then we will take off their shoes and we will give each of them one of their shoes, that is, the groom will carry his shoe in one of his hands and in the other hand, one of the bride’s shoes. 

Likewise, the bride will carry one of her own shoes in one of her hands and one of the groom’s shoes in the other.

We have everything ready, now all that remains is to ask them serious questions, so that they answer by raising the shoe of their answer. 

For example, we ask him that when they finish eating, who is the one who does the dishes? The bride and groom should lift the groom’s or bride’s shoe, depending on who their opinion is and of course, they should agree! If they match, the guests have to hit the table, shout and make a fuss about it, however, if they don’t match, it’s time to whistle.

2. The kiss song

The game of the kiss song is about making all the guests, when a song that you decide is played, kiss their partner or the person closest to them on the cheek. 

The song may be one that means a lot to you for having brightened up your first date, for being the first one you danced to, the first one you dedicated to each other, or for reminding you of the first concert you attended as a couple. 

What is the prize they win? Many kisses!

3. The piñata or anniversary chest

A fun game with a lot of meaning and sentimentality for the couple could be that they place a piñata or a chest at the entrance of the reception. 

In it, your guests will be able to deposit on little pieces of paper the good wishes they have for you.

The container they choose will remain closed until the first anniversary, which will be when they will read for the first time all the loving thoughts dedicated to them in that format on their wedding day. 

Do you think it will be worth responding to any of them and thus thank them again for their participation? For sure, yes!

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How Do You Entertain Guests At A Wedding

Here are how to entertain guests at a wedding:

1. Surprise them with fireworks

A show with a fireworks display or pyrotechnics is the final touch of your wedding. 

There are many options and you can organize a light and color show just after dinner or at nightfall. 

You will surprise everyone, in the same way that they will be speechless with your fun ideas for the wedding.

2. Dance a surprise conga

Everyone is waiting, even if they don’t recognize it, for some improvised conga in which the bride, groom and the guests form a long and fun queue passing and dancing between the tables. 

3. Surprise them with a show

You can hire actors or a magician who will perform some kind of performance for you during the banquet. 

Whether it be small fragments of work, the representation of your story, monologues,  shows with actors infiltrated among the guests or some live music performance.

4. Fun gymkhanas

Another activity consists of organizing a gymkhana, with clues, questions and mystery games, which you can leave on each of the tables, and which the guests must solve with everyone’s help.

5. Set up a live karaoke

Karaoke can be another fantastic resource to keep all the guests entertained. 

The most daring are sure to sign up and even several groups can be formed. 

At the end you can give a prize and the guests can also rate the different performances.

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What Is The Key Game At Weddings

The key game at weddings is “Play Who is who”

At a wedding it is essential that the guests get to know each other. 

What more fun than putting cards on the tables with photos of the guests and people trying to locate each other during the banquet. 

This way you will get everyone to get to know each other.

How Do You Keep Guests Entertained At A Small Wedding

Here are how to keep guests entertained at a small wedding:

1. For the tables

To break the ice between guests or liven up the meal, you can add some marriage games to your centerpieces. 

Dominoes, Uno, chunks, cards, trivia or high school, are easy to implement and will surely get laughs among the members of each table.

2. Outdoor Wedding Games

If your marriage will be during the day, it is a perfect opportunity to have garden games. 

For example; giant jenga, darts, paddles, ping pong and frisbees, or some international innovations such as Finnish bowling and petanque, or eighteenth-century classics such as emboque, hopscotch and ring shooting.

3. For children

In most weddings there are children invited and so that they have a good time (and their parents can also enjoy the party) they can be entertained by the couple with a station and games designed especially for them.

You can arrange a table with painting materials, books and papers so they can draw. 

Even if you have a special table for children, forget about the tablecloth! It is enough to cover it with craft paper and leave many pencils so that they can paint. 

If you add to this some legos in the center of the table, you will have children entertained throughout the party.

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Should You Have Games At A Wedding Reception

It is not a must to have games at a wedding reception. 

But having games at a wedding reception makes the celebration fun and lively. I guess you don’t want to have a boring wedding reception. 

You can organise and play any kind of game that you cherish at your wedding reception to entertain your guests.

This will create a happy memory for you and your partner when you look back to your wedding. 

But if you don’t want to play any game at your wedding reception it is still okay and accepted.

How Do I Make My Wedding Less Boring

Hire a professional DJ to make your wedding less boring. 

Do you have a friend who is really passionate about music, a DJ in his spare time, or maybe even a DJ for an event or two? 

Do you think you’ll save money by hiring this friend to set the mood for your wedding party? 

While we can’t say it never works when hiring an amateur to heat up the mood at a wedding, what’s for sure is that it’s not always a good idea to hire a friend rather than a professional DJ. 

And for good reason, friends and family members have nothing to lose if they spoil your wedding evening.

Sometimes hiring an amateur can end up costing more than hiring a professional. 

After all, this is the happiest day of your life.

On the other hand, a professional DJ defends his reputation at your wedding. 

It must therefore ensure that all your guests, whatever their age, can have fun like crazy at your wedding. 

Professional DJs know the songs that move guests and especially those that keep them in their place. 

In addition, professional DJs are used to weddings and can help you make sure yours goes off without a hitch by playing the best music.

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How Do I Stop My Wedding Guests Getting Bored

Set up beautiful and magical lighting to stop your wedding guests from getting bored. 

In order to impress your guests, set up magical lighting. 

Good lighting can totally transform a place. Decorating the table with soft candles is a good start. 

There are flashing electric candles if you are not allowed to use open flames. 

You can also add fairy lights or festoon garlands, which are very trendy now, to make your wedding look spectacular.

Soft lighting makes guests feel relaxed and free, and therefore have more fun. 

If you buy or rent fairy lights, opt for warm white lighting, neutral white being too harsh and too cold. 

The warm white bulbs give off just enough light and add a twinkling and romantic atmosphere.

Projector lighting effects are also an excellent way to set the mood and hide the imperfections of the place. 

The number of spotlights you will need depends on the size of the hall or the area you wish to illuminate. 

You can rent them through your DJ. They are affordable and offer spectacular effects.

How Long Do Wedding Games Last

Wedding games should last 15 minutes. 

Wedding games shouldn’t last longer so that the celebration can end on time, and your guests will be able to go home the same day.

Weddings usually last between 4 and 5 hours, they can even be shorter if it is an intimate wedding. 

A wedding day schedule will help break down activities into chunks to get you into the right time frame.

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Including games in your wedding plans are great way to entertain and make your guest happy.

When you plan your wedding day calendar, you’re going to come across many must-have events. 

An important tip is to calculate extra time to solve unforeseen events with impeccable timing.