What Is The Number One Rule As A Wedding Guest

Do you want to know the number one rule as a wedding guest? The number one rule as a wedding guest is you can never wear white.

This is the number one rule and it is the most important, and that is because white color is reserved only for the bride.

During my wedding with my wife, we indicated the “color of the day” on the invitation card.

We stated it out clearly so that everyone will understand it without getting confused. 

Before you attend any wedding, look for the dress code and don’t dress like the bride or the groom.

In this article, I will share with you how to be the best guest in a wedding. 

Read also: 17 Things Wedding Guests Shouldn’t Do

Let’s go on now. 

You should not wear black to a wedding also. 

Don’t wear black clothes to the wedding. This color is a double-edged sword. 

It can make you look super stylish with the right accessories, or it could be interpreted as mourning attire. 

If you are going to choose it, make sure it has prints or color details to avoid giving the wrong message.

Also, don’t wear any color close to white to avoid being mistaken for the bride when the lights are low.

How Many Guests Are Allowed At A Wedding

The number of guests allowed at a wedding ranges from 15 to 200.

You can invite any number of guests that you want depending on your budget. 

Keep in mind that for a wedding to be considered small, the number of guests should not exceed 60 or 70. 

When making the guest list, the first thing to think about is the maximum number of people you are willing to invite.

If the guests are above 70, then the wedding is regarded as a big wedding. 

What Should Guests Do At A Wedding

Here are the things guests should do at a wedding:

1. Guests should dress appropriately:They should follow the dress code mentioned on the invitation.

2. Guests should arrive on time: Guests should arrive at the ceremony and reception venue on time to avoid any delays.

3. Guests should respect the wedding rules: They should show respect to the couple, their families, and other guests by being polite and courteous.

4. Guests should participate actively in the ceremony: Guests should sit quietly during the ceremony, stand when asked, and participate in any rituals or traditions that are part of the ceremony.

5. Guests should enjoy the reception: Guests should join in the celebration, dance, eat, and have fun with the couples and other guests.

6. Guests should give the couple gifts: Guests should bring a thoughtful gift for the couple to celebrate their new life together.

7. Guests should follow the wedding rules: Guests should follow any rules or guidelines set by the couple or venue to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment.

Read also: How Much Can You Spend On A Simple Wedding (Realistic Budgets)

Is It Rude Not To Give +1 For A Wedding

It is not necessarily rude to not give a +1 for a wedding, as it is ultimately up to the couple’s discretion and budget. 

However, if the invitation specifically includes a +1 or if you are in a serious relationship, it may be considered polite to give a +1. 

It is always best to check with the couple if you are unsure.

You can contact the couple through their phone number or email to get more information if you are not clear about this.

I told the designer that design our wedding invitation card to include our emails for easy and fast communication. 

The reason why we chose to use email for communication in our wedding invitation is to enable people in living abroad to contact us easily. 

How Do I Tell Guests No Plus One

You can include on the invitation or RSVP card that the invitation is for the named recipient only and that no additional guests are allowed. 

You can also communicate this information through word of mouth or by directly contacting guests who may have assumed they could bring a plus one. 

To prevent any confusion or misunderstandings, make sure your communication is clear and direct.

Who Sits Next To Who At A Wedding

 The front row is reserved for the parents of the bride and groom.

The second row is for the brothers and sisters of the newlyweds. The third row is for grandparents and siblings who do not sit in the second row.

The bride’s parents sit in the first pew or row on the left, the groom’s parents sit in the first row on the right, leaving the two spaces closest to the aisle for the groom and his best man. 

If there is more space, additional chairs can be placed in front of the pews on the right for the groom and best man.

Who Should All Be In A Wedding

The first people who should be invited by the couple are their closest family, that is, parents and siblings.

Later, the people who have previously invited both the groom and the bride to their weddings would come, and that is when, if the wedding is done on a large scale, other relatives of the future spouses (grandparents, uncles, cousins) are also invited. 

If the wedding is done on a small scale, the bride and groom invite their immediate family only. 

In any case, the decision to invite someone to your wedding or not is very personal and depends solely on the couple, since it is their big day and they will decide what they deem most appropriate.

It often happens that if the parents are in charge of the expenses of the guests of the couple, they also invite people who have invited them to the weddings of their children or relatives. 

In this case, the wedding has a considerable number of guests.

Read also: What Games To Play At Weddings (Best Wedding Games Ever)

Who Are The Guests In A Wedding

The guests in a wedding are all the people the couple invited.

The guests includes; the bride and groom’s family, bride and groom’s relatives, bride and groom’s friends, bride and groom’s classmates, bride and groom’s colleagues and their family friends. 

How Is A Wedding Guest List Divided

You can split the guest list evenly between you and your partner, their parents and yours. 

The percentages could vary if one of the families takes charge of the wedding expenses. 

After you’ve made your first draft of each party’s guest list, it’s time to put it together into one list. 

In this step, the opinion of the couple is important, trying to reach an agreement on a complete list.

Make a list of those people who have been with you at different stages of your lives. 

This may include your immediate family, your bridal party, childhood friends, and other close people. 

Depending on your family size and social circles, this list could be anywhere from 10 to 50 people. 

This will give the couple an idea of ​​how many more spots they have on their list to fill based on their overall budget.

Read also: 7 Low Cost Weddings Tricks And Ideas To Organize A Cheap Wedding


If you are invited to a wedding, obey the rules guiding the ceremony. 

This is the best way to show the couple that you love them.

Wear the correct dress for the wedding and avoid wearing a confusing dress or jewelleries.