What Month Do Most Divorces Occur (And Why It Is So)

What Month Do Most Divorces Occur

Do you want to know the month most divorce occur? Most divorce occur in March and August.

According to research, based on data from the state of Washington, most divorce applications are filed in March and August, coinciding with the end of the summer vacation. 

“They approach the holidays with great expectations, despite the disappointments they’ve had in previous years,” says Julie Brines, a professor of sociology at the University of Washington and lead author of the study.

The vacation period, the authors say, can increase the emotional burden and stress in couples who were already experiencing a previous crisis, which triggers the hidden problem in the marriage to come to light.

The disappointment caused in unhappy spouses by the impossibility of settling their differences triggers filing for divorce after family vacations and before the children start school .

Most couples  think that in the summer there could be a solution, and they get frustrated when they don’t see a change in attitude in the other person . And this led to divorce. 

In this article, I will share more tips with you. 

Read also: How Do You Know If It’s Time For A Divorce

Let’s go on now.

What Is The Golden Age Divorce

Golden age divorce is the divorce that takes place towards the end of one’s life or during retirement age. 

It typically occurs from sixty five years and above. Some couples get tired at this age and they decide to separate. 

At this age, their health conditions are almost going down and they need special care from stronger people like family members and relatives. 

Since both of them are getting weak, they may decide to divorce and retire to an old people’s home to live the rest of their lives.

Some couples, on the other hand, feel that they need more time to stay alone at a later age, so that they can find joy again in life after retirement. 

While some feel that  they don’t need each other’s company again. 

Most people are full of regrets at this stage of their lives because of the wrong choice they made earlier in life.

But couples who are happy and fulfilled never divorce in their later years, because they have a stronger bond than others.

How Long Does Divorce Take In CA (California)

Divorce in CA takes a minimum of six months to complete everything. 

Sometimes it can be longer than six months due to the legal processes involved. 

But no matter how long it takes, you should try as much as possible to be patient and follow the processes step by step. 

Being impatient could complicate the whole thing and you may not achieve your desired results. 

Property divisions and disputes between the couple will make the divorce procedures longer than six months. 

If the cases are too complex, it may take a year before everything can be resolved between the two parties. 

Everything will depend on the specific case, some present more complexities than others. 

When the couple agree to all the terms, the divorce can take less than a year . 

But if there are recurring conflicts, a divorce petition can be delayed for years . 

Not to mention, that in the internal process of the court there are certain long terms, typical of the number of sentences to be reviewed.

Divorces in California are proceedings whose length can vary .

Everything will depend on the reconciliations that the spouses reach. 

By mutual agreement, the dissolution process will proceed without delay . Not so, if the decisions are not finalized between those involved.

How Much Does Divorce Cost In California

To file for divorce in California, certain fees must be paid when the forms are filed with the court. 

These prices range from $435 to $450. In the event that financial hardship can be proven, there is an option to waive fees.

On the other hand, the cost will be higher if you hire a lawyer. On average, most lawyers charge $280 per hour. 

But most couples go through divorce without hiring a lawyer. This makes the whole process less expensive. 

But in some cases a lawyer is needed. If you want an attorney to handle everything including paperwork and other negotiations, you spend nothing less than $10,000.

If you can’t afford this attorney’s fees, you can hire a consulting attorney to help you in the process.  Their fees are lower and quite affordable. 

What Is The Most Common Age For Divorce

Most people divorce around 44 years old.

This is when most people tend to understand life more. By this age, they are no longer moved by physical or material things.

Most people divorce at this age because they felt they married the wrong person. 

This makes them unhappy in their marriage, and they will be looking for a way out of the relationship. 

Most people who got married earlier in their 20s have more chances of getting divorced on or before age 44. 

The people that get married in their 30s have a greater chance of staying married longer. 

It is often difficult to stay married past age 44. But it is very achievable. 

I married my wife when I was 36 and she was 35. We celebrated our ten years in marriage this year. 

This may not be a great achievement, but we are proud to have lived this long. 

Most of my colleagues are now divorced. It takes a lot to live with the same person all through your life. 

What Is The 10 Year Rule In Divorce California

In California law, if couples have lived together for ten years and above, it is regarded as long term marriage. 

This means that the law affects those who have been married for ten years and above. 

This rule is very important because it affects the divorce processes like alimony and division of property. 

For marriages which lasted for more than ten years, the court has the power to determine the amount and period of alimony or spousal support. 

But they will consider the spouse’s standard of living, health conditions and the income level. 

But if the marriage is less than ten years, the alimony will be half the length of their marriage. 

In this rule also, the properties are divided equally but the court may have other things to consider for fairness. 

This rule also stipulated that if you have been married for ten years, you may be qualified for social security benefits depending on your partner’s records when you get to retirement age.

What Are The 3 C’s Of Divorce

The 3 C’s of divorce are Consideration, Compassion and Clarity.

Consideration: Consider your partner’s emotions. Don’t hurt him/her in any way. You may need their help in the future. 

Divorce is something you should do peacefully without causing more pain to your partner. 

Divorce is painful already, so be considerate and do things amicably with each other.

Compassion: Support your partner through this period. Show him/her kindness through the whole process. 

This is going to make the process faster and less stressful. It will also prevent further quarrels and fights. 

Clarity: Communicate with your partner in the way they can understand. Be transparent throughout this trying time. 

Divorce can be very difficult if there is no clarity between both of you. 

Try as much as possible to be clear and avoid complicating issues. This is going to help you to get whatever you want through this process. 

These are what will help you to have a successful and stress free divorce.

What Is A Wife Entitled To In A Divorce In California

The wife is entitled to alimony, that is spousal support. She is also entitled to equal division of their properties. And also child care support. 

In part of alimony, if the wife earns more than her husband the court will order her to help maintain her husband’s standard of living. 

In California, the properties are divided equally between the wife and the husband. 

This also includes the debts the couple incurred during their marriage. Everything is shared equally. 

The both partners have equal responsibilities and rights for their children’s custody and support. 

The court will help to make this arrangement depending on the interest of the children. 

Remember that there are other factors which the court will put into considerations like length of your marriage, health conditions and financial capabilities. 

Who Pays For A Divorce In California

In California, each partner is going to pay his/her own legal fees and the cost of divorce. 

It is not meant for a particular person. 

You will pay for your own attorney’s fees while your partner pays for theirs.

There is no law in California that states that one partner will pay for all the divorce fees.

But in some cases, the court may order one spouse to pay for everything if they are more financially capable. 


Divorce process is stressful. Try your best to cooperate and do things right. 

If you are not transparent the process may take more time. And your partner may stop responding or being active.