What To Do If You Hate Your Husband But Can’t Leave (The Best Thing To Do)

What To Do If You Hate Your Husband But Can't Leave

Do you want to know what to do if you hate your husband but can’t leave? Focus on the good sides of your husband. 

That is what you should do if you hate your husband but can’t leave. 

If you only think about the things you don’t like about your husband, everything will start to feel unpleasant, and it will become even more painful mentally.

Instead, why don’t you try to pay attention to the good sides of your husband once in a while?

My wife’s colleague Mrs. Maria hated her husband for four years in their marriage. 

My wife advised her to focus more on the good sides of her husband. Mrs. Maria accepted and implemented this in her marriage. 

Eight months later, she told us that there were a lot of improvements. 

In this article, I will share more tips with you. 

Read also: Who Initiates Divorce More ( And Why It Is So)

Let’s go on now. 

How Do I Get The Courage To Leave My Husband

The only way you can get the courage to leave your husband is to rely on your friends, family and a marriage counsellor. 

They are going to give you the necessary support you need during this time.

Don’t be ashamed to seek their support. You can reach out to old friends and tell them about your situation and feelings. 

They will understand what you are passing through and give you their support. 

But not everyone will support you. Some friends and family members may discourage you. 

If your friends and family members don’t support your decisions, you can meet a marriage counsellor who will help and encourage you to stick to your plan.

Don’t be discouraged, move on and do what you think that will benefit you.

How Do You Stop Hurting When Your Husband Leaves You

Here are the ways to stop hurting when your husband leaves you:

1. Leaving social media

Social media is one of the worst places to visit during this time. 

Many women go to social media when their husband leaves, but this is not good for your mental health. 

Staying away from social media will allow you to take a break and heal faster.

2. Changing your appearance. 

Changing your hair style and the kind of clothes you wear will help you to stop hurting. 

This is going to give you more confidence and you will find the courage to move on.

3. Getting busy

Focus more on your business or job. This will distract you from thinking about your husband who has left.

Staying idle will make you remember what you are passing through, and this will hurt you more.

4. Meeting new people and friends 

Go out to your favourite places and meet people. 

You can go to any social events like music shows, sports and seminars. You will meet great people at these events.

5. Changing your location

Rent another apartment and live far away from your ex husband. This is going to help you to forget about him quickly.

What Happens If You Separate But Never Divorce

If you separate but never divorce you will continue to live apart from your partner and be taking care of the kids till the misunderstandings between the two of you are settled.

If the misunderstandings can’t be settled, then divorce is the best option. 

You will not be able to leave together with your spouse again. Two of you are going to live apart from each other.  This means you will rent your own apartment, and your partner will rent his/her own apartment. 

It will be impossible for you to remarry when you separate but never divorce. 

Because the law of marriage is still binding between the two of you.

You should take care of the kids during separation so that it won’t affect them negatively in their development stage.

Frequently communicating with the kids is very important so that they won’t feel lonely. 

Both parents should try and communicate with their kids regularly to reduce the negative effects of separation on the kids.

Is 50 Too Late To Divorce

No, 50 is not too late to divorce. 

If you want to divorce at 50, you can do that without any problem.

Every year, about 14,000 people over the age of 50 decide to get divorced. 

At 50, it is mainly the women who no longer want a steady partner. About 40% of

women over the age of 50 no longer want to enter into a relationship. 

That compared to only 25% for men.

Over the age of 65, more than 70% of women are certain that they will not have a relationship again.

Divorce at 50 affects women more. The household income drops by 25%(approx) for men and more than 40%(approx) for women, after a divorce. 

Women’s life expectancy has continued to increase since the 1980s, a divorced woman finds herself living much longer on much less.

Reasons why people divorce at 50:

• Growing apart: Most couples developed interests in different things after 50. 

They will start to desire the qualities which their partner doesn’t have.

• Not compatible: After 50, most couples find it difficult to bond with each other, and this may lead to divorce. 

• Lack of attention: Because they have stayed long with each other, it will be difficult for them to communicate and find each other attractive again. 

• Understanding and love: At 50, they seem to be tired of each other. And this will reduce the love they have for each other.

Can I Remarry At 50

Yes, you can remarry at 50 If you find someone that you love.

What are the advantages of remarrying at 50?

1. Couples are more mature, have greater decision-making power and fight for their interests together.

2. They are clear about their objective, and manage pressure better without bowing to the expectations of others. 

They know how to negotiate and they will not experience the stress of the wedding with so much anguish.

3. They celebrate the wedding they want. They can resist social and family pressures.

And they are not afraid to organise the kind of ceremony that fits into the moment they are living.

4. The economic situation is better. They usually have their own home, stability and a common project.

So they will manage a more realistic budget for the ceremony and marriage.

5. They know exactly what they want in a relationship. They have learnt a lot from their past relationship and this will help them to make a good choice.

What are the disadvantages of remarrying at 50?

1. Going from “I” to “we” costs more. They will have to work hard on flexibility and try to adapt in the new relationship. 

2. Absences of each partner will be more noticeable. When any of the partners travels for work or business, the other partner will feel the pain of loneliness at that moment. 

3. There will be people who will criticize them. People will question their decision of remarrying at 50, because it is not so common in some cultures.

4. The honeymoon will not be so fun. For young people, it is usually the “first big trip” or something “unforgettable”. Perhaps you have already traveled and shared a lot.

5. The wedding ceremony may not go well, if any of the partners have negative experiences during the first wedding. The experience may come back to him/her.

Why Do People Divorce After 30 Years

People divorce after 30 years because of the following:

1 – Living apart: Couples who live far away from each other for a longer time, maybe because of work go through moments of loneliness. 

And end up divorcing each other.

2 – Lack of sex: Many people enjoy sex more as they get older. 

If the other partner is not ready to satisfy this sexual urge they will divorce and seek another partner who can satisfy them sexually. 

3 – Lack of communication:  Since the couples have lived together for 30 years, the communication between two of them will decrease. 

They will usually fight for reasons that could be avoided with good and quick communication. When this happens repeatedly, they will seek a divorce. 

4 – Loneliness: Something very common in couples who have lived 30 years together is loneliness. 

Feeling alone within a marriage is a horrible situation, a feeling of defeat and frustration that has no end. 

This is even stronger when the couple sees their children leaving home. Both partners become sad, and they will end the marriage. 

Is 40 Too Late To Divorce

No, it is not too late to divorce at 40. Many people are getting divorce at 40 already. 

Most people realise their mistake at 40 and go on to correct it. Have you heard of this adage; “Life is sweeter at 40”. 

If your marriage is not working and you want to divorce at 40, it is no big deal. 

At 40 you are still young and full of life. You can find love again if you wish to.

It might seem too difficult to divorce at 40 because of the financial and emotional investments you have made in the marriage. 

But you have to pick up courage and move on with your life, and be happy again.

Your desire to start a new life is good, it won’t be easy but it is worth it. Divorcing at this age doesn’t mean a failed life. 

Read also: Annulment Vs Divorce (Which Is Better?) 


You can divorce at any age you want if you think that it is good for you.

Age should not be your problem, your happiness should be the only thing to worry about at this time.