What Year Do Most Marriages Fail – And Why It Is So.

What Year Do Most Marriages Fail

Do you want to know what year most marriages fail? 7 and 8 years are the year most marriages fail. 

While this can change from year to year, the averages are always close to the seven-year mark. 

A 2012 survey found that American divorce rates peaked after about ten to twelve years.

Most couples seem to become tired after seven years of marriage. The first five years are the happiest for some couples.

In this article, I will share more tips with you. 

Read also: What Hurts The Most About Divorce (Best Divorce Tips)

Let’s go on now. 

Here are reasons why most marriages fail after 7 and 8 years:

According to Recruit Bridal Research Institute’s Divorce Survey (2016), the top reasons why most marriages fail are:

Difference in values…46.4%

Difference view on life…40.9%

Personality mismatch…38.7%

Difference understanding about money…36.4%

Lack of communication between husband and wife…29.2%

Cheating (your partner or yourself) … 26.4%

Debt (other partner’s or your own) … 22.9%

Problem with the other partner’s parents or relatives (the other partner or yourself) … 22.7%

How Do I Tell My Husband I Don’t Want To Be Married Anymore

Here are how to tell your husband that you don’t want to be married anymore;

1. Tell him what happened: Start by telling him the exact reason why you don’t want to be married anymore. 

It could be his bad habits, financial set back or lack of love and communication. State it categorically and don’t hide anything from him.

2. Show him feelings: Don’t hide your feelings when telling him about what you want. 

Show him that you are not feeling fine about everything, but be specific. 

3. Express your wishes and communicate your decision: Since you have made up your mind to end the marriage, be bold when telling him about it. 

Don’t sound unserious or unconvinced. 

4. Thank him for all the good things: Thank him for the wonderful things he has done for you in the past. 

That you don’t want the marriage anymore doesn’t mean the two of you should become enemies. 

How Do I Tell My Husband I Want To Separate

Some tips that can help you to communicate to your husband that you want to separate are the following:

1. Plan the place and time in which you will tell him about it

You must think about the most appropriate place and time to talk to him. 

If there is no type of violence and/or aggressiveness in the marriage, you should choose a place where you can be alone with him. 

Try that in the time in which you let them know, there will be no interruptions so that you can speak privately.

2. Maintain a sincere and firm attitude

When you talk to him, do it confidently and without hesitation, because if you have made that decision it is because you are convinced that it is the best for you, even if later you may be wrong. 

On the other hand, you also have to speak honestly to him, so that she sees that the reasons you are giving him to end the relationship are real and that they are enough for you to end the relationship. 

You must show him that you are acting in accordance with what you feel at the moment. Speak calmly, safely and with the total conviction of what you want.

3. Show empathy towards your husband 

On many occasions, news like this is painful. 

You should show respect and understanding towards your husband, let him know how sorry you are (if that is the case) that the situation had to happen like this. 

However, you should not get carried away by your husband’s pain and change your mind so as not to “make him feel bad.”

4. Don’t make hopeful comments.

If you’re sure of your decision, avoid making comments that make your husband think you might change your mind later just by pretending not to hurt them. 

Keep in mind that you do more damage to him when you give him false hope than when you don’t.

How Do You Continue An Unhappy Marriage

Sometimes when we are in a bad marriage, we feel inadequate. 

You wonder if it is possible to rediscover the good relationship you had in the beginning. The answer is yes, but you have to work for it.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have the financial means to go to therapy. 

However, if it’s within your means, I suggest you take that first step. But even if that’s not an option, here are some tips you can try:

1. Take a good look at yourself

“The tango is danced in pairs.” I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase before. 

In other words: problems in a relationship are rarely the sole responsibility of one person. 

Observe your behavior, and think about how it may have contributed to the current state of your marriage.

2. Take responsibility for your actions

Tell your partner how you feel, and commit to changing your behavior immediately.

3. Be honest and open

Sometimes it’s easier to look the other way and ignore problems, but your marriage won’t improve if you act that way. 

Sit down and be honest with yourself about the state of your marriage. 

Then, tell your partner how you feel, and have a deep and honest conversation.

4. Have an honest talk

This step is obvious, but it is necessary to do it. 

You can’t chart a plan for the future if they don’t even talk about their problems in the first place.

5. Each one explains their perception of the problems

Perception is reality, which is to say that your spouse sees marriage in a very different way than you do. 

That’s why you need to hear his point of view.

6. Just listen

While your partner is explaining their point of view, just listen to what they say. 

Don’t talk or interrupt. Instead, stay calm, and don’t be defensive.

7. Make a list of the things you both want to change.

In order to rebuild your marriage, things obviously have to change, on both of your parts. 

Therefore, you need to write down the things that need to change in your marriage, and talk about it.

8. Write a “contract”

It is easy for people to say that they are going to change, but it is different for them to actually do so. 

Therefore, it is best to draw up a “contract” between the two of you and sign it. This shows a commitment to your partner to want to change.

What Is The Divorce Rate By Age

Married divorce rate by age group per 1,000 married population, 2020.

                     Man(husband)        Woman(wife)

Total number       4.51                      4.48

~19 years old       39.80                   71.72

20-24 years old    49.47                   47.24

25-29 years old    20.85                   20.15

30-34 years old    12.97                   12.37

35-39 years old     9.75                     8.76

40-44 years old     7.59                     6.77

45-49 years old     6.08                     5.37

50-54 years old     4.64                     3.75

55-59 years old     3.03                     2.05

60-64 years old     1.95                     1.12

65-69 years old     1.12                      0.69

From 70 years old  0.48                     0.35

From the chart above, you will notice that as the age increases the rate of divorce is decreasing as well.

This means that younger people divorce more than older people. 

Note: The figures are the number of divorces per 1,000 married people aged 15 and above.

What Is The Most Popular Month To File For Divorce

The most popular month to file for divorce is August. 

This is the time when most people are on vacation. 

They have enough time to look into their relationship and if the problem in their marriage can’t be reconciled, they will file for divorce immediately. 

This time also, most people decide to start a new life and pursue their goals without distractions from their spouse. 

Most people believe that it is better to end an unhappy marriage with their partner instead of living in sadness. 

Why others, especially women, see marriage as an obstruction to attain greatness in their career or profession.

They try to avoid this obstruction by filing for divorce. 

What Percent Of Marriages Are Happy

The percentage of marriages that are happy is 60%.

Yes, even as divorce is increasing in recent times, many people are still happy together.

These are some of the causes of unhappiness in marriage:

1 laziness

It is always said that relationships are difficult and require a lot of work. 

Well, think about it: anything worthwhile in life requires effort, right? I mean, unless you win the lottery, nobody gets rich without working hard for it. 

In this sense, relationships are no different. You have to work for your marriage. If you’re too lazy to do it, it won’t survive.

2 Selfishness

Many people are selfish to some degree. But, when the prosperity of a marriage is at stake, then it is a problem. 

You can’t always put your needs first. You must put your partner’s needs at least on the same level as your own, or prioritize them. 

If not, the resentment will continue to grow without limit.

3 Carelessness

If you don’t make an effort and if you are constantly selfish, you are neglecting your partner and your entire relationship. 

Relationships are like plants: if you don’t water it, it will die. If you neglect your marriage, eventually, it too will die.

What Is The #1 Thing That Destroys Marriages

According to research, sexual infidelity is still the most common reason for divorce. 

Approximately 37% of respondents cited their own or their partner’s infidelity as the cause of the breakup. 

However, as much as our sexual mores have changed in recent years, couples still expect their partners to be faithful. 

When that doesn’t happen, they are still couples, but with a much higher probability of separating.

Living with a cheating partner can be so painful and that is the reason why most couples separate when they find out that their partner is cheating on them.

What Is The #1 Rule Of Marriage

The #1 rule of marriage is dedication.

Couples at the beginning of marriage tend to believe that after the “yes” everything will be a fairy tale. 

Life as a couple at the beginning is wonderful, but you have to have your feet on the ground and, of course, be present! 

For any marriage to “work out” you have to understand that there will be good days and bad days, and that the main ingredient of a successful married life is dedication. 

Everyday needs to be lived with love, so don’t dedicate yourself to your partner only on special occasions. 

Demonstrate every day that you want to be part of that relationship. That your partner is important, even in the most stressful moments.


Marriage can be enjoyable if the couple are dedicated to improving their union. 

If you still want to divorce, you can go on and do as you wish.

Whatever decision you make, be courageous and follow what makes you happy.