Who Initiates Divorce More ( And Why It Is So)

Who Initiates Divorce More

Do you want to know who initiates divorce more? Women initiate divorce more in about seventy percent of cases.

These two women, Emma and Elizabeth pointed out the reasons why women tend to quit marriages more than the men. Two of them are divorcees.

Both point out that, to explain why they ask for separation most of the time, it is important to remember that marriage does not usually have the same meaning for men and women. 

“Men marry in search of stability and because it is something that is expected, as if it were a next step. 

Women, on the other hand, join their partners in pursuit of ideals of happiness and complementarity. 

So, if the marriage is bad, the man goes along with it. Because, for him, it is more important to guarantee this stable union”, says Emma. 

“But, for the woman, it is better to leave the relationship that is no longer able to make her happy”, concludes Elizabeth.

In this article, I will share more tips with you. 

Read also: Can I Divorce My Wife If I Don’t Like Her (What You Must Do)

Let’s go on now. 

What Is The Number One Cause Of Divorce

Research claims that the main cause of divorce is the financial crisis.

With the high price of gasoline, the economic impacts caused by the pandemic and other disasters, the cost of living has grown alarmingly and with that many relationships have come to an end. 

The point is that money may not bring happiness, but the lack of it can bring problems to married life. 

Mariana, 28 years old, is one of those who saw her relationship come to an end in the middle of the pandemic for financial reasons.

And today, she opted for a dating  platform to find a new partner and have a more complete, transparent and stress-free relationship.

She says: “The immaturity of younger men is a factor that complicates any relationship, and when this is combined with a lack of money, it’s worse. 

So I don’t want that for my life anymore, I got to know the platform and I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 months now, who is a successful and mature man who treats me like a princess. I am really happy.”

Technology came to help us to make more money and when done in a safe and practical way, it can bring the turning point for the better in someone’s life. 

The important thing is to have a happy and healthy relationship, where both are and will be happily ever after, this “always” being real and natural.

Are Second Marriages More Successful

Yes, second marriages are more successful. 

Getting married a second time is better because you are already more prepared to deal with conflict situations without turning everything into a tragedy.

You don’t make a storm out of a teapot with each new argument. 

Understand that excessive jealousy is destructive and that if you’re with someone who doesn’t encourage you to be better, nothing will make sense.

In the second marriage, you are more mature. You understand that you have to make concessions in a relationship, but at the same time, you already know what is too expensive for you to give up. 

You know yourself well enough to understand your own limits in the relationship. 

Another advantage is learning to value the little things more, the details that can go unnoticed in the rush of everyday life. 

You know that it takes a lot more than love to sustain a relationship for many years.

Is Divorce Better Than An Unhappy Marriage

If you are in a bad marriage, getting divorced is better. 

Uncertainty about the future can be frightening at first.

But being aware that good opportunities and possibilities can arise at any moment brings relief and hope to live unprecedented experiences in all areas of life.

Getting divorced and finally getting rid of a failed relationship still increases your chances of finding a new passion, something that would rarely happen if you were in an unhappy marriage. 

Being trapped in a dead-end marriage therefore sabotages your attempt to be happy in love again.

In cases of abusive relationships, divorce can save a person’s self-esteem. 

Living next to someone who belittles or mistreats you undermines your confidence and makes you stop believing in yourself. 

Separation then helps to have a greater understanding of your capabilities and ensure confidence in your personal and even professional life.

Couples who have children are usually the ones who suffer the most when thinking about divorce, but believe me: separation will not be the worst thing that children will face. 

Much worse is subjecting the little ones to a hostile and even violent daily life just to not “break up” the family.

Living in an unhappy relationship can even compromise the well-being of the children in the future.

As they will have greater difficulty in understanding that it is possible to be happy alone and have a mistaken and sad perception of marriage. 

It is definitely necessary to understand that happy parents are better parents for their children

When Should You Call A Marriage Quit

Deep down, everyone has an idea of ​​when is the right time to end a relationship. 

They no longer feel comfortable being in the relationship, living with their spouse and imagining a future with them. 

Interactions, even when short, are not pleasant and require monumental effort.

Here are signs you should call a marriage quit;

1. You don’t trust your partner

The spouse’s actions, decisions and words are strange . 

He or she makes lame excuses, lies and contradicts himself, or hides unnecessary things from you. 

These attitudes lead him to suspect if there is no other person or if he is not up to something. 

Soon, you never have peace. After all, how can you build your life alongside someone who isn’t completely honest with you?

2. You live and coming back

“Back and forth” are common in relationships that are not working out anymore. 

You keep breaking up, bad mouthing each other, and getting back together a few days or weeks later. 

These relationship dynamics may be less painful when you’re young, but when you’re looking to build a stable life with someone else, it quickly becomes tiresome. 

This often happens because both partners are unwilling to face the real problems in the relationship.

3. You are afraid

Fear is a feeling that must be taken seriously. When living with a partner you are afraid of, the relationship is no longer healthy and the best decision is to move away from the spouse.

How Divorce Changes A Woman

Divorce can change a woman in many ways, It can be negative or positive changes.

Here are how divorce changes a woman positively;

•  Happiness: Many women are in an unhappy marriage. If they divorce in this case, they will find happiness again.

• She will look more beautiful: Bad marriage can make a woman look unhealthy. After divorce, many women look more attractive and beautiful. 

• Freedom: She will have the freedom to do what she wants with her life again after divorce. 

Doing things at her own pace: If a woman is in a bad marriage, she may be doing things under pressure. 

Because her partner may not allow her to do things at her own pace. 

Here are how divorce changes a woman negatively:

• Financial difficulties: She may go broke after divorce if she doesn’t have any job or investment. 

• Raising Kids: Raising the kids will be so difficult for her alone.

• Depression: She may be depressed due to heart break.

• Low self esteem: She may  think she is not good enough and this will make her have low self confidence. 

Who Initiates 90% Divorce

Women initiate 90% divorce. This is because women are too emotional and lack the ability to withstand hard times for a longer time.

This means that it is the wife who makes the decision to divorce in 3/4 of separation situations.

One of the reasons most often given to explain this is that women work much more now than in past generations and they therefore depend less on their husbands. 

According to a 2016 INSEE study, more than 80% of women between the ages of 25 and 49 are working women.

And if we take the general population, more than 60% of women between the ages of 15 and 64 work.

The figures speak for themselves and we see that almost 70% of women who divorce have a professional activity or work. 

It is also interesting to point out that almost 75% of conflicting divorces (subject to contentious proceedings) are initiated by women.

The decision to divorce often follows the discovery of an extra-marital relationship.

And this is why these figures should be put into perspective since it is in reaction to adultery that many women decide to ask for a divorce.

What Is The Best Age To Marry To Avoid Divorce

According to a recent study conducted by American sociologist  Nicholas Wolfinger.

A professor at the University of Utah, the probability of divorce among married couples decreases exponentially based on the age at which the marriage is contracted . 

In particular, it emerged that the ideal age to get married is  between 25 and 32 years old . 

Incredible isn’t it? 

Those who marry under the age of 20 have a 30% greater chance of getting divorced. 

Those who get married between the ages of 20 and 24, on the other hand, risk 20% more divorce in the future.

For those who decide to say “I do” after the age of 35, the risk is 19% higher. 

Therefore, the best age group to get married is between 25 and 32 years old.

Which Couples Are Most Likely To Divorce

Couples who have been married for 20 years or more are called middle-aged couples.

And it can be seen that divorces among middle-aged couples (middle-aged divorces) are very common.

Divorce among middle-aged people is one of the factors that increase the overall divorce rate. 

There are various backgrounds leading to a middle-aged divorce. Adultery is one major cause of middle-aged divorce. 

Most couples who have been married for over 20 years may not find each other attractive again. 

This will make them seek for divorce and go their separate ways. 

Read also: 10 Things To Do Immediately After Divorce (Fast Healing Tips)


Divorce may favor you or be a disaster for you depending on your situation. 

Before you make any move remember to check well to avoid regretting your actions in times to come.