Why Family Time Is Important (5 Best Reason)

Why Family Time Is Important (5 Best Reason)

Do you want to know why family time is important? Family time is important in several ways. 

My family spend time together by engaging in different fun activities like playing games and exercise. 

Not spending time together as a family causes  division and instability in the family. 

In this article, I will share with you why family time is important. 

Let’s go on now. 

Read also: How Family Can Influence You (5 Unbelievable Ways)

Family time is important because:

1. It helps family members bond with one another. 

2. It helps everyone to share their opinion concerning the family. 

3. It makes the family members happy.

4. It helps parents to understand their children. 

5. It promotes unity in the family.

How Family Members Communicate

Family members communicate through the following ways:

1. Email: Family members communicate through email by sending messages to one another. 

2. Social media: Family members communicate through social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. 

3. Face to face: Family members communicate by meeting face to face, and share their thoughts together. 

4. Family meeting: Family members communicate by organising family meetings where everyone comes together and discusses important things about the family. 

5. Fun activities: Family members communicate by playing games. 

This is the time they joke and laugh with one another. 

6. Family members communicate through argument: This may sound crazy. 

Most family members let out their thoughts and feelings through arguments. 

This is because they may not have the courage to share their thoughts during family meetings or other times.

7. Hug: Family members show how they feel through hugs.

8. Helping one another: Family members communicate by helping one other when they need help.

How Family Can Destroy A Marriage

Family can destroy a marriage in various ways which includes:

1. Wrong advice: Some family members can give couples wrong advice on how to run their family. 

This kind of wrong advice is going to end the marriage sooner or later.

2. Unnecessary demand: When the family demands more time from the couple, it will be difficult for the spouse to have their own private time. 

And this can end their marriage. 

3. Too much borrowing: Too much borrowing of money from the couple can lead them into financial setback. 

4. Sharing secrets: Every couple has their own secrets. 

These secrets shouldn’t be shared with any family members because the family can use it to destroy the marriage. 

5. Crossing boundaries: Families can destroy marriage by not giving the couple the space they need.

6. Too much expectations: Most families expect too much from couples, and these expectations put the couple into pressure. 

Read also: How Do You Know When Someone In Your Family Loves You

How Family Affects Mental Health

Family affects mental health in various ways. This can have positive or negative effects. 

How family affects mental health positively:

1. Leisure time: Most families create time for leisure. This helps the members to relax and have fun.

2. Meditation: Family meditation helps family members to stay motivated which improves their mental health. 

3. Inspiration: Family inspires everyone in the family to become better and successful. 

4. Compliment: Studies have shown that compliment improves mental health. 

Family helps to improve mental health by telling one another sweet things when they do something nice.

How family affects mental health negatively:

1. Anxiety: Family members may discourage you in taking risks and trying out new things.

2. Pessimism: Family members can make you only see the bad side of life.

3. Unhappiness: Some people are always sad because they learnt it from their family. 

How Family Affects Child Development

Here are how family affects child development:

1. Development skills

It is very important for a child to learn various developmental skills, such as motor, cognitive, emotional, and language skills, in order for them to grow optimally.

To help your child develop his motor skills, you should involve him in various types of physical activities so that he can adjust to them. 

Consider that while certain activities might seem natural to you as an adult, they could be difficult tasks for your little child. 

As for language-related skills, it is important that your child speak, read, sing or participate in more activities in which they have to use language. 

It has been observed that parents or family members who spend more time talking with young children promote better language proficiency.

2. Security

Children understand what security is from the family because their parents attend to all their basic needs. 

In addition to caring for a child’s survival, family provides an emotional security that you may not find anywhere else.

Children who feel safe and secure can grow and develop better than those who live in unsafe environments, where they may be afraid to express themselves freely. 

Safety is of the utmost importance for every child, and the quality of their emotional, physical and cognitive development depends on it.

3. Values

Children are like sponges and absorb everything they perceive or observe. 

This confers a great responsibility on the parents, because the children will learn a lot from them.

The best way to teach any child is to lead by example, so it’s a good idea to start instilling good values ​​from an early age. 

It is often believed that young children are not capable of appreciating the importance of values, but this is not necessarily true. 

Children understand better when they are made to understand the consequences of their actions. 

How Family Affects Socialization

You and your family are the first social group your child will interact with. 

This means that your child’s first learning will be done by observing your family members. 

Families that treat each other with love and respect foster an optimal family outlook or share a positive example of social interaction. 

If your family spends quality time in each other’s company, it will promote healthy social development. 

In addition, these interactions will help your child learn to interact with other people. 

The way families interact with children helps them better understand relationships. 

They learn to feel comfortable, make friends, or trust people in their family. 

Relationships are crucial to human survival, and your child can learn to establish and maintain relationships with his family. 

The foundations of social skills are built at home, so parents strongly influence their children to develop better social skills and socialize successfully as they grow up.

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How Family And Peer-Group Socialization Differ

Family socialization: Family is the first place where children learn basic things like  how to walk, how to eat and how to talk.

As babies, we are completely dependent on others for survival. 

Our parents, or those who play the role of parents, are responsible for teaching us how to function and take care of ourselves.

Parents are responsible for teaching the children how to interact with others. 

Families teach children the basic values of life like respect, patience, forgiveness, tolerance and joy.

These are what will help the child to grow and become a responsible adult. 

Peer group socialization: Peer groups give us the opportunity to build relationships with others on our own terms, as well as learn things without adult direction. 

Our peers have an incredible influence on us when we’re young, so it’s understandable that parents worry about the type of friends we choose.

However, our peers also give us the opportunity to develop many of the social skills we need as adults.

How Family Affects Your Life

Family can affect your life in various ways which includes:

1. Family affects your financial success: If you come from a poor family, it may be very difficult for you to achieve financial success. 

It will become more difficult if you don’t inherit any assets.

2. Family affects your relationship with others: If you were not allowed to interact with others by your family, it will be difficult for you to have a good relationship with other people. 

Either business or romantic relationship. 

3. Family affects your success in school: If your family is not intelligent, you will likely not perform well in school. 

4. Family affects your life through divorce: If your parents are divorced, it may be difficult for you to have a lasting marriage or relationship in the future. 

5. Family affects how often you get angry: If you grew up in a toxic family, you may get angry easily with other people. 

This is a behavior disorder caused by a toxic family. 

Read also: How Do You Stay Strong In A Toxic Family (3 Sure Ways)

How Family Affect Your Personality

Here are how family affect your personality:

1. Quietness: Introverts are mainly quiet. 

They are not outgoing and they like staying indoors. This is inherited from the family.

2. Outgoing: Extroverts like socialising with many groups of friends. 

They like clubbing and partying. This is also inherited from the family. 

3. Sadness: Some people are unhappy, not because they are not successful. 

This is because they were raised in a toxic family and this affects their personality. 

4. Drinking too much alcohol: Children who grew up in a family where everyone smokes and drinks, will likely do the same when they become adults. 

5.Boldness: If the parents engage their kids in public speaking early enough, the children will become bold when they become adults. 

6. Cleanliness: People that came from families that maintain neatness will always stay clean.


How many times have we heard the expression “family is family”? Well, if not, this sentence tries to capture the importance of the family and how it lasts over time compared to other elements.

Although this statement makes a lot of sense, we must not forget that it is not enough to share blood or legal ties with someone, the family goes beyond this structure.

Building a supportive, affectionate home that takes care of us, allows us to grow without prejudice and fear.

This gives us the freedom to develop from a young age, build and discover who we are when we become adults.