10 Things To Do Immediately After Divorce (Fast Healing Tips)

10 Things To Do Immediately After Divorce (Fast Healing Tips)

Do you want to know 10 things you should do immediately after divorce? This is going to help you overcome divorce trauma fast.

My friend Johnson told me how difficult it was for him to move on after divorcing his wife.

They divorced after eight years of marriage because of unresolved problems in their marriage.

Johnson shared with me 10 smart things he did immediately after their divorce which helped him to heal fast and forget about his ex wife.

In this article, I am going to share with you the 10 things he did that helped him overcame divorce trauma.

Read also: How Do You Know Your Spouse Is Serious About Divorce (Real Signs)

Divorce is a painful experience. After breakup you’ll be heart broken, depressed, develop low self esteem and might even consider suicide. 

But this is also part of life that some people have to deal with. Don’t hurt yourself because you just got divorced. The next thing to do is to pick yourself up and move on.

Let’s me these with you now.

10 Things To Do Immediately After Divorce (Fast Healing Tips)

1. Give yourself time to heal: Divorce comes with emotional pain. You need to give yourself some time to heal before trying another relationship if you want.

Healing will make you more productive at work, and you’ll worry less. Stay for at least 6 months to a year before you go into another relationship if you still want to.

2. Start practicing self care: Don’t dwell too much in the past. Buy new clothes for yourself, new perfumes, new jewelleries and take good care of yourself. 

3. Start going to gym: Register with any nearby gym. This will help you to be in good shape and at the same time help you to heal from the pain of divorce.

You will look cute and attractive to other suitors if you still want to marry again or enter another relationship. 

4. Get a pet: This might sound strange to you but getting a pet will hasten your healing.

Pets are great stress relievers. They’ll keep you company and make you happy. They’ll help you to overcome divorce trauma and pains. 

5. Join a positive thinking group: Be part of any support group that will help you to stay positive about your life and future.

What you need at this moment is encouragement and good advice. Joining a group like this will help you to stay positive. 

6. Travel to new places: Visiting new places will refresh your thoughts and body.

You might get new ideas about making your life better when you travel. This will also help you to meet new people and make new friends.

7. Plant your favourite flower: Get a flower pot and plant your favourite flower around your home entrance door.

Anytime you’re going out, their smell and beautiful colors are going to send a feel good hormones down your spines, especially if the flowers have bright colors.

Nurture the flowers and make sure they never die. Flowers are more than ornaments. 

8. Look at the mirror: Get an average sized mirror and hang it in your room. If you wake up in the morning, go straight to the mirror and look at your face for about two minutes.

Just be looking at yourself without saying anything. Do this also before going to bed.

You’ll see beyond your physical self and you’ll notice how precious and how great you are.

The reason for this is for you to see that you still have greater days ahead and the pains of the divorce will reduce drastically. 

9. Focus more on your goals: Write down everything you want to achieve in the future and start working towards achieving those goals.

Pursuing your dream will help you stay strong and positive. It will also distract you from thinking about the divorce and the pains you’re passing through. 

10. Get a teddy bear for yourself: Relax with a teddy bear. Sleep and cuddle with the teddy bear that you choose for yourself.

It will give you great comfort and support your healing process. 

These are the things you can do to get relief from divorce trauma.

But remember you’ll still need time to heal completely. You can’t get healed from divorce overnight. 

Read also: How Long Does Divorce Take (Monthly/Yearly Statistics)

Why Do People Get Divorced?

There are several reasons why people decide to end their marriages. It could be the fault of their partner or it may be by mutual consent. 

So let’s see the reasons why people divorce their partner. 

1. Cheating: People divorce when their partner cheats on them continuously.

Sometimes it is very difficult to change a cheating partner. It has become a habit for some people. 

2. Domestic violence: People who are in abusive relationships and marriages will likely divorce their partner.

Living with an abusive partner is dangerous, because they might kill their partner one day if the victim continues staying with them.

3. Lack of finance: Money is very important in marriages and relationships. No marriage or relationship can function properly without money.

When the couple can’t foot their bills any more they might decide to quit the marriage. 

4. Lack of love: When there is no more love in the marriage everything will be going sour.

And the couple will be quarreling and fighting themselves all the time. When this is the case, there is high possibility for divorce.

5. Lack of sex: Sex is very vital in marriage. If there’s no sex in the relationship again, there will be problem.

The couple will definitely divorce and find another person who is sexually compatible with them.

6. Health challenges: Some health challenges do cause divorce in marriage if the other partner can’t cope with it. 

7. Infertility: People that are infertile before getting married will likely be divorced by their partner when they discover that they’re the problem to the barrenness in their marriage.

These are the reasons why people divorce their partner. There might be other reasons but these are the popular ones. 

Read also: What Year Do Most Marriages Fail – And Why It Is So.

Can A Divorcee Marry Again?

Yes, a divorcee can marry again if he or she want to. There’s no law that says that divorcees can’t get married if they wish.

You can still find love again after divorce. And this is the reason why you should take all the 10 points listed above very seriously.

They will prepare you to meet a great partner who can love and cherish you forever. 

Is there any age at which someone can’t divorce?

You can divorce at any age if you wish to. Divorce is not limited to any age.


Divorce is not an easy experience. You need time to heal from divorce.

And you need to heal completely before going into another relationship or marriage.

Take good care of yourself after divorce so that it won’t affect your mental health. Don’t hurt yourself or plan any evil against your former partner.

Revenge is not the solution. Don’t fight your partner for the divorce.

It only mean that things didn’t work out between the two of you, it doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person. Learn from it, heal, cry and move on. Better days are coming.

Read also: Annulment Vs Divorce (Which Is Better?)